Libertarian Hate Thread

>bro, if someone wants to smoke cigarettes, drink, and do heroin and ruin their life, that's totally their choice and they have the freedom to do that.
>how does the collective mental and physical well being of the country even affect you??

lolbertarians will defend this

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Those aren't real libertarians. Actual libertarians know that the libertarian social order needs to be ruthlessly defended and that private property implies the right to exclude. Actual libertarianism is one of the most conservative ideologies there is because it is based on natural law and the natural order.

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Unironically yes.
>how does the collective mental and physical well being of the country even affect you??
Our bodies aren't linked to each other like some BORG. This is stupid.

Sounds like some commie bullshit


if citizens are given unfettered access to drugs, porn, etc. it's easy for the jew to manipulate and weaken the populace by normalizing and providing those vices.

a population subservient to drugs, alcohol, and porn will not care about being replaced by Juan and Tyreekus, all they care about is their next dopamine hit.

fuck off schlomo and moishe

Who's this guy?

Libertarians are great in theory but horrible in practice. Failing to account for man's inner vice leads to horror.
They will also get out-competed by any coherent group with strong policies.

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You deserve to live exclusively with niggers to see how wrong you are.

If someone wants to do stupid shit, it's not my problem unless they start expecting other people to subsidize their habits. If that does end up happening, and they throw a fit when told no, that's when you (metaphorically) kick their lazy asses.

Libertarians do not care about race though, why would they care if Johnny was replaced by Juan and Tyreekus?

I want to do nothing but work, exercise, and play video games. Are you trying to say I should be prohibited from doing this by law?

Hans Hermann Hoppe

until society revolves around a consumer culture where you're called a nazi for suggesting that we are too dependent on vices.

once the populace is 100% addicted to the hit of dopamine they get by spending money on the new product, there's nothing you can do. we move towards that more every day, and the jew is to blame.

another reason libertarians are stupid as fuck and in the pocket of the jew. under the guise of liberty, you allow the jew to replace the white population of the united states.

>Failing to account for man's inner vice leads to horror.
If there is no welfare state then the consequences for being a victim of your vices will be too severe. And in a true libertarian society people would have much closer ties to their families and communities, further discouraging vice. The family/local unit is essentially self-policing in many cases.

>Apply half Libertarian logic, half Communist logic

I mean, you could at least try, dude.

I don't care about people using vices, I only care about people expecting me to pay for it.

Now please explain how putting a man in prison for 4 - 5 years due to possession of cocaine or marijuana improves the mental or physical well-being of the country.

Serious libertarian philosophers are never pro-drug or pro-degeneracy. There should, in fact, be mass propaganda and educational efforts against such lifestyles. But are we going to advocate felony sentencing for someone who dabbles in degeneracy, or has fallen into vice in hard times? No. That's an asocial solution, because you're harming the people who need to be helped, and pushing into darkness those who need to be brought to the light, governing not by enlightenment but by fear, and thus not preventing degeneracy, but pushing it into hidden corners.

If prison was a better place that was conducive to the moral and intellectual development of its inmates perhaps imprisonment could be justified. But we both know that isn't true.

>if citizens are given unfettered access to drugs, porn, etc. it's easy for the jew to manipulate and weaken the populace by normalizing and providing those vices.
If you aren't strong enough to govern yourself, then you deserve the natural consequences of your own actions. I'm a man and could resist these urges. I don't need a daddy government to tell me what to do. If i want to suck tits and drick beer in the streets, it's my god-given right to do so. If some faggot wants to jerk off to MLP porn, I won't give a shit. As long as he's capable of pointing a gun and having my back and I have his, it's fine. I'm not an NPC who goes with the collective just because. It's dehumanization and an insult to freedom and I won't abide by it. Fuck everyone who tells me otherwise. Try taking my gun, bitch.

But people already do that faggot, so tour point is shit


you put too much faith in the intellect of the common man.

imagine the average american. half of americans are dumber than that

i don't want your gun. I think the issue is that your disgust/repulse response has been severely damaged, and that's why you're no longer bothered by fags having sex with men's buttholes, twisted parents giving their confused child hormones to permanently alter their life, etc. there are things that are so clearly against God and so clearly detrimental to society that I can't understand how you call yourself a patriot. you love fags. you love trannies. you love fag marriage. you are subservient to the jew.

But if there's no welfare state and a huge disgruntled population of bumbling starving idiots, it just leads to revolt. That's been the blueprint for takeovers in many cases, so your libertarian society would also fall into such the same fate quite quickly.

>People shouldn’t have the right to do things that don’t affect me but I should have the right to say that

Lmao nice one hypocrite meme flag

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but how do you possibly enforce that without the kind of shit that libertarians hate?

The fundamental problem is punishing the offender does not make whole the victim.

Yeah you can do heroin but if nod off and drive your car into traffic and kill ten people no amount of punishment is going to you unmurder those people.

People don't understand homeless people don't just up and commit sepekko when they're broke and need to get a fix. These people are out there and they can be taken care of with social programs which try to steer them towards being productive members of society or we can lock them up in a cage, either way you're gonna have to foot the bill unless you're ready to start executing motherfuckers in the streets. Which is not a great model for a society with so much wealth.

you're literally the meme in the OP

"bro, how does the collective well being of society even affect you Xdddd"

kill yourself.

Are some people too retarded to deserve freedom?


>Libertarians are the same thing as anarcho capitalists who have daddy issues

>you’re a meme bro KYS!!!!

Lmao calm down you seething brat. That’s communism and we already tried that a thousand times you no argument faggot.

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You yourself knowing that you are a good individual who will make the right choices for yourself, denying yourself freedom and saying having the government should decide for you means implies some odd stuff with your brain. Punishing yourself by removing or hampering the ability to perform things which would make your life happier and easier is some weird cuck shit.
Will others do dumb shit? Yes, they already do dumb shit. Some dumb things should always be abhorred and looked down upon and discouraged by society at large, but the only thing I can really think of in regard to that for the most part is drugs and as long as people understand it's fucking retarded and no one will hire you and you will just remain a low life drugged up no one will want to hire or allow into better higher society as long as you remain like that filth, regardless of if it's legal or not there won't be significant changes. Everything else people do would just be simpler preferences on the way people live their life from being able to wear a bike without a helmet and not having the cops chase you down and fine you like here in Australia, or being able to watch anime or read manga without the government booting down your door as is being proposed here too.
Not all libertarians believe shit like drugs should be fully legalized anyway, or if it is as I said above people will practically make it illegal by barring you from many things as they have the right to do so just minus the direct punishment, I want freedom but I also want a functioning society and so should every other good human.

Because we only put niggers and drug dealers away for that. Niggers belong in the ground, prison or Africa nowhere else. Actually fuck Africa they don’t even belong there, Africa would be the richest continent by far without niggers.

I honestly want to just go out in the night and start executing homeless niggers. I’m so fucking sick and tired of every time I walk down the street or out a store niggers just sitting there and begging for money. This crackhead homeless nigger almost attacked my gf and I one time and was screaming he wanted to fuck my gf and shit. He’s lucky I live in NYS (not Jew York City) and concealed carry is practically illegal, if I had a gun I would’ve let him attack me and put a bullet in his head.