Escaping California Now

We need to get the fuck out of California now. Shits hitting the fan. This place is becoming unlivable and will only get worse.

In 2019 700,000 Californians left the golden state. Massive waves of Californians are leaving California for other states. And I bet when the data is available for 2020 you will see upwards of 1million leaving California. 13,000 businesses left in 2019.
he average home costs upwards of 500,000+ that's not even in a good area. To live in decent areas expect to pay upwards of $700,000 for a home. 1/4 Californians are poor. 53% of Californians are considering moving.

>What are the repercussions?
>Fleeing California
>Leaving California


>Whats really happening in California

>Who's leaving California

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Austin or Boise

Where in TX

you niggers are so stupid

If im moving out of this shithole, I am going to europe. Texas and the midwest are fucked from the california exodus and I'm dual citizen. Better to bounce and start over than rejoin the same rat race in a different state.

Stay in California. It is where you subhumans belong.

It'll be funny when they start abusing the red flag laws to go after white conservative gun owners.
I figure it starts next year.
The Commies here sound like they're practically masturbating at the possibility of a revolution.

Make me, you digital signal.

I didn't vote to be ethnically cleansed.
Any time I openly object I'm attacked.
The subhumans you're talking about rootless cosmopolitans.
And they're already in your town.
Find them and root them out.

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If you're a fuckin leftie don't come to Boise, enough have already tried and are stinkin up the place


Just look at the architecture in down town, sport.
Boise is on a slippery slope.
South of you is a farming area teeming with Mexicans.
(((They))) are going to import more of them and your city will be Sacramento 2.0 in like a decade.
This is full scale war.
Saying "please stop" doesn't make it stop.

The 3 videos you posted are all boomer-tier cuckservative prager crap that don't mention the giant elephant in the room IMMIGRATION

California has been flooded with immigrants, both legal and illegal and it has completely destroyed the state.
California is now less than 40% white. It used to be 90%. When it was 90% white, California was paradise.

I'm sick of cowardly conservatives who are afraid to talk about race and immigration. They're the reason we're in this mess now. Bunch of fucking pussies.

Its fucking true! THIS!

I grew up in Colorado and escaped because it’s infested with shitlib refugees from CA,IL, NJ, & NY. Moved to Boise hoping to be around more right wingers and pro gun people. You guys are on the same miserable trajectory but about 10-15 years behind.

Fucking Californians ruin everything. I hate seeing the western USA consumed by this virus.

I don't know I live in Colorado.


Immigration is destroying the country, not Californians. Jews, immigration and liberal/conservative fuck faces who hire cheap labor to save a buck. You dumb fucks legalized weed dude, that brought in allllllllllllllllllllll the shit bags in from other states.

Fuck off. The rest if America is full.

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Fuck people form Colorado. You guys are huge fuck faces. When i was driving through Colorado i saw so many middle fingers from asshole drives. You people are grumpy pieces of shit. Say miserable, was glad to keep on cruising out of Colorado.

The Springs is mostly good, it’s ((Denver)) and boulder that went under

Stay the FUCK out of Texas bitch

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Don't come to Arizona, we're full

Damn based CObro's. The only way to handle the Califag menace.

Legal weed ruined Colorado. It is beyond saving at this point. Between immigration and transplants it’s over. Jared Polis and the all dem Congress are just the beginning of the horrors.

I don’t even recognize Denver anymore it’s a giant sea of degenerate urbanites.

Do it. Our numbers are growing everyday. Come home white man. You won't believe your eyes! The lack of niggers and spics is incredible!

This is where white men who care about honor and taking pride in their communities belong. Leave that tired old whore behind and reclaim your birthright!

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Since when does anyone care about California? Why bother making this thread over and over? You should do something about your homeless problen instead of trying to export them like the faggot "nation-state" you are.

The only problem with leaving California is that the hoards of immigrants who don’t know what America is will flood into those other states to destroy them also. The democrats decriminalized intentionally giving another person AIDS! Where is the federal government to protect us from this shit. To everyone shitting on California, I was born and raised here. Your state is next if immigration doesn’t stop. Help is not coming, you need to make the change.

Californians are 25% of the nations welfare recipients but only 12% of the population. What are we going to do about the California problem?

No! We are full! Got to Oregon.

Fuck Colorado.

Hey Texas is flat, man. You don't wanna live here. Move to Denver! They have mountains and skiing and film festivals.

You’re correct. I think people are shitting on the ones who move out and immediately support the policies they supported there. I work with few people like that, they escaped California and now bitch about how “red neck” Idaho is.

I have met plenty of based Californians

I cannot flee Babylon.

I am non-white.


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It's spics, not Europeans. Deport them all back to Mexico.

Is this Rotenburg? (Sorry if misspelled.)

I would love to leave this nigger and spic infested shithole but I am too poor.