Why does the media have such a huge push for black men being hot, but not for black women?

Why does the media have such a huge push for black men being hot, but not for black women?

Attached: lauryn hill.jpg (1200x1200, 168.76K)

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Jewish brainwashing can only go so far.

"The ultimate goal is the forcible-coordination of all countries of the world: That shall be achieved by mixing the races with the goal to create a light brown race in Europe.
For that reason, 1.5 million immigrants from the third world shall migrate to Europe every year. The result would be a population with an average IQ of 90 that is too dumb to grasp anything, but intelligent enough to work.
The European countries would never again be competitors in the struggle for global domination and a multiple millennia old culture would be destroyed. Irrational people who will fight against this 'mingling of races', and put up any resistance against the global world order, should be killed." - Thomas P.M. Barnett, Jew, director of the Israeli military consultancy 'Wikistrat' in his book 'The Pentagon's New Map', 2004

"Blacks have been purposely misled by the Jewish people who, in previous centuries, built their fortunes in the transatlantic slave trade, and who continue to manipulate and exploit us even today.
Because most black people make no distinction between Jews and whites, it is easy for the Jews to evade justice and escape the blame for the wrongs that they have inflicted on black people for centuries, by convincing blacks that it was the white man who did it.
In most cases, the vast majority of the white race had nothing to do with slavery or other crimes that have been committed against black people. Whites were and continue to be, exploited and manipulated by the Jews, the same as blacks, and their race is even more hated by the Jews, where blacks are simply disregarded by the Jews with indifference, as are other races.
Blacks are all simply pawns to the Jews who have no other use for blacks beyond being a source of profit to them and a weapon that can be used to help destroy whites, who they see as their sworn enemies, by encouraging blacks to breed with them until there are no longer any whites left." - Historian Dontell Jackson

You clearly have not been to a nude beach on the west coast like blacks beach in San Diego or western europe.

Swimming in the ocean naked and enjoying a full body tan unlike the cleetus farmer tan is quite underrated. Bonus you get to some nice titties and ass but don't stare. If you get turned on as guy lay on your stomach.

The dnc gives them power lite

Because black women can’t get white women pregnant.

The sexual desires of women are more innately flexible and thus more easily manipulated

Same reason black men were lynched and black women were not.

Pushing black women as sex symbols doesn't do anything for the jewish agenda. White men race mixing with black women typically leads to a stable, loving relationship, bizarrely. The entire point is to get rid of white men. Once they're gone, their land is free, their women are free and the world can be controlled by a tenth of the effort it takes now.

If you needed any more proof that the jewish agenda is real, look no further.

It's like a gigantic portion of the equation that might otherwise balance itself is missing. The fact that people don't notice is baffling.

Nigresses are not as wanted as the internet would like them to be.
Any white men who like nigresses always turn out to be... faggy and effeminate. It just exudes from them.
I'm not sure exactly what or why that is, but it just is.
Only certain niche white men who are very childish and effeminate like nigresses, the rest (subconsciously) see them as unattractive sheboons.

Because women can be tricked into silly shit like niggers being attractive, and men can’t

It isn't about them being hot, it's about demoralizing white people and degrading the collective moral standard.

because males have always been more physical and simple minded, black women are unatracive from a physical perspective and there is no ass and tits that could change our minds because we also like bright colors like white and not nappy hair.

now in a more rational world black women are a good choice, they are just like every other women capable of giving you love.

Holy shit the Jews hated my post and called me a cuck, that's funny as hell

>White men race mixing with black women typically leads to a stable, loving relationship
Makes sense honestly, black culture doesn't encourage thuggish behavior for females like it does for it's boys

I would have to add males want to have kids that look like them or that at least look like how they idealize themselves, a non black male having kids with a black woman will always have kids that look nothing like him and that do not represent any ideal he has

... Have you met a neegress?

I was wondering this myself. Every ad i see a black man with a blonde woman and just black men in general being pushed and promoted but nothing at all is done for black women.
On the other hand, my female family members keep suggesting that i date black women for some reason i don't understand why. I keep insisting i want to have white children but they will suggest it another day regardless like i never said said anything. I wonder if they think it would be funny for them to see "the racist" date a black girl, which isn't even the case, i don't hate them and i find some black women attractive i just want white kids, and i can't date someone i don't plan to marry and impregnate. The other possibility is they think i'm such a loser and have no hope that dating a black girl is my only option.

by black woman I mean pure black, mutts can obviously have very birracial looking kids

>If you get turned on as guy lay on your stomach
Pathetic. If I'm at a nude beach and an attractive woman turns me on I wouldn't be afraid to show it.

>women capable of giving you love.

Attached: HahahahahahaNo.jpg (777x656, 153.66K)

They still have a vagina, that's enough for the average numale

tell them that only white self hating whores have the guts to date an ugly black specimen

you get the point, and yes, women can be clingy and at the very least give you sexual relief and companionship

This is actually very accurate. They're just so.... gross. The skin, the hair, it's just ugly... Whites are so soft, smell nice, the contrast is nice, and the colors are nice. I will never understand someone who dates outside of their race.

I remember they tried to push her so hard around 99 or something then dropped her off the face of the earth right away

>I will never understand someone who dates outside of their race.
What if you started dating before ever seeing them?

Do what the Asians are doing and get a Scandinavian egg donor

Cause women are the only stupid gender that falls for it

Fugees weren't bad

>Implying appearance doesn't matter

real niggas know doo-wop was her best song

black women look excatly like their males, aside from the mutt black americans most blacks can't grow facial hair and have big lips, black women are just them but with wigs (literally wigs) and a vagina, and without the wigs they look just like transexual black males

Man, Lauryn Hill had such potential. "To Zion" actually made me pissy-eyed.

she saw the industry for what it was and gtfo
also if I recall she hates white people lol