>Police pull over a Black Porsche for allegedly speeding 40 kays over the limit.
>Possibly the same car spotted around a month ago speeding on the Eastern Freeway in Vic.
>Driver of the Porsche is allegedly on drugs. Police conducted a Fluid Test and returned a positive result. Police call for backup.
>License plate for Porsche is Showroom Standard for Lorbek Luxury Cars (LLC-001) with QLD tag on left side.
>Vehicle registered in Queensland, is a 2016 Porsche 911 Coupe for Commercial use.
>Two additional Police Officers arrive on the scene
>A refrigerated Semi Trailer (allegedly holding poultry) smashes into several vehicles and takes the lives of all four Police Officers. Verification is needed for the state of the truck driver (allegedly suffered a medical episode, it is unknown whether this happened before or after the crash). He is said to be in Hospital under Police guard.
>Driver of the Porsche is said to have taken photos of the incident afterwards and fled on foot.
>The LLC Group, Lorbek Luxury Cars, has come forward on social media to say they have nothing to do with the incident and don't know why or how a car was registered with their Company's Showroom Demo Plates in a different state.
>Driver of the Porsche has been identified as 41 year old Richard Pusey, a Mortgage Broker.
>Driver of the porsche allegedly arrested but can't verify behind a pay wall.
>Police raided the truck driver's Cranbourne home last night and are yet to reveal what they found.
Four Dead in Crash
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the lady with those patents that relate to some viruses?
anyone got the pics he supposedly posted on his fb?
So is he gonna get a ticket for this or what?
Richard Pusey
They all died from coronavirus
this has the making of a juicy story thats gonna get memoryholed
That poor beautiful Porsche got piggy juice all over it :(
Covid claims more innocent lives
Headline: Pigs on a Porsche ploughed by poultry.
Big dick pusey.
Corona has mutated
based truck of death
fuck highway patrol
>48 KB
>Four Dead in Crash Anonymous (ID: jvoTIYYt) 04/22/20(Wed)23:43:46 No.25467
This shit gives me some F.E.A.R. vibes. Cover up of some major proportions
Surely, this is Trump's fault somehow
Anyone praising this should fucking neck. I hope for an unwarranted reason someone pulls a gun on you and puts you faggots down like the fucking animals that you are.
LMAO Imagine being that due
>Driver of the Porsche is said to have taken photos of the incident afterwards and fled on foot.
lick em faggot
those are nice as fuck
thx user, that shit is heavy
pozzzed Porsche
They were arabs weren't they?
Should have driven the porsche off the motorway and loaded it on the towtruck there. It shouldnt be standard procedure to remain on a motorway when not required. Blame the government
Fuck off cunt.
Fuck revenuers.
I have no issue with police enforcing laws to protect the public like speed laws. I have nothing but contempt for police forces and the governing polities that use law enforcement as income streams. If every speeding ticket issued cost the local government money we would see how much they cared about speed enforcement in a matter of days.
S for the 4 dead revenuers.
Found the driver. Trace him.
Fucking hell...
F to those lads who lost their lives.
literally the file name you retarded burger
t.heroine addict
oink oink
It's Freemasonry OP. It's the witching sacrifice week for the devil people.
only at risk from cops shooting us, scumbag
yea fuck off cunt
Sounds like the most expensive chefs special I have ever heard.
I'm going to get a pair like these with my Scomobuxx!
Update according to a news source the medical episode happened after the crash. Don’t have the link but pic related just google that bad cat
Literally brings a smile to my face. Like, is this real? All 4 dead? Fucking hell, and the driver was unharmed?
Like its the best result possible, wicca is real, praise kek, Amen.
"Ok honey, I come pick you up."
If any anons want to scrap the rust off their shovels, I'm looking into connections between Richard Pusey (Porsche Driver), ConnectLogistics (Truck Company) and Lorbek Luxury Cars (possible connection to sale of the Porsche). Everyone else is welcome to say NYPA.
This is the coke-addicted pest that did this, apparently has prior convictions for driving offences as well. What a weasel.
Mortgage broker
based truck of peace
Gay faggot girl boots. Irish setters are a mans boot. Only skinny jean and leather vest, too many bracelets faggots would wear these.
>Bootlickers itt defending ZOG pawns
Wew. Cops enforce every kike law there is. They don't give a fuck about your rights. They wouldn't think twice about confiscating firearms or kicking in your door to arrest you for online "hate speech".
he got done for doing 140kmh in a porsche with a little bit of coke in his system who gives a fuck about any of that. hardly his fault the cops got crushed by a truck
he looks like one of those guys whos always trying to get you in on the latest pyramid selling muscle pills
based. i'm a red wing 875 man myself
The truck driver was also a mortgage broker?
That’s the Porsche driver who was pulled over not the truck driver retard
disgusting ecto lanklet
fuck that haircut that was cool when he was in high school 20 years ago too
Who the fuck writes it this way? Fucking retard
There’s a video circulating on FB of his general pest/douchebag/cokehead behaviour that dates back to 2016.
Everything about him screams “I like coke and driving like a complete tool, I’m untouchable”
Faggot looking cocksucker