Why the hate?

Blackcel here. We go through the same problems you do. We are not all rappers or athletes, despite what media pushes.
Why so much hate?

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I don’t hate black people as long as they support separate but equal laws and Jim Crow

>We are not all rappers or athletes, despite what media pushes.
Ya, only 95/100 of you are. You expect us to take the gamble?

Your race is a curse on the earth, unicorn. I wish I could kill every nigger on this planet including you. I know it would make the world a better place forever. No more niggers. It’s beautiful. And better.

Who cares if u like them or not u redneck scum they will take over ur country regardless. Go kys

I do not hate you. You are just as much victim of the jews as the rest of us.

I don't hate Niggers

I like black people

I don't hate black people but I hate niggers

Ehhh, as long as you're not fucking our women and behaving yourself, you're fine.

I know you would still fuck our women if you could though, which is why I don't get too close with you guys.

Actual racism (not hanging out with other races) is pretty retarded.

Don't worry black user memeflag, ill be your fren.

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Some of my nigger friends are black

April Fool's Day was over three weeks ago so you can drop the nigger loving act

Blacks smell like poo

I love baby niggerinos! they are sooo cute!!

I don't hate you user. I hate the thugs and gangbangers.

Just go back to Africa and advocate what’s best for your race and straighten out your niggers and mind your own business and deal with your own problems. We don’t owe you anything. Go back.

unironically kill yourself amerimutt.

Walking with God is the great equalizer, user


Actually they smell like hair product, baby powder, and musty.


Damn i thought you all rappers, now i don't see a point to like you niggers at all,

It's easy for blacks to become buff, as a nigger, you should be able to go from blackcel to Tyrone very easily. Go ask Yas Forums

Because we shouldn't have to live with your people, but we're forced to.
It's white flight if we leave, and it's gentrification if we stay.
We're in a no-win situation with your people. We are not given options, we are TOLD how we HAVE to think and behave in relation to you.
That will naturally make a group hate another group.
But there's way more to it than that.
Your people have a naturally low IQ and a propensity for violence. You commit crime at a far higher rate than any other group, and yet you want to be treated like innocent victims of an unjust system.
Your people seem almost incapable of introspection and growth. On a group level, all your people seem to do is point the finger. You don't analyze your behavior, and you seem to be unable to accept harsh truths, so as a people, you don't grow. You act like a race of children.
It's the most frustrating thing having to deal with you, most especially because we're not allowed not to.
You're like a race of barbarians, beating us constantly, while demanding we not notice.
You're basically the blunt objects that the Jews use to beat their enemies with. That's your purpose in the west.

Fuck you kike

Black people are cool.

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If we each get our own ethnostates we can still be frens.


Post a picture of your hand holding a PS4 game and I'll believe you're a nigger.

Else, fuck off

I love black people
(When they don’t rob me)


You guys stay here, I gotta go back behind the shed with your based nigger friend for a second.

You come with me, leaf.

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I live in Akron OH, which is like 50/50 black/white and I have without fail, never met a single black person without a victim complex who defines their character by being black but then is offended by anyone calling that out. There's a lot of great black people, I'm not a hater, hard to be here, but no matter how educated or well spoken or successful, this always remains true. My roommate got his entire schooling paid for at Kent state for being a black minority (l m a o) and still talks about how oppressed he is at least five times a week, whereas I'm 60k in debt from mine

Fucking chink, show flag.

Niggers have a place and it's not in the west. Preferably all dead but at least far far away from here

I have nothing in common with blacks. I honestly feel like they're a different species and I'd rather have an all white planet. It's not personal just how it is.

>Why the hate?
just returning the favor now apologize nigger.

Fucking this, It's all so tiresome
On top of everything every black I have ever met seemed to believe that I owed them for being oppressed. I used to feel sorry for them, but the more I interact with them the more I realize that things were that way for a fucking reason

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there is a reason Africans hate you nigger, you guys where the retards that got caught.], and shame other blacks.

Maybe you can rap a little bit?

Obviously slave owners will take the better ones

Assessed fairly, blacks as a whole are a mixed collection of positive and negative traits if you consider their contributions to music, sport and other forms of entertainment to be positive. I for one consider post-blues music, post-Pryor stand-up comedy, post-Jackie-Robinson baseball, among other sectors of daily life to be an improvement with black involvement.

To be clear, that is representative of the black problem. They improve quotidian while not giving as strong of contributions to projects with "downstream"/"step two" benefits. Compare for example to Asians who are highly represented in science and engineering but are generally unfunny autistic people. However, sharing a jurisdiction with Asians generally doesn't produce many negative outcomes (though not void of negative behavior) while blacks are routinely associated with problems, the worst being physical crimes like rape, murder, and assault.

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Well, generally speaking, blacks are a burden on every country they inhabit and they value nothing except drugs and money.

Obviously there are exceptions but as a whole they're just bad news.

Cause you taking all the white girls from them

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