The most Chad thing you can do is marry a black woman

Being a white guy with a Black Queen is the apex of existence. Treating her right, especially in public radiates an energy that's impossible to put into words. You'll feel like a King and get treated like one too.

Attached: island woman.webm (640x640, 2.05M)

Other urls found in this thread:

If I wanted to be a zookeeper I'd just convert to Judaism

Blacks are the cesspit of humanity

>user, if I finally put on the dress and frolick in the wheat field for a picture, will you please stop bugging me about it?

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Race mixing is for jews and other non whites

>the jews are still trying to get white guys to go for nigger bitches

If I wanted to be a zookeeper I'd just convert to Judaism


Thinking with muh dick and not about having children isn't Chad at all.

Attached: Autolycus.jpg (955x1200, 224.64K)

>treat a retard like a normal person
>women get wet because they immediately see a chad whom they think they can get with solely because they're not retarded
That's exactly the energy it puts off, and the second you take a normal bitch as your girl, it's gone. Why? Because it never existed in the minds of anyone but women, faggot.


Jewesses are cute, pretty, beautiful, sexy, smart, wealthy, traditional, religious, have nice Khazar Milkers, and White enough to have White babies with.

Jewesses are the real alternative to White women. Take the Jewesspill anons.


Attached: Abbi with Long Skirt.jpg (533x800, 85.79K)

Yeah I want to have white kids so....

>The most Chad thing you can do is marry a black woman

Nah bro, the most Chad thing is to marry a sexy Jewish babe. What better way to get back at the Jewish World Order than fucking and marrying one of their daughters?

Imagine using the power of the Jewess against (((them)))?

Attached: Laci Flirting.png (584x654, 383.2K)

As an addendum, if you want to radiate immense male energy, first take care of yourself -- mind, body, and spirit -- then marry a good woman and produce as many children as you can. Focus everything into being a good father, with a firm but fair attitude that focuses on communication, honesty, and doing what's best for your children. A strong family is a fortress in the minds of everyone who sees it; you simultaneously respect it, appreciate it, want to be within it. That's some big dick chad shit right there, and looks aint got a fucking thing to do with it.

>Bragging about literal zoophilia
Sage this crap.

Facebook isnt enough advertising?

Attached: 20200422_221532.jpg (1080x1921, 281.15K)

i just create a thead of a nigger who die today. that thead who have like 300 replies.
(is archived now)

i am a champ.

every time

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Black women have the lowest possible sexual preference value. Not even nigger men choose them.

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oy vey, judiasm is passed through the mother, goy! we thought of everything!

Why do women do that, is that suppose to be attractive or something, it looks ridiculous and is a turn off.

Real men aren’t scared of a feminine penis.

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Lol no kike , JewishnesS is passed down and inherited from the mother it’s common knowledge . Your gonna have to shill harder than that

fuck you Yas Forums and this fetish that haunts me now.

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You can try but you won't succeed.
Jews only love black cock.

You seem to be confusing chad with beta. How you would make this mistake will require some soul searching on your part.

Todd Howard?

Proving Alex Jones is a true Chad.

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>Being a white guy with a Black Queen is the apex of existence
Yeah, I'll give that some thought Rabbi.


Attached: Average nigger smacking lips.jpg (1000x667, 165.56K)

Chad? Surely you meant Bad

Also the duck lip thing


Not if we convert them before marrying.

Fuck off Schlomo. Jewesses are OUR property now. Jewish girls crave BIG ARYAN COCK.

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Shalim Shalömchen Rabbi Shekelberg

this but unironically

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>2 dollar
>2 dollar
>*hides the peen*
Funny vid desu.

Come one user. You know you want to.

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