Guess he struck out
Shut up nigger no one cares
i could care less about a dead nigger.
Feral niggers need to be put down like rabid animals
America’s two favorite pastimes in one pic
Good shooting
Clean it up wagie!
OP is a faggot
Getting hit in the head with a bat can kill you. What’s forcing you to swing a bat at a guy with a gun? Nothing. Niggas gonna nig.
What do you expect the cop to do when threatened by a thug with a bat?
he dindu nuffin racis cop should have let him hit him wit a bat he dindu
He dead?
how much less?
how about don't bring a bat to a gun fight
got me
Looks to me like cop fucked up and was trying to pull the trigger on the taser and zap him again and got his firearm instead
fuck you ethnobigot retards
police are giant vaginas
I would like to thank the American police force for shooting this nigger and all of the other niggers that have been shot. Doing God's work.
it's a nigger so he was probably doing something suspicious.
>know that people get shot all the time
>still try and take a bat to a gunfight
Why even bother
Baseball will always be a white mans sport, nigger
I'm 15 years old but they won't ban me
Very irresponsible of jannies to allow this
Try it out for yourself guys, this site clearly isnt 18+ anymore
Either that or the jannies feel I contribute so much to this board that im irreplaceable
Why are you a police state order follower borg? Who do you work for? The perks aren't that good.
What a dumb bitch asking all these questions lol
the cop gets a few weeks of paid leave while that father and son dumpster defender duo get prison time. What kind of retarded nation is this ?
>crying about a nigger getting shot
With a taser, which was even funnier
In a manner of speaking. He's in heaven with Jesus now.
i see no problem with this. police kills people randomly all the time, that's what they're here for.
>appears to show
An armed person, police or civilian issues you an order or command at gunpoint.
Probably not the best time to debate your civil liberties or rights.
Cop was way calmer facing the dude up close like that than he should have been.
funny way to spell nigger
>shot first
>tazed second
o-oh, looks like one of the brave heroic cops shit themselves and panicked and fucked everything up
>what are you ganna do, shoot me?
>gets shot
Shooting niggers and shopping?
Looks completely justified to me.
99% of the time a cop kills a nigger in the USA, it’s because he was resisting arrest.
Lefties are slowly becoming aware they are no longer in control of the cultural narrative.
Nigger riots when?
>that instant blood trail
wew must have hit a main artery
Swing bat at cop you die lol he got LEO'D
Suicide by cop seems to be a very effective method
That 911 operator tho.
>Aaaand what kind of shoes is he wearing?
Bitch he's the only nigger with a baseball bat in the store.