How did America fuck this up so badly?

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Per capita niggs

imagine being a neet. if everyone on Yas Forums was put in a steel cage and forced to fight to the death I would easily be the last man standing, genuinely

i sit here sometimes looking at the smart arse posts you little students and neets make and just chuckle to myself because if you ever said anything like that to my face (as if you would dare) you could literally be eating pavement in under a second

think on

When you're used to being #1 it's hard to stop.


And this

Hey you fucker

/pol is a board of peace, don't come here picking fights and destroying the harmony or someone will knock you the fuck out.

Per capita, and when you consider that America has the most air travel to and from china over any other nation, and we do more business around the world than any other name... those numbers are quite incredible that it's so low.

Time and place bitch


I gonna fuck your ass bitch

Time and place little bitch

Scale is totally different, America has more population so of course there will be more infected and deaths.


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Mostly just New York city extroverts who can't keep their grubby needy little hands off each other for more than 5 min.
That's most of it. Someone can nuke it if they'd like. It's pretty worthless.

Hey you faggot, where?!

Not my theory

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Daily reminder that Khazar Milkers are the cure for the Corona Virus.

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>Imagine being so dumb you don't understand the concept of per capita.
>Imagine being such a misinformed tool that you don't know infections and deaths are being measured in so many dubious, inaccurate, conflicting ways that these statistics are meaningless.
>imagine being a chinese shareblue discord tranny.
>imagine being OP.

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>doesn't show china


Jewesses are cute, pretty, beautiful, sexy, smart, wealthy, traditional, religious, have nice Khazar Milkers, and White enough to have White babies with.

Jewesses are the real alternative to White women. Take the Jewesspill anons.


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Chickened out, huh?

Tell me whrer and when bitch and prepare your anus

Absolutely nothing compared to chink land. You would know about it, wouldn't you?

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Per capital also applies to testing you absolute mongoloid. The reason why we're so low is because only the people who are literally dying are getting tested

i only look at the left column

Whrer do you live you little faggot? I want your ass

I can"t deny it anymore Yas Forums I am in love with Abigail Shapiro. Her class and sophistication, her innocent smile, and mostly those lush pendulous yiddie tiddies. I would betray my blood and my race to put my circumcised BWC between them. It has been great shitposting with you guys, but i'm taking the blue pill for her so that maybe someday she will reward me with her body. The merchant is my greatest ally and I don't care if Tyrone BLACKS every white woman on earth, because how can they even hope to compete with genetically superior khazar milkers? I would cut down a hundred pure Aryan younglings if only she would let me nurse on those swarthy Jewish areolae, gently stroking my hair back and whispering "that's a good goy" to me as I slobber and wojack-face with mindless, zen-like contentment. Who cares about the white race? We're inferior to (((them))) anyway and deep down all of you fags know it. The best hope I can attain to is to racemix up with a genetically superior jewess and watch her breastfeed our godtier IQ offspring on those luscious khazar milkers. I need jewtits in my life senpai.

>boomers and poor people dying by the car load

Who says we fucked it up retard?

Give me your address I'll fuck you

>anyone who had corona and dies is thrown in this pile
>voting year so gotta make that agenda since impeachment didn't work
really make me think

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Your asshole's gonna bleed


But user we can get Jewesses to join our side. We can use them against the Jewish menace.

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True but the scary part is the return on testing, in the US there have been 4325 000 tests for a return of 825 000 positive, that's one positive for every 5 tests, what the fuck is going on with that?

you can stroke her yid happy trail while you're at it

Y'all bitches all talk, gimme action, I want some actin, whee and when?

Way more people have this thing and have no idea. Many people have mild or no symptoms yet still spread it. Look at Iceland, they randomly tested 1/10th of their pop and half of them had it and didn't even know.

our nurses are too busy making Tik Tok videos and counterprotesting