I bet all you niggers are far red red and I'm the only based gentleman and awesome rAcIsT chad.
POL faggots, where do you stand on the political compass?
>post your incel spectrum results
if everyone on Yas Forums was put in a steel cage and forced to fight to the death I would easily be the last man standing, genuinely
i sit here sometimes looking at the smart arse posts you little students and neets make and just chuckle to myself because if you ever said anything like that to my face (as if you would dare) you could literally be eating pavement in under a second
think on
i stand atop it, because it's shit, i step on shit, transcend it, occasionally drop down and roll around in the shit to know the shit, to taste it, i prostrate myself to know the shit, i become shit myself and dance on the shit, dance on myself dancing on the shit, i smear the shit across my chest my face and especially my eyes, which are open and my erection points true north, truer than any shit compass
Listen up maplenigger and listen good. If you don't zip that whore mouth right now I will pull out your guts through your ears and strangle your chicken neck with them, all after I gauge out your eyeballs and skullfuck you. And don't apologize to me now like a complete and utter Canadian faggot that you really are, just bow down to your knees and say "yes papa"
Am I a nazi now or what?
nvm I hate guns now
Is there an anticorruption slider?
That is a jew rigged chart. You can supply all the right answers to get called a nazi and be put on the left
No surprise
let's try that again
oh boy here it comes
that chart is calling commies "big government"? lmao ok
Not sure what this makes me. Don’t really give a shit.
Monarchist here.
>POL faggots, where do you stand on the political compass?
on top
Fuck you brodeur
Natsoc cringe
Right libertarian gang
oh god don't gauge his eyeballs
>being this retarded
My nigga