“Karen” is the modern day version of “nigger”

Much like the blacks of the Jim Crow south, middle class stay at home moms are universally looked down upon and mocked by coastal elites and childless “cool wine aunts” alike. The biological role of women is to raise kids, both physically as well as intrinsic personality traits. This is hard to bring a serious argument against, and women raising children and maintaining the household is in many ways the bedrock of western civilization. Yet in line with the continual upending of virtually all of our social norms by transgressive degenerate retards in all levels of media, moms are now derided as “Karen’s.” What is so bad about being a Karen? They care too much. They want to make sure their neighborhoods are safe. They understand the 13% statistic. They don’t want their pedophile public school teacher to be around their kids unsupervised. They demand fair deals and are skeptical of being ripped off by mega corporations like target. They question why their children are being disallowed from going outdoors because a few hundred elderly people died of pneumonia in their state. In other words, they’re good moms. Since when is being a good mom a bad thing?

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When can we start a southern tradition of lynching postmenopausal soccer moms?

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it started off as karen just being a middle aged white woman who complained at restaurants. Not sure where it specifies they have kids or not. I agree though that mothers are the greatest thing in this country. Also if you ever worked in any store or fast food, its totally true, its mostly middle aged white ladies who complain to the manager. Or black women trying to negotiate the price of something down or trying to get it for free, like thats gonna happen

You’re the modern day KKK.

ok i just realized you're retarded. Have a nice day sir

No I’m just making a point beyond the comprehension of someone who works a retail or fast food job.

>They don’t want their pedophile public school teacher to be around their kids unsupervised.
Karens rarely flip out over things like that. They tend to randomly throw around the fact that they are upper middle class and white.
They over indulge their children which turns them into useless adults.
They usually spend way too much time on social media and primping.
They usually drink too much and have little self control or decorum.
Karens are roasties that some dumb schlub was stupid enough to marry.

>“Karen” is the modern day version of “nigger”
If this can be memed it would be funny

See? It really is about race.

>What is so bad about being a Karen? They care too much.

Shut the fuck up Karen. You're insufferable adult children that will lie, throw a tantrum, pretend you wield authority, cry, scream, threaten, and generally act like a nigger if something or someone momentarily stops you getting your way. I don't give discounts and I am the manager you stupid fucking cunt.

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Karen IS the "cool wine aunt". A mother doing her duty doesn't have time to speak with the manager.

The meme is about the childless women with nothing better to do than complain, like the suffragettes and prohibition women of the past.

Go jerk off to anime and continue being a genetic dead end, while the proud race of Karen’s will continue perpetuating their excellent genetic material.

They aren't deriding Karens for being mothers, they're deriding them for being entitled and having extremely disproportionate sense of self-importance. If you ever had to interact with middle-aged women as a retail worker you'd know exactly the kind of person the name is aimed at.

I support the Karen meme because it is a form of accelerationism that targets the demographic that is otherwise most insulated from it. Please, black people, continue to tell white women exactly how you feel.

No it’s about Moms

Fuck you faggot stop fucking up my thread you stupid nigger

I called a bitch Karen on twitter and it was enough for her to block me.
It also got me banned of NextDoor. Which I dont give a fuck because its Karen Karen central.
Only snitches on there.

Wow what wasted digits for an anti-Karenite scumbag

Why not just say nigger back to them, then? Oh, it’s not the same? Okay.

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Sounds like niggers but not as bad



It’s just another d&c psyop they dreamed up. Like how they dreamed up the alt right and incel. They attach labels to various demographics, get a few annoying stereotypes to flood social media and that’s how you get puppet groups to fight

It’s actually worse but jews control the media so only niggers are allowed to say nigger

Attention seeking Karen’s attention seeking.
I like to fuck them though and that right there is the reason that they exist.

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Do you have AIDS

Don’t act like a Karen and you won’t get called one. Dumb Karen cunt. Know your place.


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>Ok boomer is a blatant example

Hate your parents!

beaner detected

I am actually not a Karen I’m AI


I’m a proud white American so yes that means I’m some sort of spic-black-chink hybrid

Karen = cunt
Now GTFO moron.

Oh, sorry.

Being autistic aside this is exactly what I’m getting at. Hate your parents! Hate your mom! Watch porn and do drugs! God is a lie but satan is real! In other words just normal Jewish stuff.

under-rated comment, user. Upper class white women are almost always the dispensers of SJW abuse and condescension, this is a rare time they're on the receiving end.

I fucked your mom over a wedge issue I wouldn't joke about this stuff user