Does anyone have a list of Soviet Union Communist Politicians proving all of them were Jewish...

Does anyone have a list of Soviet Union Communist Politicians proving all of them were Jewish, I know 90% of them were Jewish but does anyone have all the NAMES??

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>Does anyone have a list of Soviet Union Communist Politicians proving all of them were Jewish
Why on Earth would you accept this strawman premise?? Of course not ALL of them were Jewish you fucking retard, Jews were over-represented. Stop making us look stupid.

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You need to get help, really you do. I said 90% so my message covers your delusions im making a strawman,

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Not even 90%.... We were over represented... so like out of lets say 30 politicians, 3-7 were jews... even though we made a really small % of the total russian society.... Its the same as it is in American politics today.... Anyways, you'd love those jews.... They basically advocated against abrhamic religion.. and supported imprisonment of religious jews... they believed in being russian first, and that religion was backwards.... they killed many religious jews in the name if progress....

Mate, I literally copy pasted you, you said "all of them" at first and then in the second part of the sentence you changed it to 90%. Besides, even 90% is too high a figure in the category of "communist politicians" this includes basically all party members. Not even our modern media is "90% jewish employees" it's just got a fuck ton of them in executive positions.
When retards like you make these absurd claims, you make it extremely easy for our enemies to make us appear to be liars and fools. Be more careful in the future or stop posting entirely if you're unable to comprehend why this is important you fucking mongoloid.

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Most of us don't hate jews because of their religion, we hate them because they're racial supremacists. They did not believe in being "Russian first" they merely pretended to be nationalists in order to gain power and to spread marxism easier.

Nice tricks Schlomo.

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Thats why im looking for names MOSHE because you jews twist it all, NOT THAT BAD LIKE OVER REP so if we 2% then we had 3% haha FUCKOFF -

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I said can you prove all of them were Jewish with NAMES.... then I said I KNOW IT WAS 90% so I am admitting my knowledge is its at 90% and was asking if someone can prive it 100% or with NAMES or close, you arguing semantics, why dont you wank off to pron and go to bed.

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i didn't say it was bad or not... just trying to help... for some even one jew is really bad.. for some it's a blessing .....

Oh.. i think you would like the part where they killed many of their own in order to prove (ofc faking it) they are russian first and see the communist values above their own kin....

>I know it was 90%
But you *literally* don't though, that's a nonsense statistic. Just fucking say "Jews were vastly over-represented" it has the exact same effect and it's impossible to disprove. Your statement requires someone to prove that 11% of "USSR communist politicians" (an ill defined term which could include virtually any party member) weren't Jews, and that is absolutely do-able. Just use your fucking head in the future faggot, that's all I demand.

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No one denies Jews are demonic and killed their own.

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>i think you would like the part where they killed many of their own in order to prove (ofc faking it) they are russian first
I did enjoy that part yes, but it came at too high a price, a lot of gentiles died.

Thanks goy, god bless.

Many authors have said 90%, Putin has it at 80 to 85% and he told the world that NO ONE REFUTED HIM.

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True, i guess a bit like hitler.... he did try to change and advance the German people... but at what cost.. so many gentiles died.... way more than the 6 jews at summer camp.

Hitler does not carry the blame for the deaths of WW2, that's retarded jew-logic.

This is not true at any point
There were many Jewish politicians and officials in the USSR pre-Stalin, but nowhere near a majority
Stalin distrusted Jews (and hated religion in general) and killed or imprisoned most of them during the Great Purge.

The Jewish Comnunists took over 17 Nations and killed 10 Million in ther Holodomor, before Hitler was even president, I think Hitler had no choice MOSHE... finland was fighting to the death to avoud being the 18th conquered by Jews state, Germany was no JEWS WHORE

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No one denies Stalin red pilled and turned on the Jews. Putin says 80% Jews in Politics of soviet Union, other authors say 90% no one refuted Putin.

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Heres a tid bit from chapter 19 of 200 years together by soltzenitsyn

Here we will briefly review – according to contemporary news papers , later publications , and modern Jewis h encyclopedias – the mos t important pos ts and names that had emerged mainly in the 1930s . Of cours e, s uch a review, complicated by the fact that we know nothing about how our characters identified thems elves in regard to nationality, may contain mis takes in individual cas es and can in no way be cons ide red comprehens ive. After the destruction of the “Trotskyite opposition,” the Jewish representation in the party apparatus became noticeably reduced. But that purge of the s upreme party apparatus was abs olutely not anti-Jewis h. Lazar Kaganovich retained his extremely prominent pos ition in the Politburo; he was an ominous ly merciles s individual and, at the s ame time, a man of notoriously low proffessional level. (Nevertheless, from the mid-1930s he was the Secretary of the Central Committee, and s imultaneous l y a member of the Organizational Bureau of the Central Committee — only Stalin hims elf held both thes e pos itions at the s ame time). And he placed three of his brothers in quite important pos ts . Mikhail Kaganovich was deputy chair of the Supreme Soviet of the National Economy beginning in 1931; from 1937 he was na rkom (narodny komissar, that is, “people’s commissar”) of the defense industry; later he s imultaneous ly headed the aviation indus try. Yuli Kaganovich, pas s ing through the leading party pos ts in Nizhniy Novgorod (as all the brothers did), became deputy narkom of the foreign trade.*7+ .

(Another, absolutely untalented brother, was a “big gun” in Rostov-on-Don. It reminds me of a s tory by Saltykov-Shchedrin, where one Vooz Os hmyans kiy tried to place his brother Lazar in a profitable pos t). However, both the ethnic Rus s ian oppos ition factions , that of Rykov, Bukharin and Toms ky, and that of Syrts ov, Ryutin, and Uglanov, were des troyed by Stalin in the beginning of the 1930s with s upport of the Jewis h Bols he viks — h e drew neces s ary replacements from their ranks . Kaganovich was the principal and the mos t reliable of Stalin’s supporters in the Politburo: he demanded the execution of Ryutin (October 1932-January 1933) but even Stalin wasn’t able to manage it then.[8] The purge of 1930-1933 dealt with the Rus s ian elements in the party

based, thanks.

I guess he didn't he had to take over Europe and fight the usa...

He had to take over EUROPE??? its was ALREADY CONQUERED MOSHE.... he was liberating them, you know the 17 nations annexed and placed into the UTOPOIA....How do you take over Europe if it is already overtaken.

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If USA did not enter the war Germany would of been ERADICATED.... the American soldiers divided Germany and allowed them to repopulate,

Auschwitz is on the tip of every tongue but who has heard of Kolyma, Magadan, the Solovetsky islands and the other infernal Soviet centers of human destruction in eastern Siberia? Who has seen films and books about the millions of human beings worked, frozen and starved to death in the construction of the White Sea-Baltic Canal, over which stood a triumphant, colossal statue of the Judaic Communist mass murderer Genrikh Yagoda?

oh, sorry, those damn brits and french people fighting to be enslaved again, running away from the liberation hitler offered.

That's a new perspective... interesting.