This guy tells you to give up your guns, what do you do?

This guy tells you to give up your guns, what do you do?

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Shoot him

A. He would never
B. You wouldn't have a chance in hell

Next time on canadians say stupid shit, "hay guys if Hickok45 told you to give up your guns then lol amrita wut do?"

Dude can handle a firearm like nobody else. He wouldn't ask to take your guns anyways. He's actually pretty badass


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Fuck off lucas

dude looks like a dweeb but is operator as fuck

Give up guns

I would laugh at this nerd.

And remember. Lucas is a skinny thot. I've got nothing else for you.

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Give the signal to my team of goons in the treeline to open fire on him and anyone accompanying him

Never watched this guy before but that was based. I need to shoot more.

i take a shit on him

He’s a range baby. All the fucking practicing they do means fuck all nothing when you in the god damn desert shooting sand niggers in the face and it’s 110 degrees, your out of water and low on ammo.

t. noguns

I said he can handle a firearm like nobody else. If you say other wise you're lying. I didn't say anything about how he would handle a real life scenario. Re read what I said.


Somehow I do not think he would be the kind of person to say give up your guns. I bet he hs a fun life.

Offer my handshake in peace
Then proceed to break every bone in his spindly, pencil like wrist and hand. Nothing personnel, kiddo. Guess you should have spent more time in the gym instead of cultivating that fake hat curve, or that fake ass steely 100 yard stare.
Also whoever says this guy is fast please post the 3 gun rankings for when this intrepid lad got recked competing. /k/ has it.

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Tell him to kiss my ass

>when you in the god damn desert shooting sand niggers
Why would you put yourself in that situation lol

Lmao I imagine his post was made from within the walls of a double wide

Yes, being a virtuoso at guitar at home doesn't help at all in a concert
You fucking dolt

what did he mean with acogs are out dated?

Tell him to kiss my mouth

You're an idiot. He speeds up his footage you fucking mong.

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you know they're friends, right?

Doesn’t change the fact that one is more likable than the other.


how are muslims going to compete with americans

2 in the chest, 1 in the head.

guy seems based, fuck off cunt