How much time would you give america until it implodes?

how much time would you give america until it implodes?

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they look sexy desu
why dont modern gays dress like that

Implodes from what mountain jew?

Define implode. 30ish years until we ride the demographic rollercoaster to the bottom, maybe 50 years for our hegemony to be replaced.

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It's spendy too, how much do you think even just those leather jackets cost? Easily $2,000 and that's guessing cheapest.

from internal tensions

Too Big to Fail.

They'll just absorb Canada for the resources and Mexico for labor and go on for another 100yrs.

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It wont. America is graced geographically to make it so no matter how badly run it is it will continue to be a world power.

Probably 20 years at least as much as I wish it would be sooner.

It will never be "allowed" to fail, it will just circle the drain endlessly in an dystopic hellscape

America is just going to get worse. Countries can "collapse" and yet still remain intact, Venezuela and DRC for example may be terrible places to live in and for the common man practically lawless, but there exist no group with the power to secede from the country.

If America were to collapse what would take its place? There's no real secessionist movements capable of threatening the system. The state will always be able to take on existential threats to itself. Mexico for example allows Cartels to rule large areas of their country yet there is no revival of the Republic of Yucatan or the Republic of the Rio Grande.

America is just going to end up like Mexico only half the people there speak English.

10 more years.
I predict a civil war, where Hispanics, blacks, and jews are the target including me. Or a war against a country that will backfire in front of their faces

3 days, chek the digits

look up peter zeihan. america is not going to implode simply because its geography is way too advantageous.

Conn will be a test shoot drones down on sight

There will be no immediate implosion. Slow burn, followed by an equally gradual increase in Chinese economic and military power — and then one day, out of the blue, we have our Battle of Tsushima in the South China Sea and our nation's naval supremacy will be lost forever. Having lost control of all trade routes, unable to reclaim them against a foe of far superior industrial capacity, our hyper-consumerist society will simply be at the mercy of the Chinese and occupy the position that Australia nearly has now.

The dead Republic might continue on for hundreds of years after this critical defeat, as Rome did in its decline. Perhaps then it will, from weakness of the central State and turmoil of continuous geopolitical defeats on all fronts from the Chinese, dissolve into several inferior and divergent entities much like the early medieval kingdoms.

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>30 and 50
more like 3 and 5

This desu.
America is over, if you're white and have blue eyes, better bail now or make plans too.

>Perhaps then it will, from weakness of the central State and turmoil of continuous geopolitical defeats on all fronts from the Chinese, dissolve into several inferior and divergent entities much like the early medieval kingdoms.
Based, cant wait for swords to make a come back.

>They'll just absorb Canada for the resources
Our pm is giving it away for next to nothing while Canadians lose 60 percent of their checks to taxes.
Lol, "absorb".

even if the brown communist horde was to win every single election they contested for the next five years they wouldn't be able to pass laws fast enough and decimate white-dominated fields fast enough to do anything in the next ten years.
>Large scale agriculture
>Oil Refinement
>The Military
>Mining and mineral extraction
>The Police
>Most high-skill trades
are absolutely DOMINATED by the republican voter base. It would take at least ten years to retire, fire, or weed out those who would be disloyal to the spic vagina hegemony, and by then US economic buying power goes to dogshit.

Holocaust class in the USA. Fucking retarded. Even if it had happened, it didnt happen here.

Referenced multiple times by the Broward County School board and students at Marjory Stoneman Douglas

Too big to implode totally.
I'm just hoping for NYC and LA to go full Mad Max. Then when they try to flee to states with guns, the rest get dealt with.

I don't think the economy will crash completely. Just things like Wall Street. Things like food and shipping will be sustained by "flyover states."

Crush the urbanite. They're useless.

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10 minutes

There's no style to it at all. It's immediately recognized as a fetish costume, lol.

Upstanding American military men.

Donald Trump will get a 2nd term. After that the Dems will seize power in both Houses and the Presidency and the globalists will have their world war. America will fall through a natural catastrophe (Yellowstone caldera or actual pandemic) or a limited non ballistic nuclear event in a major metropolitan area (New York or D.C. corridor and/or L.A San Fran).

America will balkanize after that.

Screen cap this.

250 years or so

boomer retard

>America is just going to get worse
>just going to get worse
>just going
know how I know you're a spoiled faggot?

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We all saw in Charlottesville Conservative Southern cops are more than happy to throw individual thought criminals into armed crowds of antifa baying for blood.

These are industries controlled by a small group of capitalists, not by the American conservative base. The entire conservative infrastructure in America is designed to benefit those small groups of capitalists and throw scraps to the actual conservative base who are being directly killed by the conservative capitalists who control the pharamceutical industries. The biggest threat to the average white American right now is the opioid crisis and vulture capitalists destroying the American heartland.

Conservatism in America is a horrifying cannibal horror show. It's better off being killed than being reformed.

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