I'm a White Australian and I support China

I genuinely believe Australia would be more prosperous and secure under the leadership of Xi Jinping. We already live in a US dominated world and we've seen what it entails, everything that Yas Forums complains about happening under the degenerative influence of America. With China we have PROOF of a superior way of government, we see the way they effectively handle crises and guide the development of the nation. It's only natural to want this for Australia.

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Fucking nuke Melbourne already.

OK Chang.

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I have no problem with Melbourne being nuked.

Built for BWC

Wtf is going on here?

let me rephrase this OP
I'm a ccp chink larping as a white Australian

Dear OP,


Attached: my grandpa and your grandmas.jpg (460x293, 23.64K)

eat shit chang. All fields

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I actually met someone that unironically believed this the other day. No amount of reasoning could sway his mindset and anything negative towards China and its government was just "American propaganda".
He honestly believed that everything about China was superior and they will completely overshadow America once the virus is over. It honestly made me sick how much this guy wanted to suck Chinese dick. British guy too.

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What you are doesn't define you. What defines you is who you are. Clearly, a STUPID FAGGOT wannabe commie. Fuck off and die an ugly communist death.

god I wish I was that drop bear coppin' a feel.

unironically based and redpilled. it's baffling that people cannot understand that China's system is simply superior to Western style democracy

Based. White German here. I have embraced Chinese hegemony. We should all embrace them.

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Every post like this, brings an user closer to waging a private war against china

For most of human history China has been a more developed and advanced civilization than anything found in Europe. This is a historical fact. China surpassing the USA as the #1 power on Earth is simply a return to normalcy.

We certainly need a new superpower running the show. One that isn't owned by jews. I guess China is the only alternative at this point.

Bundles of cells legally terminated. Reversed aging very well.

Australia (澳大利亚) would prosper under Chinese rule. Within months, Australia would have a national high speed rail, nationwide 5G coverage, and terraforming the Great Victoria Desert would begin.

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For most of history, china has been getting raped by Mongols and japs


>hasn’t won a war in over 400yrs
>literally btfo by small jap island in ww2
>most of the population outside cities and rice farm in bamboo huts
>steals anything from white counties tech cause they cannot themselves
The only thing they have is numbers,and as whites in Rhodesia have proven, that’s not a problem.

This may be bait, but this makes me angrier than anything I've ever seen here
t.aussie expat

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Get out of my country you slitty eyed cunt

Have fun getting eaten by an escalator

I genuinely believe you are a faggot who should die immediately.

>I'm just going to say false to a true statement I don't like
You are all Mongols and japs rape babies, every single one of you

You guys couldn't even beat fucking Korea so Japan did it for you

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Angry that you aren't fully controlled by the Chinese yet? Make sense. You are missing out on a whole lot of development. Your country is a decadent shithole, just as most of the West at this point. Under Chinese rule, 澳大利亚 might finally become relevant again.

I want the world to be BBC dominated so I support my american overlords and their black supremacism

Kill all chinks and rape the corpses of their women

In other words, you are their cousin.

what has america done for the world?

But I enjoy what you call degenerate

Casual sex and drugs and all that, that's my ideal scene

Fuck off with your ugly souless progress, I don't want to end up torching dogs heads just to feel like I'm still real

Maybe you should just relax and smoke a joint and think about things

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>China makes even more enemies
Politically, you have experienced total defeat, everyone on Earth knows the virus is Chinese, and you can't even keep your own citizens from rioting currently, as much as you wish you could keep a lock on that info

The Australian navy will castrate the Chinese navy, our ships are superior, our guns are superior, our men are superior, and that virus had destroyed every bit of soft power you had

China will be under its true, nationalist government within the decade, then we will see if you can be anything more than bugs

Don't resist, friend. Embrace Chinese hegemony. Chinese rule will only make the world stronger.

There's nothing to resist, Vietnam has your industry now, china is back where it has always been, the sick man of asia

China is refreshingly simple, they care about and want what's good for China. That's literally it.

This makes Chinese global leadership far preferable to the insane rule of the suicidal USA.

>Vietnam has your industry now
China is on to better things. No need to produce products for Westerners when they have their own products to make.

These days all they do is push degeneracy and the jewish agenda. I don't want to be run by China but then again I don't want to be run by anyone. What I'm saying is that the american ZOGmachine needs to crash or at the very least take a back seat while someone else takes the charge for a few decades so that white countries can hopefully get our shit back together.