I voted for this guy a few weeks ago. Ask me anything

I voted for this guy a few weeks ago. Ask me anything.

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Y r u geh?

When did you realize you we're such an alpha chad?


whats it like being a faggot?

are you regretting having your penis removed?

I don't have specific questions for faggots who vote for other faggots, at this time.

is this real?

Attached: Fag.jpg (1265x986, 205.83K)

what did /x/ mean by this?

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Why do you hate America?

lololololol this made my day

I only voted for him because I think his dementia is funny and I want to see the Biden Trump debates. They'll be comedy gold. I don't intend on voting for him in November.

woah WTF how did they get Bane

whats it like being a faggot?

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trump is still going to win, democrat, republican, is the exact same shit, trump is the best puppet the zog has had in decades, thanks to him normies are in full racemix degenerate mode, and he kept filling america with subsaharian immigrants

ok, mexican.

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This guy redpilled af lol

Too true


I see you're man of culture

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Mistake. Should have voted for Bloomberg

What's the most homo erotic thought you have ever had?

Did he grab you by the pussy?

And by the way, you know, I sit on the stand, and it get hot, I got hairy legs that ... turn blonde in the sun and the kids used to come up and reach in the pool and rub my leg down so it was straight and watch the hair come back up again. They'd look at it. So, I learned about roaches, I learned about kids jumping on my lap, and I've loved kids jumping on my lap.


How did they teach the cat to do that?

>The "Malarkey" nigga? Yeah, he cute

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My man Biden. He gonna legalize Loli rape and the streets will run red with Loli ass blood

Would you let uncle Joe sniff your daughter?

Of course. I'm thinking about cutting the crotches out of a 3 year old girls dirty panties and sewing them together to make him a special mask. One that gives him added protection against the horrors of covid.

I love kids jumping on my lap too Uncle Joe

You ever been in a caucus?