You bigots literally cannot argue with this


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I both kneel to the national anthem and fly the Confederate flag unironically.

Fuck niggers and fuck the Union. Hang politicians and coons from the same trees.

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I can't argue with something that's true.

I don't like either of them

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I respect that point of view.

>not accepting defeat
You guys should have been genocided, we would have less problems

Both need a haircut

Only because I don't argue with strawmen


The small details of any White agenda are barely differ, one to another.

Any nigger agenda, does not serve my interests, only theirs.

That's why I don't give a shit what we squabble about between ourselves. Essentially if it serves White interests, it's no big deal one way or the other.

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Why do liberals literally think it's about haircuts?

I would respect them if they just wanted their goddamn haircut but its about faggoty personal rights.

I see no parallels between the two. Literally could not pick two more dissimilar things to compare. Is that supposed to be part of the joke here?

>zionist MIGAtard
>100% patriot
Patriot for Israel maybe. Trumptards are un-american

LOL, as if that wigger's skin tone was actually that dark.

We wuz racist

> waahhhh I need luxury services RIGHT NOW and I don’t care about the virus
> I am a patriot

Guess what idiots. A patriot puts the NATION and OTHERS before their useless needs. You haircut can wait.

His only skill is american football (a sport that’s only popular in the US). He would literally starve to death in another country. And he refuses to stand for the national anthem.

>nigger millionaire that plays catchy ball disrespects the country for enforcing laws against criminals


>man who will be arrested for going outside protesting his lack of access to basic necessities (probably lost his job too)

I can't argue with that image.
That nigger needs a haircut. He has always looked stupid.

Anti-lockdown protestors aren't getting paid to protest. Kaepernick signed a $126mil contract in 2014 for 7 years of playing. 16 games per season. Simple maths, he got paid over $1,000,000 each game to protest and not agree to the contracts he agree to, without punishment. From this he gained many endorsements as well.

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one on left is liar, no oppression
one on right telling truth, needs haircut

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Others ? As in gays with aids ,niggers who can't afford health care ,retards with defects that make them more vulnerable to the virus then others .. a true patriot would want this country and it's people to be at it's best ,that means weeding out the undesirables and the weak ,this quarantine shit is unnatural



They're both traitors. MIGAtards are on the same level as niggers.

NFL's a private company.

Gonna say based.