Any group subjected to colonialism, slavery will commit crimes at a higher rate. Whenever you point to "muh crime stats" you're just pointing out that structural racism exists.
REMINDER: Disparities in criminality between races can be explained entirely by environment
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That's not true, Appalachia has been poorer longer than any nigger neighborhood and they have far less violent crime.
best thread on the board. if everyone on Yas Forums was put in a steel cage and forced to fight to the death I would easily be the last man standing, genuinely
i sit here sometimes looking at the smart arse posts you little students and neets make and just chuckle to myself because if you ever said anything like that to my face (as if you would dare) you could literally be eating pavement in under a second
think on
Racism is a judeo-Marxist conspiracy theory. Nigger crime is caused by the primitive nigger brain. Blame evolution.
Environment created by those races
racism doesn't exist. it's a made up lie told by the democrats to control black people
it's genetic.
Any group subjected to anti-white loxism will gas jews at a higher rate. Whenever you point to "muh white supremacy" you're just pointing out that structural loxism exists.
You canafag. I slapped the same post on another slide thread.
Shes perfect
Its a well known fact that the poorest white communities have a lower crime rate than the richest black communities. So. Youre wrong.
EGO much,Canfag ?
yes, environments with more niggers have more crime
>any group subjected to colonialism, slavery
Except no black person alive today in America experienced it. Neither did their parents. Or their grandparents. You can’t use that excuse forever. Liberia for example was one of the first majority-African nations to have independence. They have a constitution almost identical to America’s. 200 years later, they’re still one of the poorest, most dangerous countries on earth.
You’ve also got to consider, what sort of group is able to become colonised? Why was Africa so behind after millennia of zero interaction with other races?
Must feel weird to fuck a woman that black. Probably very exciting, as an experience.
The Jews were enslaved and colonized by Egypt and managed to not go niggering around for the next thousand years
Jim watson doesn’t think so
How come niggers can't take responsibility?
I don't care that your great great grandfather was a slave, stop smoking weed and get a Job. It's really not that hard.
Why are some breeds of dogs more violent and/or dumber than other breeds?
Niggers have higher crime rates than Pakis in London, London is Paki majority.
Eat shit
Have any studies to back that up?
> the white area still has more rape and murder , it’s just theft and burglary that makes the black neighborhood have more crime
Totally wrong leftist propaganda
Quite to opposite of the notion of white greatness if whites are still Appalachia-tier poor in 2020
Japanese intern camps
That’s the only reply you need
>criminality between races explained entirely by environment
poorest white neighborhood has less crime than richest black neighborhood in america
>subjected to colonialism = more crime AKA OPRESSION
american blacks are smarter than african blacks
the african countries that were colonized are the most successful today
>it's another nigger apologist episode
If its a byproduct of colonialism how come native americans dont have rampent crime rates and predispositions to violence?
God damn black girls can pull off yellow
> True I often hear people complain about the muslim gangs in london( and they are correct without a doubt) but the same can’t be said about the blacks who are far worse in crime . I think it’s because people can cope with the fact that muslims believe different things and blame it on ideology rather than the race of it. Most blacks who commit the crimes in London come from Christian households but no one cares about them. I’d rather live next to Bosnian muslims than Christian jaimiacans
I have no idea why I greentexted lol
regardless they prove that blacks are racially predisposed to criminal activity
Read a book about his life many years ago, interesting person.
i just create a thead of a nigger who die today. that thead who have like 300 replies.
(is archived now)
i am a champ.
>Disparities in criminality between races can be explained entirely by environment
I.e. an environment with Africans, muslims etc in it.
Take your nigger fetishism elsewhere
imagine thinking this is true
t. Average college student urbanite
Provided we agree that environment is a product of its racial constituents
Kys discord tranny faggot
Exactly right OP and the increase in random violent crime from white people is a result of foreigners colonizing their homeland.
>Quite to opposite of the notion of white greatness if whites are still Appalachia-tier poor in 2020
Completely avoided the original point there didn't you.
I wanna fuck her, sorry guys but my dick says do it. Am I a race trader?
I know everyone will complain about race, me i don't care, I would pull my BWC on that QT any smash!
>1 post by this ID
>step in with sockpuppets or co-workers to keep countersignaling
>people calling you out on subversive shit thread or people humoring your bait and destroying you either way
What is their endgame, what do they think they are accomplishing? Masochism?
More whites
>bro if not everyone has God rays coming out of eyes and not a millionaire then uhhhhh yt btfod
Race-treason analogy does not apply equally to men and women.
If you're conscious enough to not impregnate her or marry her, it's ok.
>1 post by this id
I would marry her, IDK hate me.
only if you cum inside
You misspelled "genetics".
Why would you do that to your kids?