Friendly reminder: FUCK AUTHORITARIANS

Friendly reminder: FUCK AUTHORITARIANS.

We are in revolutionary times and you braindead fuckers think we should replace shitty government, with new, untried shitty government? FUCK YOU. Fuck you MOTHERFUCKING TANKIES who think there's anything 'just' about FUCKING MURDER. I mean, who wouldn't want to build glorious communist utopia by MURDERING INNOCENTS, MURDERING DISSENTERS, and WONDERING WHAT WENT WRONG? Every failure of the 20th century has one thing in common: it was authoritarian in philosophy, or it was FUCKING BACKSTABBED by authoritarians. I'm just an anarkiddy? FUCK NO. That word has been ruined by NIGGERS who think burning their neighbor's car is somehow hurting anybody but themselves. FUCK THAT. Use this time for praxis. Join direct and collective action, build dual power. While the world is hurting, FUCKING HELP PEOPLE. But telling this to Yas Forumstards is futile. Talk about kiddies, you shits are a bunch of edgy fuckwads who think it's fun to larp as ignorant 20th century proles. I'm sure as card-carrying commies/nazis that you fat sacks of shit wont be purged. Positive. But who am I kidding? Fucking mouthbreathers can't imagine freedom that isn't granted to them by daddy goberment or muh skywizard.

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Have sex incel

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>imagine taking Yas Forums this serious

Not an argument. But I'm sure you're getting SO MUCH pussy licking boots.

Ah, I forgot to mention daddy Hitler, smiling down on you from heaven for protecting your precious spooks.

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Not just Yas Forums desu m8, it's leddit and the rest of the world. People are waking up to capitalism & neoliberalism's flaws, but instead of looking forward they look backward. I'm fucking miffed that 'rona is going to end with a tankie surge because people ignore the political compass has a bottom half. Not like it matters because retards think anclap is anything but authoritarianism with edgy window dressing.

sage for rapid doublepost.

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I'd rather go back to following the basics of pic related
no more nfa, no more huges, no more GCA, no more patriot act, no more 14th, 19th amendment, no more Fed

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Honest question, do you think anarchy is incompatible with white nationalism? That your 14 words requires bloodshed? What do you and your people gain from submitting to authority? The same authority that violates your free association and stuffs propaganda down your children's throats? What makes you think it will be different?

wew, and I thought I was sperging out

Also, can't you see the hypocrisy in ?

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Herd protection

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>t. nick the gothnigger

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GOREPOSTING is the cure to the shill disease. For years they post and spam, slide and shill only being opposed by those who care. This will never change, the interest in this board goes beyond just one group or government so lets not make it easy on them. I ask all of us that cared about the board to start GOREPOSTING. GOREPOSTING will redeem this board, its a FACT that CIANIGGERS AND SHILLS are normalfaggots that get easily disturbed by gore and violence. With GOREPOSTING we can fight back against these "people".

GOREPOST TODAY! Simply add gore to your normal posts!

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based based BASED

Fair enough. Mercantilist confederation is basically center-minarchy. But why does there always need to be a president?

Why can't you have herd protection without authority? (I assume) You will protect your family, your community and your people without any leader. Why entrust one and cuck yourself?

I have never met a goth pacifist.

Nigga please. NEDM or mexican bestgore or you're not even trying.

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It's hilarious that people think this shit can lead to some Utopia. "TRUST THE PLAN" "PROOF CAPITALISM CAN'T WORK" Two sides of a retard coin.

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Mass immigration is a weapon

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>tfw no revolutionary terrorist gf ;__;

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Spicy, thanks for sharing.
is one kind of anarchism. One I personally follow, but far from the only kind for the most licentious ideology. Even then, one can argue that Stirner himself argued for collectivism as the true egoist considers even the community his property, and revels in the Unique of others.
You're free to believe in your spooks if you want. Live for your people if you will - that, at least, requires no authority but your own will.
>drug abuse
Do you not love your people? Then help them! If they are harmed by drugs, show them a better way. Is it love if you imprison them, rob them and look down upon them for their ignorance?

Communes can have borders. No one forces you to sell to your neighbor. No one forces you to live by someone you hate.

Unless, of course, you live under someone else's authority.

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It’s not about freedom. It’s about destiny. Sieg heil.

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urrrr just let everyone like do whatever mannn hurrrr

So Yas Forums has been taken over by antifa now huh? So standard issue bike lock for everyone now?

I'd gladly fight for the white ethnostate, but not if they ban anime and video games.