No go zones are rioting for the 4th night in a row. It's happening...

No go zones are rioting for the 4th night in a row. It's happening. Wish them all the best ! Fuck this quarantine bullshit, ACAB !
>Cops car overturned with cops inside:
>Police station being torched
>Cop saying he will shoot if on anyone who throw another molotov cocktail on the police station
>Based muslims destroying CCTV
>Cops being drive out the no go zone
>Cops invading the no go zone (part 1)
>Muslims fighting back (part 2)

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Are you ok, FrancAnon?

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This fake ass virus is just the fucking flu. They've destroyed the whole fucking economy over nothing.

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Throw up the white flag. Surrender like you always do.

Last video is pretty kino

I would join them. They are the only ones fighting for freedom. Whites are meek and braindead. Live free or die. Burgers, please send guns... We need to fight Macron's regime.

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You want some kino ? Try this one.

I'm with you user. Our retarded County Judge decided she was going to make wearing masks a requirement. The Police Union said they wouldn't enforce it because it's not legal for her to do that.

Or this one:

Some blood need to be spilled. This mass hysteria need to stop.

It's happening, slowly but surely, people are realizing what's being taken away from us wholesale without any legal reasons.

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>mfw mudslimes save france and destroy the EU (and why thats a good thing!)

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Jesus these fucking niggers

Kino as fuck

Unbelievable for a french mind. The guy who wrote this would be in jail in France, seriously. Critical thinking is forbidden here and cops are overzealous ZOGbots.

If only the french police fought the sadniggers as hard as they fought the french during the yellow vests

Well we had a Bill of Rights, but apparently the part in the First Amendment about peaceable assembly has gone out of the window for a lot of the people on the coasts. There are going to be a lot of Supreme Court cases coming out of this. I'm just glad our State Government is going to smack our County Government down with this. I can't imagine having to live in NY or CA right now.

How the hell does a judge pass her own laws. What king of 3rd world is Texas living in

The County Judge is the "Mayor" of the County here. But yeah, she's way out of bounds and there is a huge uproar here about it. To be fair it's Harris County (Houston) which is about the bluest part of Texas outside of Austin.
Turnout was bad and our great County Judge Ed Emmett lost to this 25 year old AOC clone in 2018.

Why do those Spics keep yelling, “Hola! Hola! Hola!?” No one is coming out to say Bonjour when you’re throwing fire bombs at them!

Sandniggers aren't cucks, they have guns and they know that violence is always the solution. Pigs are just another gang. If the cops kill a shitskin, half of Macron's gvt will resign, even Macron will have to step down to stop the leftists + shitskins full riots.

Does Houston not have a mayor? You would think the mayor would try to command as much power as he can. Not give it away to some thot

Wow. Seriously? How about sending them back to the places they came from if they are going to pull shit like this...

The Mayor of Houston is the one who told the people of the city to defy Trumps order to evacuate and got a bunch of people killed and stranded in their homes a few years ago. He’s a Nigger.

Its called The Great Replacement for a reason.

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They are the only true men left in this shithole country. Whites are braindead and swallow every fucking bullshit. If this fake shit keep going, I'm moving to a sharia zone. No need to waste money living uptown when everything is closed. In sharia zone everything is opened and shitskins protect you from behing fined by the pigs. It's an eye opener for me.

To bad the majority of the sheeple are retarded. Sheeple believe the mainstream media as if it is an oracle of truth, and not rabid liars, which is what they are.

Hero confronts Coronavirus Hoaxers

>interview with nurse laid off for the hoax “I was laid off because we have no patients” “friends in the ICU unit are getting cancelled shifts, main hospitals in the Cleveland area"

>>covid tent is dance tent

>>nurses tiktok dance, no social distancing

We want to go outside obviously because the virus is fake. Leftists screaming and REEEEEEEing proves it's fake too.
(If it was a real "deadly virus") then all these Leftists who hate us would cheer and encourage us conservatives to go outside every day. They would be overjoyed to watch us go out and kill ourselves.
Leftists, politicians, police and Chris Cuomo go outside and go to work every day, which proves that this is a nothing hoax virus. The MEDIA are outside every day sobbing about how people outside are going to die WTF WHY ARE YOU OUTSIDE THEN MEDIA??? (Obviously because the virus is fake, a nothing, and the media know it)

>>TWO HOUR video in front Elmhurst AFTER WARZONE declared literally NOTHING!!!
>>>go inside
>>empty inside
>>inside elmhurst

If you mention any of this in public or on TV (((they))) will probably kill you.

GOREPOSTING is the cure to the shill disease. For years they post and spam, slide and shill only being opposed by those who care. This will never change, the interest in this board goes beyond just one group or government so lets not make it easy on them. I ask all of us that cared about the board to start GOREPOSTING. GOREPOSTING will redeem this board, its a FACT that CIANIGGERS AND SHILLS are normalfaggots that get easily disturbed by gore and violence. With GOREPOSTING we can fight back against these "people".

GOREPOST TODAY! Simply add gore to your normal posts!

Attached: GOREPOST NOW.jpg (5264x2360, 1.21M)

Just fucking kill them.

How can you tell I work for the CIA?

Muslims are needed now.

Macron and bitch le pen are both kikes.
Old la pen is ok but we need another leader.

We have the same fake shit in France. No one is tested, everyone die from it, selling masks is forbidden, no HCQ, no medicine, no nothing. Just stay at home and wait for this fake shit to stop. Meanwhile, cops are hunting you down for being outside, your phone is tracked, cops are searching your grocery bag and if they don't like what you've bought, they fine you €135. We are living in a dystopian society and white peoples are cheering up. Neighbors are spying on you and calling the cops to rat, "user went outside 2 times today and his last grocery bag wasn't big enough"

Why ? I want to join them. I'm unjustifiably on house arrest.