What makes US Conservatives so horribly unlikeable? Their low IQ?

What makes US Conservatives so horribly unlikeable? Their low IQ?

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Shshshs...be quiet, lilfag douchebitch...go to sleep...

Same thing applies to leftists. I’m no centrist but democrats are also unbearable and unlikable.

Hard righters and hard lefters are both scum of the earth. I'm really starting to lean more toward the Jordan Peterson type centrist view.

fantasising about cock too, i take it?

Jewden Peterstein says to wash your cock user, you better bucko

USA has no nationality to hold on to, just patriotism for the mutt infested slab of land. Thus their "right wing" is barely right wing at all. Only in an economic sense.

Centrists are the scum of the Earth, I have more respect for commies

Democrats aren't leftists u retard

They could give u the most perfect ideology that would solve every problem but if you saw one crazy person supporting that ideology you would distance yourself from it. What a low IQ mentality. Stop watching "LIBTARDS GETTING DESTROYED" Videos and actually do some research

hurr durr reality is black and white you have to be EXTREME!
no, nice projection
He's not even jewish, not that theirs anything wrong with that

Except the ideologies are not perfect

>Stop watching libtards getting destroyed videos

I don't watch those I'm not fucking retarded.

strawman, the post

>What makes US Conservatives so horribly unlikeable? Their low IQ?


for the last Month i been asking myself what does it feel like to live in a FREE country if i step outside after 5PM the police will beat the shit out of me

>made me start to plan on finding out & killing those responsible for my SLAVERY

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Lack of critical thinking skills

You have to understand the way an urban economy works.

The basic model is: draw all the smartest people in the society into the city, put them to work in a small, centralized location. These areas become hubs that generate insane wealth. But remember, this is only accomplished by essentially draining the surrounding countryside of all it's valueable people.

The higher the degree of urbanization, the more this effect is in play. Cities of different size have different population pools. Originally they would draw from a province, then a nation, and eventually in the case of cities like Paris and London they were drawing people from the entirety of Europe. With a larger population pool, they could get more talented people, which means they could generate even more wealth.

Nowadays we have truly "global" cities, that are drawing from the entire world. Places like New York and Los Angeles.
This is especially important because the population pools in Europe and America have largely been wrung-out, there's very little left out there to squeeze. However, population pools in India and Asia are relatively untapped. Therefore, we are still seeing the phenomenon of peasant-to-billionaire which almost never happens anymore in the West. This is why there is such a feeding frenzy for Asian migrant workers. Whichever nation gets the talented Asians will have a pretty big advantage.

Anyway, why are conservatives so shit? Probably because these are dregs. This is what an urban economy leaves behind.

The MAJOR problem with this urban economy model is that it doesn't actually produce intelligent people, it's just using the ones that already exist. In fact, it's doing the opposite, people in these urban centers have the LOWEST birthrate. This model of the economy is actually therefore burning through and CONSUMING the talent of a nation. This is an extremely devastating thing. It's been happening for a few centuries in the West, but now they're tapping into Asia too.

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>low IQ
Nope, they No IQ

High iq post

We got the Baader Meinhoff gang here

>Why are Muricah so terrible?
The age old question. They're 75% right about things, but they aren't satisfied with that usually. For many "conservatives" (fat Texan redneck types) it's all or nothing. They don't accept that they are mostly right. They are either 100% correct, or their identity is shattered. They have learned to not think, and follow the programming. They are like the NPCs of the modern left, but they are the holdout NPCs from a different time when it was Republicans doing the virtue signaling, shilling, and treason. All these years later, they still follow the program. In 40 years, Orange Man Bad is still going to haunt the dreams of today's leftists just like Just Say No plagues the minds of lesser-minded conservatives.

This picture deserves a Pulitzer prize. It perfectly encapsulates what the Trump "movement" is.

could you elaborate on that?

The picture is self-explanatory.

commies are using it to push their agenda

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Heheheheheh. OP coping so hard.

That's a bit outdated. Thanks to the interwebs, smart people don't have to move to the city to be influential

It’s their neocon fake Zion Don kike worship. Watching their country burn. Shitskins rape n kill and making excuses bout Muh constitution

why would you go out on the streets like that? to do what?

but they do have to move to the city to network and make career moves, assuming they're not in remote IT work or remote programming. this is especially true in art related fields (ie: audio engineering, session musicianship, photo/video work)

no, you claim it perfectly encapsulates the trump movement so you can explain how and why

They are coming for you Muhammad. They are coming. They move slowly but inexorably towards your juicy brain.

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Perhaps through internet technology, 3D printing, and other such things, you can start to decentralize, and de-urbanize.

But the lifestyle these people are living in these areas, it's really beyond your imagination. They are living on a higher plane of existence, we all exist in their shadow. I just don't see them choosing to give that up. But who knows.

Refusal to go more than 25 miles outside where they were born