What the fuck is going on? Something doesn’t seem right. If the economy is frozen why is the stock market going up or staying stable somehow. I am confus
Why is the stock market going up?
I need answers fagets
>$6 trillion cash given to companies
>Why is the market going up
Jews crash the market every 10 years so that goys sell they shares at a low price and the jews use their bailouts to buy the stocks at the discount price.
Death to America
The Federal Reserve is buying stocks now
Stop being gay and sliding threads
Jews got $6 trillion in interest free loans so they can buy back shares they sold before the crash. The market is not based on reality but a cycle and scheme to enrich jews through the government bailouts.
People think the lockdown is almost over, which it might be, and they think this means the virus is about to magically disappear and everything will immediately go back to normal, which is fucking retarded.
these digits will guarantee the stock market will crash again in 2020
Yes obviously. All politicians are puppets of jews. ALL!
The federal reserve which is a private bank system loans the money at 0% to private companies so that they can pump up their own shares after a crash and slowly repay them after the market is pumped up again. The Federal Reserve which is a jewish controlled bank system then sells the debt to other people who will lose if the companies default not them.
It's literally jews printing money for other jews
Jews print cash for jews and debt for the white goyim.
In conclusion. Death to America, England and Russia the whores of Zion. The eternal shame and stain on White people.
It'll go back down no way its gonna keel going up i suspect one more crash and boom
Money printer go BURRR
The economy is not the stock market you fucking retarded cunt
Drumpf made shooty-shooty-bang-bang twitter threat to Iran. Again. And it has caused oil to rally. Again.
bc despite what the media pushes, the economy and the stock market are two completely different things.
the stock market goes up or down based on whether or not the wealthy 10% of people who trade stocks believe enough companies are going to make or lose money in the coming months.
if companies are getting liquidity from the government, they are fine.
if companies aren't dependent on a nonessential labor workforce that has to stay home and can't work from home, they are fine.
meanwhile, the actual economy is freezing so the neo-proletariat (those who don't do essential work and can't take their work home with them) are the only ones actually hurting tbqh.
Confidence in the American people and the American way. We have more unity than our red team\blue team bullshit. Habeeb it.
>which is fucking retarded.
You mean which is about time. Fuck this hoax panic.
It's rallying around the idea that the Fed will do anything to prevent a crash. But it's too late for that, there's probably going to be another 6 million unemployment claims again on Thursday - which they will try to 'offset' with some other bs like more stimulus. Earnings season is upon us now, and those who have announced figures so far have had ridiculously large drops in revenue, upwards of 40% for some companies - expect more of that in the next couple of weeks.
Not sure how the charade can last. But printing money isn't how you build an economy. If it was that simple they would have been doing it already - it's going to come back to bite them hard imo.
Because the movements of the market aren't based on whats happening, its based on what people think others will do during a happening, the happening itself does not change much if at all, because most of the money in the market is not based on day to day peasant to peasant menial exchange of goods and services.
The crash happened because of predictions people believed the market would lose value, it didn't crash because of the loss of production.
Are you guys low IQ or something?
Yeah it's pretty confusing. It was definitely oversold during the crash by kikes trying to force it down. We'll see.
And I'm still waiting for my fucking Trumpbux
because they fired everyone
Pump and dump
Bull trap.
Jew never learn do jew
All that money being sent in the wealthy populations direction because pumping billions into curing disease isn't profitable lol.
Yes and checked
Timed release of the $4Tn the econ giants absorbed to prop up the market. It’s a shame it’s all backed on mortgage securities, cuz that crash is going to be catastrophic. Elites polishing up finishing touches on their lagrange point stations. Soon to be the Jetsons economy.
there's no where else to put the money and people still believe the shutdown will end.
African Americans have already spent their thousand dollars, thus stimulating the economy.
It's called a bottom