/ptg/ President Trump General - Fuck Niggers Edition

@realDonaldTrump @TeamTrump @TrumpWarRoom

VISIT Coronavirus.gov
>b-but Trump hasnt done anything!

ARCHIVED LINKS pastebin.com/ynXV6CHT
SCHEDULE/WH Public Pool: publicpool.kinja.com/

>Pres Trump/Corona-chan Task Force News Conf 4/22/20
>Pres Trump/FLotUS Melania @Earth&Arbor Day Tree Planting Ceremony 4/22/20
>Team Trump Online w/Corey Lewandowski! 4/22/20
>DefSec Esper on FoxNews 4/22/20
>TreasSec Mnuchin on FBN 4/22/20
>FDACommr Hahn on CBSThisMorning 4/22/20
>SECChair Clayton on FBN 4/22/20
>PressSec Kayleigh outside WH 4/22/20
>PressSec Kayleigh on FoxNews 4/22/20
>NECDir Kudlow outside WH 4/22/20
>NECDir Kudlow on FBN 4/22/20
>Pentagon Press Brief (DepDefSec Norquist/JCSViceChair AFGen Hyten) 4/22/20
>StateDept Press Brief (SoS Pompeo/ActUSAIDAdm Barsa/FARDir Richardson) 4/22/20
>StateDeptVideo: Asia EDGE 4/22/20
>StateDeptVideo: POWER 4/22/20
>WHVideo: Pres Trump/FLotUS Melania Celebrate Earth Day 4/22/20
>WHVideo: VP Pence Visits GE Healthcare 4/22/20

OP pastebin: pastebin.com/nygxu29R

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Other urls found in this thread:

oag.ca.gov/system/files/attachments/press-docs/Multi-State Letter re Fetal Tissue Ban.pdf

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MAGA and fuck algeria


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MAGA! Memeflags and foreigners? I wouldn't know. I filter filth.

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you have 10 seconds to name ONE thing bad about niggers. I'll wait.

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the funny thing about this is, they know it's fake but halfway through pumping these polls out they start believing it & forget it's fake which causes the massive cognitive dissonance

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The smell

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>Changberg shill in Australia never responded to the user who posted this

Really makes me think.

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What were Hillary's polls like with this demographic anyway?

They're NIGGERS!

Literally on the same image I linked you retard. In fact, it's basically one of the worst offenders, even, on a poll literally days before the general election.

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I am still voting for Trump and there's nothing you can do to stop me.

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they stink and commit crimes


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Does this stupid sandnigger understand that there is a global pandemic?

They're niggers.

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Say it with me
90% white

Their low IQs and the negative behaviors resulting from those low IQs.

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It's true, the Childfucker gave us a lot of part-time jobs.

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>15 Attorney Generals, including Minnesota Attorney General Keith Ellison, sent a letter to President Trump asking him to remove the ban on the use of aborted fetal tissue in vaccine research.

oag.ca.gov/system/files/attachments/press-docs/Multi-State Letter re Fetal Tissue Ban.pdf

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Full on damage control. Gates seems nervous about what might come of all this.

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You lose.
Better luck next time.

(((gates))) is in a bad position right now because this is his fuck up. TPTB told him either he gets this shit under control or they will have his OG nerdy ass on a silver plate to moloch.

it alleviates symptoms though

read me a story before i go to sleep mommy

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Nice job pushing that blue jewish star's agenda on twitter purely for democrat defense front agendas.
Please clap for a verified shareblue shill

>Please let us butcher more children and sell their innards
>My wife wants a 4th home in the Hamptons

hey you know that study that people are saying Hychl doesn't work?
>pic related


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TPTB? Who or what is that

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if white people are so "superior" then why do they only make up 13% of the global population?

The Powers That Be

I wish I could stay but my criminal governor is making everything in my state very difficult right now, including posting on Yas Forums. Maybe we could just do a recall election and speed up the recovery a bit.

Attached: Recall Pic.jpg (344x113, 19.84K)

Awoo Actual, this is Awoo-5, standby for Awoovement, 5 mikes out.

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I'm so sick of hearing the word "nazi" from jewish mouths. Nazi this nazi that nazi those!

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Yeah we knew that the day it came out.


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Once upon a time there was a dirty nigger named Jamal in Chicago. He was shot and killed by the police when he tried to nigger out. The end.

Hydroxychloroquine is NOT a lupus medication.

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Go fuck yourself furry

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The smell, envision it.

I feel really bad for Biden voters that have actually deluded themselves into believing, like, GENUINELY believing, that he has a shot at winning.

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Trump is not changing 55 years of bipartisan policy on immigration you kike.

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well, that's one way to stop manspreading

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God I wish I was that leather jacket

trump literally already did and there is nothing you can do to prevent it now that 80% of americans have a strong support to end ALL immigration, even the temps

the democrats have the most to gain by keeping the shutdowns going as long as possible because it's less time for trump to rally and more importantly less time biden has to spend talking in front of people

it's obvious what their play here is

You lost, dummy. Are you really going to continue embarrassing yourself like this? Don't you want to retain at least a scrap of your dignity?

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ok retard

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Here how about a poll that actually matters, nigger

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we need to stop posting the little girl wolf stuff.

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Keep bitching (((you))) might just make it come true no matter how much we reduce it lol

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Something needs to be done about the "Q" LARP
These boomers are going to realize they've been attempted to be researched and de-radicalized from hating Democrats to trusting Trump without doing action or voicing support while covering up posters on various mediums that were actually doing research, and they're going to drop off the face of the earth to deal with what they have been spun. This isn't good for Trump's supporters or the original set of posters that used to visit these threads when this started. I have been watching this spiral out of control, be proven wrong, and be defended by three newfags that were uncultured swine to this Peruvian chariot shop. I am faily sure that I have caused them to stop posting various times and seen mods ban their tripcodes and ban them, as well as move all of their threads to /bant/ over the venomous yet still safe for work retardation they spew when asked to provide sources or explain what they are actually doing replying to each and every negative post in their threads.
Judicial watch is still in operation yet this LARP appears to be covering up someone actually doing something against what has happened that has damaged this country's politics and media. In fact, they're making progress.
I think talking about this is the way to solve it and this is where the problem it solves was created

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Oh, of course. Bill Maher wished for a recession on national television just to stop Drumpf, even after acknowledging that it would destroy countless lives and cause untold amounts of human misery.

They are fucking demented.

why is trump shit
>doesn't really do anything about immigration he did before.
>make an executive order just cause why not
>lets slave wage guest workers pump in faster.
Tell me again how bailing out banks and wall street is helping people who are on furloughs?

>long nose
>rubbing hands
>hord gold stuff
are bees the insect jews?

They absolutely have way more to lose with this play, literally nobody wants to be locked down for the next few months.

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I thought all of the polls showed him beating Donald Trump? Why do they keep republishing this every week like he's just been overtaken?

Also Awoo

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>democrat governors keep their states shut down for months
>blue states turn purple turn red

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>furry nigger attacking Q user
Another reason to be sure it is good

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imagine if you were playing a game and one of the rules was you had to somehow get biden to beat trump in 2020. you'd probably drive yourself fuckin batty trying to figure it out, too

I highly doubt will happen. If you're dumb enough to vote democrat there's no saving you.

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Hes actually polling lower as a whole now and it's steadily declining even.

They're just trying so very hard to demoralize but Biden is so insufferably bad he can't even get higher than a +6 on a poll that oversampled Democrats by 10%

He's not an user when he's a namefag

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Good morning.

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