No proof of life for almost one and a half years now

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What if the entire purpose of the COVID lockdown was to give the court an excuse to not meet in person until after the election?

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big brain post right here

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she dead

she eloped with kim

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The shitshow last year forced them to admit they're not clever enough to pull off the Weekend at Bernie's scheme they wanted to. If the worst happens and they get busted this time they'll at least have plausible deniability.

When did pol become an internet mental asylum?

My feeling is that Trump already knows and is just playing them rope. He has the majority now, what's the point even? But they keep up the act so why not run with it.

He's the greatest humorist that ever lived, I've become convinced.

I think it's not quite that. I think that she has obviously lost all of her faculty's and is visibly not competent to serve. She is dead set to die on the bench and they are hiding and ghost writing for her while scheming to steal the election so that they can replace her. Then they will stuff the bench and go full Bolsheviks with ai thought police and gulags.

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When Bill Clinton turned the glowniggers on it and said PROFIT AND DESTROY back in the 1990s.

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If you saw that move about her she was supposed to resign, the movie presaged it. They all expected her to bow out so Obama could appoint a new Justice but she was too stubborn.

he just pissed away his entire first term humoring them. I don't buy it.

>in b4 a number of cope excuses I'll try to deal with in advance
as long as kikes are in the media. they've already won. He's done nothing to attack the real problem. in 5 years he will not be president and the demonrats and rinos will be in control again.

That is right. In all of our observations after all this time, pol is correct for once .

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he might be the most patient man alive, honestly

>he just pissed away his entire first term humoring them
Trump has accomplished an incredible amount of things and all of them are just great. He's also preparing your anus as we speak.

Relax, big guy. You'll be feeling a prick soon.

report box needs an option for schizo threads

The way she is posed in that picture is normally the way morticians pose dead bodies in coffins. Just sayin....

what the fuck is that alien

Kikes are so fucking ugly

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one of many mistake that fell their way into our government

She has the Covid right now and is dying.

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Remember when Justice Scalia died and the ruled the death natural causes without even examining the body? 2016 was going to be their magnum opus and Trump threw the biggest possible wrench in the gears. I dunno if I subscribe to the belief that he's some master strategist, I'd be just as willing to believe that they were so accustomed to acting completely without accountability and opposition that the slightest misstep was enough to almost derail the whole thing.

>back in the 1990s.

>and the demonrats and rinos will be in control again
makes no difference until we get rid of big jew.

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He is a time traveler.

Yeah you weren't there when Usenet got ruined but I was.

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ghoulish. these are the people calling you immoral for wanting to live in a white neighborhood.