Why are women so easy to read?

You can just tell which one's are whores and which one's are innocent. Why is this?

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And which one is that

There are no innocent women

whore, obviously

Because personality traits often are related to lifestyle

>Why are women so easy to read
and yet, you STILL can't get a gf
for shame, user.

Wow, she is built for innocence

It's not you reading them honey... It's them reading you.

It's called the thousand-cock-stare.

The whore ones overdo make up, have lip injections, are super active on social media, etc...

the good girls typically dont have super active social medias and aren't posting infront of cameras constantly for validation.

Explain like I’m an autist.

it's not easy at all.
actually it's often inverse of what you think

I know sjw half bald goth girls who have 1 body count and trad girls with over 10.

How do you confirm which ones are whores and which ones aren’t? The only way to know is to get to know them and ask them, or have a female friend in their friend group tell you when one of them fucks chad or Tyrone.

>projecting on a Mongolian basket weaving forum
for shame, user.

Have sex, incel.

He said innocent. You're talking about two non-virgin categories.

Here is your answer: evolution is natural selection AND sexual selection. Females and males have different reproductive goals. This is called the battle of the sexes. It occurs in all animals that reproduce sexually. For males, high fecundity is the goal. Since the male must invest a lot of energy in protecting and caring for the mother of his children, he wants to ensure she is healthy. Promiscuous females offer a very low paternity assurance (that is a term) and also can carry STDs which wreak havoc on embryos. High parasite loads are teratogenic.

Therefore a good chunk of the males brain should be devoted to discriminating high value versus low value females. Since a perceptive male has a better chance at selecting a high fecundity female.

That is the answer.




dont know but that one looks like a tranny



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nevermind a waste


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if you were reading them wrong how would you know, thats the thing about being wrong

also all women are whore. there ya go champ.

Wyoming can read chads and betas too.

Fuck off thot

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Don't get too cocky Yas Forums ! Some of these whores are more deceptive than you could believe,and they'll burn you down , Know your enemy and don't sell them short !


The funniest part is that Mikhaila is fucking some kick boxer who said that depression is not real meanwhile her dad is on suicide watch.

post feet

digits don't lie
take notes incels

Naw I know a few who were quiet, studious types. After years of knowing them I found out they're low key freaks in bed. You can def still be surprised.

>low key

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they read you to see how much of a whore can she be around you. they can be whores with chads cause chads already know thats their nature, whereas betaboys will hate them if they act like whores. thats why they cant stand beta cucks, because they cant be their real selves around them

Based social Darwinist.

Thats the best and the worst at the same time


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In Cambodia, we have an ancient saying:

>Men are like gold. Even if they are dull, they can be polished.
>Women are like white cloth. They are quick to dirty and difficult to clean afterwards.

Satan dropping some truth bombs up in here. I can't think of someone as well versed in female nature as the inventor of it.

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fucking checked and patrolled

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