Fuck these bailouts

What the fuck is going on with all of these retard industries screaming and crying for bailouts and why the fuck aren't we holding them accountable for their dogshit decisions? Banks and airlines make BILLIONS in profits every fucking quarter yet the moment shit hits the fan they immediately DEMAND gubmint handouts because they'll crash and burn otherwise, since they're too fucking stupid to save up an emergency fund. And we cave to their demands every single fucking time because they're too important to let crash. And they know this! Are they gonna swallow their pride and take out a loan and use their own assets as collateral? Are we gonna stop giving them grants and give them loans instead? Are they going to learn their lesson and prepare better for any future crisis? No, they're going to bitch and cry and scream and beg and fart until they get free taxpayer money, and once everything goes back to normal they're just going to continue nickel-and-diming every single customer and squeeze out as much money as fucking possible. Why the fuck do we keep letting them get away with this shit? Why are their profits privatized but their losses socialized? Why do taxpayers have to be held accountable for THEIR mistakes, but when something goes wrong for the average joe they don't even lift a finger to help us out!

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Khazarmilkers dot com has the answers


Everyone bitching because unemployment so high, while fucking multimillion corporations be firing people all over the place like the rich entitled BASTARDS they are.

Then they have the balls to ask for money from the people's government? Fuck bro.

Rope industry soon to be in demand, screenshot this.

republicans always fail at governing

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what is this shit

Bump. This is bullshit. They are the ones who provide the jobs and yet the tax payer is the one digging them out of this hole. Will they even pay back these loans?

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Republicans snuck that into the bill.

i saw that virgin airlines faggot richard branson being all
>Billionaire Richard Branson pleads for U.K. bailout of Virgin Atlantic
bunch of fucking beggers

>why the fuck aren't we holding them accountable
because you wanted congress to hurry up and promise to give you 1200 measly dollars. you didn't care what else happened, just as long as you got your new nvidia graphics card for free. fucking faggots.

How else are boomer investors gonna see a return this quarter?

They have to give them the money. Otherwise the pedophile blackmail mafia will publish the videos of them raping children. It's the "methods" part of "sources and methods." Now, pick a side and blame the bad guys in the other party.

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Ya, right, "loans."

It's not loans, they want fucking grants. They don't want any degree of accountability. Not to mention the airlines are either still charging cancellation fees or are not refunding shit to people who actually need the money right now, just giving travel credit.

Short term market fluctuations shouldn't mean as much as they do. Smart investors don't give a shit; they buy indexes and bonds hold for the long term. The only people losing money right now are panic sellers and traders. Good riddance.

>country is ravaged by a virus
>blame trump

only an idiot wouldn't blame trump

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>china starts anvirus
>trump blocks travel from china
>it still spreads because chinks used it as a weapon
>blame trump

Yeah, blame him for caving into the demands of these retard banks and airlines rather than setting some actual terms favorable to taxpayers

What kind of idiot relies on someone to predict the future? Predict your own future motherfucker. You knew how bad it was and you still. Just walk around like fucking DODOS.
>blame trump

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>because they're too important to let crash.
they aren't.
if they burn someone else will take their place. that's capitalism. we live in corporatism though, the corporations are the nobility of the modern age.

>Amerimutts start a virus
>China reports it after spread to China by mutts
>its spreads because Trump doesnt block travel to anywhere
>blame China

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I can't believe the happy adverts I'm getting, spamming my email like always, like it's business as usual with these fuckers.

How fucking stupid are you? This is clearly after the virus spread to america. Not before. Trying to act like america spread it fuck you.

You gonna hang yourself later? You should get some help.

America got the virus last.

trump spread it, by doing nothing to stop it for months.

Its a fucking virus. What the fuck is he supposed to do? Put you on a leash obviously because you cant fend for yourself.

Tell me how the government is not at fault for these dogshit terms they're letting airlines get away with. Fucking airlines don't want to take loans and they don't want the government having stake in the company, and the feds just say "Okay!" and give them billions in grant money. Who do you think is to blame for that?

>trump spread it, by doing nothing to stop it for months.
you sound like one of those facebook commentors whos facebook timeline is full of shitty never trump memes

Kek. Thanks republiKEKS! Please use more of my tax money to line their pockets!! Bet those millionaires were REALLY FUCKING DESPERATE FOR MONEY!

They should definitely have some cash saved. Individual people shouldn't be going into debt when corporations are getting bailed out.

Also end this stupid lockdown which will ultimately be ineffective.

Its not about the fucking millionaires you dipshits. Its about their businesses being essential but not having any income to stay alive. Liberals are fucking retarded.

>What the fuck is he supposed to do
maybe listen to the experts that were screaming at him for months to do something? Maybe not fire the pandemic response team lmao. Maybe try to be a leader instead of a pussy?

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Just make mask required and open up the economy. We gotta prepare for China

Yeah. Praise god. All the retards who cant follow simple instructions to stay inside and away from people will die. All the miserable self hating fucks who cant stand their own company will die.

The article said the cheques were given to millionaires, not the businesses.

we are all cogs in this machine.
you can blame the jews or global warming or whatever bullshit
but its all hysteria
at the end of the day were all a bunch of fucking monkeys who were barely hanging onto civilization and we opened the floodgates letting niggers run amok and turning on one another in Europe. The end times are here and we did it to ourselves.

Yeah so the government wouldnt own the business. Fucking retards. Acting like the governments buying shares.

It's because having cash in the bank makes your company look bad and causes your investors to seethe. Should have told them all to fuck off but no, the executives complied and spread that money thin, and gave themselves some bonuses too. Who needs an emergency fund when the feds will just give you billions any time you ask anyways?

We're literally coming off of the longest-running bull market in history. These fucking companies have been making BILLIONS in PROFITS for years. And now they can't stay alive without government assistance because of one bad month? That's bullshit and it shouldn't be that way.

This. Trump is a fucking moron
He touted a drug that is not only ineffective at treating coronavirus, but is linked to a higher death rate.
He said multiple times it would just disappear like nothing
He had people telling him countless times to do something
Yet he didn't listen.

That's better than lockdown, and seems to be the plan in the works. This would need to go on for something like a year to "flatten the curve", at current rates. It's barely even begun and lockdown is just bullshit delaying the inevitable.

It will be. No matter how much they try, corona isn't going away.

Banks are required to hold cash for that very reason and it should apply to businesses too.

>rich corporate shitheads fucking over everybody except themselves
>blames poor people
the fuck are you smoking

Buy into their stocks and profit off them retards

They obviously arent losing anything
Once everything is normal again

1.6 million? If that can help bail out a coorperation then these fucking millionaires should have plenty of money to help with keeping their coorperation ailve.

People are already talking about disobeying the orders to wear mask in public in Houston because it's "unconstitutional". What part of "enemies foreign or domestic" do these people not understand? Especially if it is a possible Chinese bioweapon.

Buying individual stocks is basically gambling, especially when the company is about to go fucking bankrupt without trumpbux. Indexes are safer.