How do we fix the grotesque world we've created?

Attached: Turk.png (1080x720, 1.53M)



Attached: Radhus.jpg (2200x1467, 915K)

>How do we fix the grotesque world we've created?

Attached: 1570337540127.webm (360x480, 1.01M)

no one needs the handrubbing types to manage anything.

This looks pretty beautiful to me. If most of the earth looked like this, you would have a point, but it's not even close.

Start shooting everyone you personally disagree with. Make the entire planet a Battle Royale.
The winner will have their perfect world and the losers won't be around to lament it.

That looks pretty cool though
I have always wanted to live in an Asian metropolis

By shoving your foot deep up the bowels of every consoomer