What happens when blue state economic powerhouses stop subsidizing red state Republican-run shitholes?

What happens when blue state economic powerhouses stop subsidizing red state Republican-run shitholes?

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They stop getting the products they need to sell for a profit overseas, and they lose imports being taxed that come in for the red states due to you destroying your own and their economy.

this is good, because the blue states could stay in lockdown forever and pick up cash from the government.

Hopefully the niggers go to the blue states

Hang em high

Based, guess blue states can’t keep their constituents perpetually under house arrest

Except the blue states, being economic powerhouses, will have plenty of negotiating and purchasing power, and the red states, being leeching Republican-run shitholes, will be begging them for help once they get cut off.

You don't get your food....

Also they are artificial power houses they sell technology which comes from somewhere else

>What happens when blue state economic powerhouses stop subsidizing red state Republican-run shitholes?

This is horseshit. Democrats are attempting to negotiate funding to support states and businesses that support the New World Order & a Global Currency. Republicans are attempting to do the same to prop up businesses that support America.

Democrats want their machine intact and Republicans need to throw a wrench up.

It's balls out time boys. Drop the hammer! Show the world what "Our Democracy" really means.

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>Telling NY to drop dead
So democrats are gonna spread out to red states now?

Good. New York can really fucking drop dead. How many of those residents are even white? How many of them despise white American? Good riddance, my only regret is that this virus hasn't annihilated that entire geographic region of all human life.

>not knowing that both sodes hobknob together when the cameras are off

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>blue state economic powerhouses

Lel. NY and cali consume 51% of federal welfare.

Let them rot and starve

Holy shit is this true?

they can eat bullets.

>economic powerhouses
On the brink of collapse from meme flu, while supposedly red leech states chug along.

Sheeiiit. Already happening. Look at Cali. Southern Cali leftists are moving to Texas, north niggers are moving to Idaho. Rot the red states from inside out. All part of their plan, dilute the red state strongholds. Genius, really.

this is sandy 2.0

redstate dindus love selective aid

Blue states make their money from financial tricks and international trade. They don't actually produce anything of value.

Imagine being proud of living in a state so useless and irrelevant no one wants to live there

This. China could nuke New York, Chicago, and San Francisco, and I'd bow and say arigato.

What about the technology you use to spout absolutely retarded opinions like that one

The only thing blue states produce are Orwellian tech, and condescending social media posts. Fuck them!

Apparently no one wants to die here either, huh imagine that

Crush the urbanite

>What's that, Rothschild is acting up again?
>Ok Mitch, shut it down

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Made in China, South Korea, and Israel

Those braindead republican quarantine protesters sure seem to want to die

>a large garthering with just conjure up the chinkypox
And when they don't then what?
Circle back to Muh Russia?
Maybe have basely ford accuse Trump of rape?

Blue states are the most dependent on Federal money, and all of them are basically on the brink of bankruptcy with no future ability to pay pensions.

Thank you for proving how braindead fucking stupid right wingers are

Totally retarded move

...unironically said the Russia hoaxer

Basically this. The dems want to use corona to bail out Illinois and shit, despite it having been insolvent for years.

The blue states will starve.
That's what will happen.

In what dimension is telling dems and their poop-tone pets to fuck off a totally retarded move? These ((((people)))) DESPISE America, and the (((constituents))) hate whites period most of them.

If you hate me so much you want to viciously attack me just for existing, why in the high holy hell should I give you 1 red cent?

this is smart, blue states not getting federalbux means they are forced to cut spending on gibsmedats in the long run

in the even longer run, an unfunded unemployment trust means most blue states will cut back their benefits to red state levels

that would be excellent and would end up saving more money than the federal govt spent ($100 billion in welfare cut for 10 years = 1 trillion savings, $600 billion = total increased welfre expenditures rn)