is Yas Forums being moderated by a bunch of pedophiles?
is Yas Forums being moderated by a bunch of pedophiles?
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OP is a fag
rope is coming
Accusing someone of pedophilia is glownigger tactic.Trumpniggers are delusional so are the sjw tranny crowd.
reddit has officially ruined this site, worse than the chanology gaiafag retards.
fuck that loli ass
Jews control Yas Forums, so yes
>everyone is bad
Ok bro but look at the /qa/ thread. I went to Yas Forums and found these. It's no CP but still off-topic threads about pedophilia in a tv and film board. It's weird
Then google 'television and film 4plebs' and check the images.
I've heard stories about khazarmilkers dot com
Yes, mods seem to be jewish.
They have been doing this for years
There's no CP in any of the links. The person is apparently offended when someone is young and young people in swimsuits like it's 1900.
Jews ruin everything they try to touch, including this glorious Utopia of free thought that used to be / pol /
It's one of the many traps they use to get you into discord groups and other forms of social media that are intertwined with government personnel looking for tomorrows headline and people who want to do you harm to get off on it. Sometimes those lines cross.
I don’t know but if you were paying attention with the Epstein threads there was some serious fuckery
Pedos/kikes to be exact
Our catalog is swarmed with slide threads either defending Jews or pedos
Duh, the mods are old fags and Yas Forums was a known pedo site in the early days, Yas Forums used to have CP threads all the time and the mods openly talk about reading pedo doujins on the IRC channel, how did you not know this, newfag?
Want to know something else weird? Mods panicked to hell and back when we had Right Wing Safety Squad threads. (RWSS) Like went full-on oy vey x 1000.
Or how about how /ptg/ has their very own mod on standby with no spammers, and bans anyone who exposes their operation?
I provoked most of the serious fuckery in the weirder threads during the last 3 years. HUE
Hell, most of the original users of this site were into CP, it was disgusting but how you all don't know this yet still post here shows what newfags you all are, you really picked the worst site to coordinate against this issue.
Exactly...but what can be done about this?
For 10 years like the /qa/ thread says? I don't really browse that board but it sounds very suspicious.
Prolly yeah
Not to mention how stupid you all are for using this site to organize against all the other corrupt shit that's going on. It's a known fact that MSM, shills, and alphabet agencies are constantly lurking here, so when you post activist threads you are immediately compromising yourselves by tipping them all off that you are on to them. It isn't hard to make a Chan site, one of you should make a secret bunker for this activity and only use this site to alert other good people when something serious is happening. Posting all the data here before the research is complete only gives your enemies time to spin it in their favor, like they just did with the Wuhan/WHO/Gates hack
This might be the most retarded thing I ever read on here.
We need another site with mods that are on our side where we can work with more secrecy until actionable solutions are reached. But this probably won't happen because every time anyone suggests it they are accused of being a honeypot and disregarded. It's a shitty catch 22
Oops sorry this was meant for you, cheers bro
So the answer is yes then. Fuck me. Thought I'm probably too old for them.
ITT: the faggots from /qa/ who accused OP for being a moralfag.
this is going to get good, let me get some snacks.
How is OPSEC retarded? Are you saying it makes sense to tip everyone off that they are being looked at? During the hack 3 days ago, one of the Chinese shills immediately alerted the CCP and they started deleting accounts from their server, how does that help us? Sure we need people to be aware but there should be a better system for handling this.
How would that even work?
You're gonna have to give me a demonstration of that humpstock in action.
I think you're retarded if you think anyone is organizing anything on here.
Kind of old news.
Go to a pizzagate or adrenochrome or pedowood thread, they get removed without archive or moved to bant.
Yas Forums is extremely comped.
If the mods here are indeed a bunch of pedos then we really need a new site.
Yeah it's really sad, the mods here are all into evil shit, when I went on the IRC to ask about a ban they were talking about a doujin called "flower picking" (guess what kind of flower) and the old days of limewire when it was loaded with CP. Absolutely disgusting shit.
Thank you CIA... tax dollars well spent to imprison me soon. Grateful for all the bbc porns to prep me for the inevitible re-education camps that will teach me how inferior I really am.
Where's Mel's badger beard?
The 1st Bio-financial weapon to ever be produced and targeted to take out deadbeat debtors...
Ok groomer.
Sorry, poor choice of words, I meant it more like engaging in group research and making infographs/gathering evidence. But letting the shills know that tons of people are digging up their dirt just gives them a warning to start memory holing and spinning the narrative.
Pretty self-evident, guy
>jew nigger pedo fag kike murder Hillary Trump Bernie covid conspiracy
>shut up schizo
>I'm sleepy
>Yas Forums is being moderated by re*ditors
>re*ditors are overwhelmingly commies and democrats
>re*ditors are famous for pedo posting, they have secret subred*it to share CP
you're probably correct
we need to purge shitditors from this website
>Cunnyposters on Yas Forums posting little girls in swimsuits is somehow CP
I actually reported this to FBI. Fucking weird but it was like the Mouthy Buddah did in his pedo video that is only available on bitchute now.
Just strange.
>I meant it more like engaging in group research and making infographs/gathering evidence
All the infographs and evidence Yas Forums ever made looked like they were made by raving schizos.
Honestly I doubt they will try anything like that, if they tried to arrest anyone for doing research they would also have to testify about that research in court which they definitely don't want to do, just like how they won't extradite McKinnon back to the US because they would have to talk about the secret space program in court.
The problem isn't the threat of arrest, it's giving the enemy time to "correct the record"
>that is only available on bitchute now
Spread the word faggots.