Is this true?
They are saying you just have to state that you need to take care of a sick person at home or that you are afraid for your health.
Is this true?
They are saying you just have to state that you need to take care of a sick person at home or that you are afraid for your health.
It's true. Quit your job and invest in crypto so I can make the money back I lost listening to Yas Forums
>Is this true?
I don't care but signal boost that shit. Remind them that Bernie is still issuing refunds if you go to the nearest campaign HQ and show your receipt.
cant they just pay the leeches less instead?
essential workers are cucks if this is the case
We're only unemployed, because the corrupt government shut everything the fuck down nigger.
I feel like an idiot. I never actually heard the number people were making from unemployment.
I have a decent job in my area with a CS degree and I am making less than this.
>not being a silver chad from year zero
yikes, oof
Don't worry, Trump is importing pajeets that will do your job for even less, so you'll be unemployed soon.
we are all making less than this. its fucking retarded because when this blows over wage value will be tanked.
yes the US passed a brainlet tier bill which extended their economic woes by 17 weeks by giving 600 additional in unemployment benefits for 17 weeks
this will cost them 25-30 million * 600 * 17 = 300 billion welfarebux
the number is different in every state
Welfare Queens can pull in 70k/yr in benefits, baby daddy bux and tax returns.
Cucks making $2000 a week
depends on your state and how much you made previously. In states with higher unemployment payouts this is def true.
Yes. It's horseshit and you only get it if you're furloughed which if you're working at a grocery store good fucking luck.
Being essential is suffering.
as a tech hiring manager, i know what happens every time amerimutt govt rejects a h1b,the poo gets sent to europe
what is worse, a 45% country getting more pajeets or europe?
think carefully cause people here most of the time are completely fine with pajeets since they work and act like good goy cucks and would gladly have 10 million more instead of even slavs sometimes
>le 56%
purify your genepool, mutt
>I have a decent job in my area with a CS degree and I am making less than this.
How? I've only been out of college 4 years and i'm making over $1k a week
It's true, the gibs are crazy high right now and essential workers are getting paid less.
if you're furloughed and the economy reopens you wouldnt get the gibs anymore
2k a week is more
highest welfare pays in any state is 1.4k which is MA
most stages pays 900 a week till july and 300 a week after
i find it hard to believe a nigger would ever be this self aware. guaranteed yt running that account
I was laid off 3 weeks agoa and still have not gotten my first payment. Supposed to be getting ~$450 + $600 a week. I was making $970 a week pretax before hand. Software engineer
its only for a short term period so it wont cost the US much long term if it pairs it up by using it as an excuse to rape the food stamp and TANF Programs long run
It’s true
If you are making $400 a week, you aren't that essential.
I'm a front end supervisor at a grocery store and make $9.80 an hour.
I got it direct deposited summed up with unemployment, weird.
I am in absolute disbelief reading these comments.People are deliberately quitting their jobs and making more money.
thats how much i made when i worked at a grocery store, i worked like 30-50 hrs a week, the only time i earned 500 was when i did over time.
I'm making 1k a week after tax.
Co-workers still working every other week but getting 500 for the off week from the company instead of unemployment. I'm the only one laid off because odd man out and I made it clear to boss, my neighbor, I could survive for years in this crisis.
I've played this perfectly. Co-workers hate me. Last laugh status, chortle.
It should of been unemployment matched up to your weeky wages so the funds would last longer