Now that the dust has settled, who was in the right?
1st American civil war
Mexico. Its lands had been stolen, and both the USA and CSA are at fault for retaining any Mexican lands in its possessions.
If the deep south and california breaks away, The US would improve tremendously.
You know just as well as any mutt that another is coming.
Best case scenario USA and China destroy eachother in a war and collapse into civil war.
The slave states made a big mistake in joining the union in the first place
>herp derp da souf is badwrong!
Get fucked.
It's not like the mutts gave em a choice.
Obviously the Union, slavery should have been abolished decades earlier
Without slavery, America would never have imported a large black population and would have remained entirely white.
I give it another decade before the civil war breaks out.
The South for Secession and States Rights. Fuck slavery. We would have freed them within a Generation.
The South was right about states' rights to regulate slavery. The South was wrong about states' rights to secede from the Union.
There will never be another civil war as long as American citizens are armed. Us citizens own 100 times the amount of guns than the military, and 400 that of the law enforcement. Our government currently fears it's citizens too much to go to war with them.
Then do it.
The South will rise again!
Neither. Slavery should never have come we're stuck dealing with the repercussions in the form of social/racial justice brainwashing of our children and gibs.
South was well within its right to secede.
Union was ass blasted about it and decided to bring the guns into it. Total political bullshit. Abraham Lincoln didn’t give a fuck about the slaves. When the war was over there was no effort to help former slaves become free men of worth. They just left them to their own devices imprisoned them and made them a new sort of slave to the new master. No one actually had some godly calling to free them and have them as equals 100% political theater. It was a convenient excuse to go to war with a rebellious part of the population. Slaves were taken advantage of by free black men and women free white men and women and every shade in between upon their ‘freedom’.
>then do it
It very well may come down to that. People have been lined up at the gun store before it opens everyday since this lockdown began. I live in the most gun friendly state in the union, and people are coming out of state to stock up here.
The South was obviously correct about federal overreach.
I don't know how any Yas Forumstard could spend years reading about endless alphabet agency glowniggers and their exploits and not come to the same conclusion.
Slavery wasn't wrong, it helped niggers and it helped whites too. And after it was abolished before Jim Crow whites and niggers lived peacably alongside one another, separate.
The repercussions of slavery...nah. Repercussions of faggot Yankee puritanism made worse by universal suffrage for women who simp for muh poor minorities because their estrogen makes them retarded.
Which side brought over niggers from Africa in the first place?
T.Nigger lover
Honestly, the South was right. I am a northerner and would love to believe we fought for something true. But that wasn't so. The South had every right to voluntarily secede just like we had the right to leave the British Empire.
It is self-determination.
I understand the contradiction inherent in that, being that the slaves did not get to determine themselves. However, things being what they were, the South was right. There's just no way around it.
Human nature being what it is, there was a war. And if the south had been victorious, who knows what strange twists and turns the course of history would have taken.
but ultimately I see the south as having been both legally and morally justified in their choice to secede.
now we're ALL slaves to the Federal Reserve.
Confederates were right. The yanks weren’t respecting the 10th amendment to the constitution.
However I believe the war had more to do with tariffs and economic policy than slavery. The north was right about pushing industrialization.
Absolutely correct. All shitposting aside, the real lasting change from the civil war in terms of American society had little to do with nigger slavery - which was, at most, incidental. Ultimately, the result of the Civil War was the end of America as a Republic, and the beginning of American oligarchy in which states were subjugated by mob rule by lobbyists in DC.
Take a step back sometime and just marvel at how disconnected Washington's policies are from the average American voter's interests. The reason why that is, is because America stopped actually being a Representative Democracy in 1885. Like I said, it's been mob rule by moneyed interests ever since Lincoln subjugated the South.
We "freed" nigger slaves...and in return, we all, every one of us, became slaves of the US Federal Government.
Unfortunately, Biden is going to be another nail in the coffin of the 2nd Amendment.
that guy is a real rebel, even drinking "New Coke"
>American yankees keep whining about the South
>Unionists let niggers have rights, even amending the Constitution several times to make sure of it
>ended up giving up on Reconstruction
>niggers spend next century chimping about muh rights
>yankees poisoned the well and passed even more civil rights legislation
>niggers today won't stop with muh evil whitey and muh slavery reparations as if all that past shit wasn't enough
The northies who were smart enough to know this were derided as copperheads and some were imprisoned for speaking out.
Debating the legality of secession is pointless. That's like saying the US was wrong in the Revolution.
>The north was right about pushing industrialization.
The Industrial Revolution and its consequences have been a disaster for the human race.
I lean towards CSA but both were kind of fags. Interestingly both Jefferson Davis and Lincoln were quite Welsh.
Governors will do it if Biden doesn't. Ask me how I know.
Slavery was wrong, because coexistence is heresy. Lincoln was right. They have to go back.
Can you imagine the Olympics with the CSA involved and Dixie playing after winning gold? Mindblowing.
and don't forget, the South will rise again, brother.
ps: don't use Old Glory in Southern threads... unless you're a subhuman yank.
>When the war was over there was no effort to help former slaves become free men of worth.
Freedman's Bureau?
sad fuckin days ahead for this country.
If Robert E Lee let Stonewall raise the black flag and lay waste to the north they could have saved Anne Frank
Sad days are already here, and that's actually fantastic for our future. Boomers, God bless them, have allowed this country to rot because they have been so comfortable. It's bred complacency into their bones.
Not us bud. We'll have to suffer through some rough times and fight hard, but we're going to take this land back from the people who stole it from us. Can't you feel it brewing? Trump was the people of this country trying to scratch an itch that's only gotten worse in the past four years.
the rich turds bet they could do it for the hell of it and it happened I bet. so whover made the bet.
Several of the native tribes sided with the south and they had more representation in the Confederacy than they ever had with the Union
The Union was kiked controlled.
Kys Mohammed.