Jewish Groups Recieve $264Mil from Stimulus

This nation is being looted.

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Amazing coincidence

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Fake news
Trust the plan, WW1MIGAA

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Absolutely disgusting but not surprising

This nation collapsed March 2020. It's all over.

I can't wait, WAIT, for the day all these traitors get what's coming to them. They all deserve death in the cruelest way possible.

Fuck Jews, and fuck Israel.

Starting to think Israel is a US asset which wouldn't surprise me.

>Big business wants a bailout
"No problem." Says the US government
>The banks want a bailout
"You got it." Says the US government
>Jewish groups want a bailout
>"Say no more." Says the US government
>The entire workforce wants help in their time of need during a pandemic barely anyone prepared for
"That's socialism." Says the US government

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Nothing to see here goyim, If you say anything bad we'll arrest you for antisemitic terrorism hate speech

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we never recovered from 2008 or dot com crash they just papered over everything instead of flipping the monopoly board over

Why is the USA so obsessed with funding a country in the middle east?

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Is anyone else starting to think that perhaps Jews have something to do with the Deep State?

no. It's all a coincidence

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How Americans cope with the fact of their country being an utter joke?

Why isn't there a big revolt against the government yet?

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Kek. But shutting down the country was bad for the jews right? Mr. Shekelberg was infuriated that you couldnt go to work and make him shekels, right?

Everybody better be archiving. Christ they’re getting sloppy.

Anyone got that per capita funding?

Pro-Trump but not blind: how is it possible for Trump to be so pro-Israel, daughter is proof it's not diplomacy, but be an oppositional force against the Rothschilds, the familial dynasty of modern Israel? Does any user have a good explanation for this dissonance?

How can we be clued to the Greater Israel plan where they aim to dictate global law over a "utopia" using the Rothschild Supreme Court, but think Trump is not? How can he not know this? He must. So he should then be able to extrapolate how corona is the perfect catalyst to bring about this future.

How can a Trump supporter reconcile that Jared Kushner believes in this future and probably sees himself as a hand of the coming Judaic messiah?

Jews are getting their money anyway lockdown or no

Good one

It's amazing how the average conservatard will decry socialism to the high heavens as his bank account is bled dry from missing one bi-weekly paycheck.

Economic Stockholm syndrome.

This country is a capitalist's wet dream. The workers want to risk their lives to go back to work for your bottom line instead of demanding some of their hard earned cash Uncle Sam has been raping from their paychecks.

Yeah except its free money with a lockdown.

Im an "essential worker" and shit, i wish i could get a couple weeks off. Anyone spouting this
>People hate the lockdown because they want to work
Is a retard. Nobody cares about missing a couple weeks of work. They care about what long term negative consequences come with a lock down. They care about the obvious power grab that our govt is making right now.

I'm in the same boat bro. We don't make anything life essential but thanks to super vague guidelines they're keeping us going. I'd be making nearly the same from the unemployment + extra stipend as I do normally. And I'm in a trade. Union is fucking useless. No hazard pay, nothing. Just show up for shift and get excited for next shift.

Ah, the life of the wageslave. Truly the American Dream.

Russia is Lubovich Hasidic Jews territory.

So tax enclosure get not rulers name, but tax cattle nationality and language.

You can call it Russia, but we all know very well that all tax enclosures are cocked and Jews lie
about corona, space, dinosaurs , energy, oil hoax...and many other things that Jew kids do not even learn or have mention in schools.
We do and believe it is real and teach lie our own kids.

The entire western world collapsed following WW1.
The past 100 years has just been how long the corpse needed to fester before people started to notice the smell.

>"That's socialism", say's the US government
Except they don't.
Show me one example of such a bill being shit down by accusations of "muh socialism".
Bills are drafted proposing free shit to the people all the time, it's just they almost always get stuffed full of totallynotavirus.exe tier political malware, and become unpopular with the people as a consequence.

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This is why the people can never have nice things.

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Imagine no leftists trying to turn literally every attempt by the government to actually help the people into a trojan horse for their bullshit.

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>Are you sure this will help us manage the virus

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Non of it is truth, but suggested to believe stories.
More drama about anything to keep tax cattle attention away from truth.

Lets fight usury and lie. No? ah you greedy bastard, you like Jew money, do you?

Let's blame Jews for our own greed and fear...

How about no usury and lie? It is already sounds like anti-Semitic you just need to start fight against usury and lie in yourself.

>This nation is being looted.
Its the last big haul before they start a war with China.

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>Jewish Groups Recieve $264Mil from Stimulus
That's it? Jeff bezos makes that in a fucking hour. Another proof that antisemitism is alive and well.

what virus? As a medic I wonder if you have got prove or just jew approval to lie?

>$2,000,000,000,000 stimulus package
>Jewish organizations receive $264,000,000 of it
>0.013% of stimulus package
>This nation is being looted
The Jews are to blame for a lot of things like control of media, lying about the holocaust, 9/11, and pretty much everything Yas Forums says about them, but calling the Jews out here is just bad math. Yas Forums should strive to be accurate when blaming Jews.