Brit/pol/Food of Champions edition

>!!!!!! Social restrictions 'to remain for rest of year' !!!!!!

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Trips make britpol

i make myself want to kill myself

Capitalists steal all our labour in the first place. They live off us, the send us to go kill each other in horrible ways, their existence is parasitism. The fact is, us flaying a capitalist alive is only making them experience what a French or German soldier they sent to Verdun to kill each other in tiny confined spaces with flamethrowers and grenades had to experience. There is nothing the ruling class can ever do to pay us back. Nothing is ever going to make up for child labour, enclosure, highland clearances, four penny coffins or poor houses. The fact is the ruling class cannot pay us back, it falls on us to get rid off them.

Have you tried this one on the college type commies? It's the most complex fuckcluster of cognitive dissonance I've managed to achieve so far.
>carefully open argument in a rational manner for Feder economics without mentioning "muh germuny"
>get them into the discussion of whether it's any good
>accidently let slip he was Hitlers economist
>What? Despite their atrocious war record, their economic model was a bloody miracle. In 6 years they turned Germany from the poor man of europe into...etc, etc
but muh holocaust
>war crimes aside, the economics are actually quite good..................that's why I decided to become a national socialist.
WHAT!!!!!! You can't join the nazi's user! What are you doing?
>why not? I want the best for the country I live in, why wouldn't I want it to be better?
But muh holocaust.....
>Ooooooooooh? You mean Hitler? Yes? The Nazi's? Himler, Goering, that lot?
Yuh...muh ebil nazis...
>Oh.....those weren't REAL national Socialists.

you're genuinely autistic

Kill yourself.

get some friends bro go outside

Its a bit early for nazi cack isn't it? It must be Thursday, i could never get the hang of Thursdays

not healthy eating that amount of food at breakfast. not healthy eating any amount of food at breakfast. what other animal do you know that eats immediately upon waking? not normal or healthy. no wonder everyone is fat and sluggish.

Except they don't steal our labour. You exchange your time and labour for financial recompense. If you're of the opinion your labour is being stolen, work for yourself. Shit, if you consider that to be stealing your labour, what the hell do you call taxes? They're extorting the fruit of your labour, against your will. For that matter, working for the state, what the fuck do you call communism?

>They live off us, the send us to go kill each other in horrible ways, their existence is parasitism.
Ah yes, I will never forget the days I spent in Detroit fighting the McDonald's KFC war of 2015.

>Nothing is ever going to make up for child labour, enclosure, highland clearances, four penny coffins or poor houses. The fact is the ruling class cannot pay us back, it falls on us to get rid off them.
Will you be apologising to every black person who demands you apologise for slavery? Will you bend the knee to women for their perceived oppression?

People 200 years ago did not commit these things today. Those who do enable such atrocities tend to go to certain countries who will allow the facilitation of them. You know the ones, Communist states.

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Fuck off to North Korea if you love communism that much, free market trade is illegal there, live out your fantasies.

If i could just have a bit of tomatoes, egg, and ham I would do just about anything. What is the black stuff on the far left?

no true communist puts sugar on his porridge (mostly because we don't have any)
>my mate Dave's a communist, and he puts sugar on his porridge
he's not a true communist, then
>well, he's not dead yet. So maybe.

It's called Diane Abbott.

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Ruling class Robert le Despencer the fourth detecte

I'm curious if black pudding is a British custom that has purely remained inland, I've not seen any other nation have it as part of their cuisine.

Excuses, excuses, excuses.

>Castro had tonnes of sugar
Checks out

"Excuses", you do know the British aristocracy literally violently forced us off our land.


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Morning fellow nonce

As has the state of every nation since the beginning of civilisation.

>"our land."
I think you mean the state's land, Commie Boy.

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Get rid of the mushrooms, that nasty black sausage, and the baked beans and you have an American breakfast.

>our land

The mask slips, always knew you had a desire for private property.

No it hasn't been the state of every nation. Only England as the first capitalist country could be so cruel and calculating.

No I don't because prior to enclosure British peasant land was commons, not capitalist private property. They literally owe us money for breaking the feudal bonds and kicking us out, even by feudal law.

I do not understand why bongs don't understand the only proper breakfast

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Can't wait to get in BnQ lads. I still need bits to finish off the kitchen. Makes me laugh when I see the middle class saying it's a non essential business. Really shows how out of touch they are with working man.

>child labour, enclosure, highland clearances, four penny coffins or poor houses.
Which of these did you experience lol

Your breakfast is essentially the same but with a few continental elements.

The ATMs were all closed last night. You can’t even get an on screen balance
>Sorry we are not providing that service
Card shoots straight back out.
Checked - nothing in the main MSM but a few down in a google search and yes THEY PLAN TO PHASE OUT CASH BY SUMMER
Do you realise how serious this is AND how impressively right it means I was all along?

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Drop the pancakes and syrup and you have my typical daily breakfast.
On Sundays I’ll replace the pancakes with biscuits and sausage gravy and a tall glass of cold whole milk.

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This such ass, like a college kid making boxed mac n cheese without milk or butter and thinking it's good because you're a fucking idiot bong; looks like some faggot serving sliced hot dogs and ketchup over ramen noodles and thinking he's Gordon "suckitnfuckit" Ramsey. Fuck the queen