Due to Youtube's ever improving thought crime detection AI, its almost impossible to spread unapproved ideas and facts on the platform anymore. At this point in time, Youtube retains an almost 100% share of the video streaming market. This means that it is quite hard for normies to stumble upon a piece of media that makes them question the mainstream narritive. How can we start more people on their redpill journey? Right now we have a slow trickle of people switching to the side of right-wing nationalism. Once we reach a certain point, the floodgates will open, and we might finally see some big changes. So the question remains: how can we redpill the masses? Flyers? Public Speaking? Coded Language? Door to Door Marketing? We need to explore all possible avenues of delivering our messages.
Youtube's Thought Crime Detection System And The Continued Efforts to Redpill The Masses
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Try accusing everyone that disagrees with you of being a satanic child molester. Also, claim that all mass shootings are false flags. That will surely get people on your side.
artificial intelligence cannot compete with artificial mental illness
I'm not talking about MIGA Qfags.
So, no defending Israel's xenophobic policies then?
I'm glad you asked user.
flyers, public speaking are all great ways to spread the word, as is, joining a political group that is associated with the ideals you value and cherish.
at the end of the day, there is very little we can do from the shadows, and coded language does nothing.
we have to put ourselves out there. get involved with our communities, and be the change we want to see.
Hail Victory!
How do you find others IRL with similar ideals? At the moment, the Yas Forums community only takes action on the internet and hopes for something to happen. To actually make a difference, we need a real world presence as well. One which is made up of respectable individuals, not slobbering retards and schizos.
This article sounds like they want to get anti EU protesters on the streets so they can send in another version of antifa and pretend the people are fighting among themselves
Trust the plan
Be patient. Yas Forums ideology is spreading through the internet like wildfire in a breezy field
try folksfront.com
if you think its full of glowies trying to get you to blow up an "insert government building here" then bail. if not, congratulations you've just made some friends.
I'll check it out, but it seems like a nasdap larper group. Despite their greatness, the nazis are pretty much an automatic turn off to the majority of the population. We really need a new movement, not a half assed ressurection of one from 80 years ago.
>if you think its full of glowies
>neo-nazi website
mate I know it's full of glowniggers
fuck you and your honeypot
she needs a bullet on the head
Any suggestions? I'm starting to get pretty black pilled about the whole idea. I look at waco and the battle of blair mountain, and I can just see something similar happening to us once we really got going. Or the Hong Kong protests. Despite a huge amount of people being involved, they still were respressed by the CCP.
honeypots are focused on entrapping people into committing crimes. there are no such things on folksfront.com
and if you think political discourse is illegal, how do you think we will win/spread our message?
it will not be easy, luckily as groups get larger, they eventually start getting donations flowing in, that goes towards lawyers and such.
that being said, it is by being attacked by our enemies we show the public, and our folk, the hatred the left/right has for us.
I think maybe he means the kind where they find productive and motivated people who are interested in an ideology, and then put them on a lifelong blacklist/murder them.
Why do productive threads never get any traction?
The clown show is exposing itself, they expect us to go back to our lives as normal when everything is done. Nobody is buying it, either China is gonna pay for it or globalization is done, even the normies hate China right now, DRUMF BAD can only distract them so long.
Because its easier to respond to bait threads like SHOULD I FUCK NIGGERS POL??? LOOK AT THIS ONE PICTURE OF AN ATTRACTIVE BLACK GIRL
the shill armies don't bump them.
Idk user. Watching Jews slowly turn off the lights on each of our pill dispensaries has been incredibly blackpilling. They’re so good at it now and it’s impossible to gain traction.
I thought about making a reddit bot that would spam “greatest story never told” and “europa final battle” based on keywords in comment sections.
I just don’t know how else to do this shit. Fucking sucks.
the people you're trying to reach out to arent the people who will stand beside you, and work for a brighter future.
you underestimate the retarded masses but there is definitely more people awake than ever
what you need are people who are radical, and not in the "im going to blow some shit up" way.
the people we need to organize and attract are those who are willing to do something. be it print and poster flyers, march in parades etc.
be vocal, be out in the open, take the heat.
how do you think the LGBT shit gained so much traction? gays were willing to "come out of the closet" and make it mainstream..
that's our plan for national socialism, making it mainstream. it's just a 3rd option.
alongside, capitalism, and communism
What do you mean, are you saying those wouldn’t be good targets? The bot would be specific enough to key in on words to target the right comments.
Remember when the Soviet Union used to commit political dissidents to psychiatric institutions? That is where we are now, boys. Russian bros got out from under, now it is our turn.
Thats a pretty good idea. You should do that, it may end up bring a few more people to our side.
Perhaps you should focus your attention on something more immediate and impactful, like the crimes of those shitskinned niggers against whites. The crimes that are covered up by the likes of Merkel.
>how do you think the LGBT shit gained so much traction?
Jews. Duh.
Go extinct or you’re mentally ill. Now remember god is a lie and only evolution matters, but don’t have kids. Lol
Now is a good time to be a Jew, you white people gave up your countries without a fight and will be willing slaves. Now go make that sweet tax revenue, my business needs more free money.
You list. You can’t even call me out any more. Soon your gun rights will be gone too. Hope you like Zimbabwe.
(((They're))) Scared.
In fact, they're utterly shitting themselves.
Facebook and Youtube terrified you say something negative about Globohomo?
Germany threatening to lock you up?
This level of Globohomo Panic is unprecedented.
Its going to be a long fight, and knowing the left and the powers that be, probably a violent one.
also: youtube.com
The UK cucks again.
>Try accusing everyone that disagrees with you of being a satanic child molester. Also, claim that all mass shootings are false flags. That will surely get people on your side.
Straight out of the Soviet handbook, call all critics mentally ill and send them away for "treatment".
in addition to targeting people online, we need to focus on those who are willing to do a little bit more than just shitpost on the internet. give them instructions.
how many threads do you see, with people asking "what needs to be done.?"
these people need leadership. and actual instructions. that is what nordfront/folksfront is about. actually putting things to work.
Nah. Don’t give a fuck about black people. Don’t fed post. It’s the Jews. It’s always been the jews. We just need to remind western society.
Out of 100 people who click the link, maybe 1 will actually think about it, instead of immedietly dismissing it as fake BS.
>kikes going back to early 20th century Freudian tactics of instituting their enemies
People should read Yockey: A Fascist Odyssey to see how it was being used from the 1900's to 1970's and why getting rid of mental institutions was better despite the crazies roaming society now. Has always been a marxist-liberal tactic used against their enemies as a legal way for punishing wrong thoughts and torturing their political opponents.
Even James Forrestal got the hospital forced suicide treatment for criticizing Israel post-WW2.
yes they got payed, but it was still homos and weirdos who got out front, infront of cameras, and infront of people. and worked to normalize the degeneracy.
If slavs can do it, so can we. What one man can do, so can another. Based white pill user
Sure thing goy. Don't mind all those mooslims.
A fucking leaf
The issue is that they might lockdown so hard and fast that we can't really do anything about it, and our movement dies. We need to finesse them and their system until we come out on top, or are at least just too big to repress. Just like Hitler. (we can learn from his mistakes as well)
I agree with most of that. Secure clubs/groups need to be formed.
Problem is they’re always doxxed or honeypot infiltrated at some point.
Fuck the best organizing we get is here on pol and it’s a god damn image board with 2000 era interface. We’ve been chased out of every other internet dwelling.
>acting like pic related in op
The UK is full of sheeple and is lost. They gave up their freedom for security ages ago and deserve neither. I wish I had been born in America.
I would like to Thank Italy and Portugal for shilling their fucking eurobonds which they're now using to fund this