/cvg/ - Corona Virus General #3396

► Detected: 2,637,414 (+1,695) ► Died: 184,204 (+138) ► Day: 105 (-23:59:59)

— 5.1 billion people under lockdown —
— 215 countries and territories infected —
— 10.0x more confirmed deaths than H1N1 flu —
— 70 vaccines and 273 treatments announced —
— 3,170 strains have been sequenced —


Virus killed more Americans in 1 month than the flu in 1 year

Over 28,000 deaths went unreported in 10 countries

90% of positives in antibody tests might be false positives

CDC researchers ruined virus tests not following protocol

Coronavirus deaths in the US went unreported for weeks

Virus stays in air for 12 hours, longer than expected

Air conditioning helps corona propagate faster

Korean CDC suspects reactivation is a reality

20% become critically ill with hypoxia or respiratory failure

NYC official says deaths at home have multiplied by 10

Virus might be an escaped vaccine trial

US intelligence says China concealed cases and deaths

▶ 425 new cases and 18 new deaths in Brazil
▶ 5 new cases in Australia
▶ 10 new cases in China
▶ 23 new cases in Sudan
▶ 18 new cases and 4 new deaths in the United States
▶ 1043 new cases and 113 new deaths in Mexico
▶ 171 new cases and 3 new deaths in Panama


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Other urls found in this thread:


>Dead: 184,040
lol, still only 184,040.
How many days has it been stuck at 184,040? Four days? Five days?

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Apocalypse when?


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It's cancelled, one big hoax
Anonymous gets big lulz from pulling online pranks

Okay last one for tonight since polbro wants me to stop. I hope you're happy and healthy! You ARE important! Take care of yourself, okay?

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Hi. My name is user. I have a problem with fapping.

h-how much longer.

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between never or next fall depending on evolutionary push between recombinant influenza and Corona.

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Didn't we just have 3396?

normies FEAR the DoomerChads

Daily reminder
Yas Forums was right again

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Protect the pets

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hey gary, love you

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so, two more weeks until Sweden dies. right /cvg/?


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You too and don't pay attention to the haters. I love you

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>jew’s garybot has been running for 3 months

Same with nothingburgers

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It's time for my 3pm boop mommy

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I've spent over 5k (like 25% of my savings) in the last 2 months.

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Is it harmful to pets?

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That is funny, sad, but funny

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Boil them until they stop screeching, that's how you know the germs stopped hurting them

old people die from the flu all the time. in fact it's the most common way they die. why are /cvg/ shills so dishonest?

Why do you have so many pics of little girls? Are you a degenerate pedo?

what the fuck is that

Never stop caring, fren!

>Where have all the heart attacks gone?
up, they have gone up

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the spanish flu was 100 years ago idiot

Explain this /cvg/?

Where have all the heart attacks gone?

Illinois Governor JB Pritzker: "“The definition of people dying OF covid, means that at the time of death, it was a covid positive diagnosis, if you were in the hospital and had three weeks to live, and then got covid, that would be counted as a covid death"

Reports CCP Virus Out of control in China. youtube.com/watch?v=mCerJV6R-aQ

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That's gotta hurt

Double the positive energy, just to spite those fuckers! Who was it? Brad, from three posts down? I hate that guy.

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Fucking hell I told you ya post deleting nigger
up they have increased dramatically
stop being nigger cattle and reading the media and start looking at the data


Start making tumeric tea
Tumeric is a natural anticoagulant
Aspirin and ibuprofen will fuck you over

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totally jewish trying to compare the spanish flu and the kung flu, shill. are you paid or just stupid?

Probably just 2 moar weeks

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This is why I stopped eating my coom. I don't wanna reinfect. I cooffed for a day. Nothing like making 3000 generals that mimic the media. If you all knew how retarded you were.

Nah Boop-user-Bot is not a glownig. Non-user, but not sure what exactly. Probably some newb social worker doing some cringe research.
>If I'm LARPing as huggs and kisses in a high-doomer, high-fearer concentration thread, what will be the response?
>go kill yourself - 70% of replies
>can you gtfo with the spam? - 20% of replies
>huggsies uwuuuu :3 - 10% of replies

>I've heard that the NSAID stop your body from producing whatever your body naturally uses to fight inflammation
user your body creates the inflammation. Inflammation is the response of your body to fight something it finds problematic.
When you take NSAIDs you remove the symptoms (inflammation) caused not by the "problem" but by your body. Better NSAIDs just remove the symptoms, the shittier and more common NSAIDs actually decrease the response of your body and prolong/hinder the effort of your body to fight "the problem". It's a-ok if it's some cold, flu or generally just some harmless pain-in-the-ass, but with more serious conditions you don't want to fuck with your immune systems response to the threat.

The "feeling bad cuz ill" is just your body trying to make you sit on your ass and let the body do its thing without putting more stress/workload on it, by for example going to run, fuck, eat a lot etc. It's a "Ok, gibe me some time, you go slep, I got this bro, don't even think about moving too much - it fucks with my work, just lemme do my thing" mechanism.

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You disingenuous nigger did you even read beyond the title?

What movie?

>Investigators from Spain reported a 40 percent reduction in emergency procedures for heart attacks during the last week of March compared with the period just before the pandemic hit.

I deleted it because I posted the wrong link ya goofball

An animatronic from Pacific Rim, iirc

There's nothing dishonest about it, it's just what happened

Do you really want to know user?

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They are literally plebbit reinforced with glownogs and kikes. They can't join or start an /NSG/ because they don't understand it. So 3000 of these media mimic threads will do.

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>sniffles for 3 days
>sniffles get much worse , mild chest discomfort
>sniffles and congestion abate, discomfort lingers
>no or rare coofing
>im 90% back to normal for several weeks, there is still a vauge feeling of linger unwellness and chest discomfort but its mild
>suddenly i feel like garbage
>tightness in chest gets worse with mild nausia coming and going
>mild headache coming and going
>wake up ar 3am with what feels like a rock in the right side of my chest, though it goes away by morning
>blood oxygen still reads normal (it dropped twice this week into the 80s for single tests but i think it was human error, im testing it a shitload of times throughout the day every day) averaging 96-99
>laying or sitting or moving in some positions is uncomfortable
>feel like shit
>cant go to the hospital because im near high infection zone, meaning the hospital is garenteed death
Been unwell for a fucking month i want to an hero.

Its Fake shoop

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▶ 56 new cases in Kazakhstan
▶ 80 new cases in India
▶ 63 new cases and 3 new deaths in Bolivia
▶ 4 new cases in Myanmar

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Boop user is unironically the antiinflamitory this thread needs.

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