Why are we allowing lockdowns?

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Fluoride has made everyone docile. Imagine trying this 100 years ago

I can't, I don't even think this would fly 20 years ago

Because everyone is retarded. See all those people wearing masks? They buy the narrative. That's a literal brainwashed, fluoridated, vaccinated-until-vegetable retard. There's millions upon millions of these people, they things are true because the man on TV told them it was true.

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There is literally, no lockdown. It's just suggested.


when it rains, you'll carry an umbrella, when there's a pest, you wear a mask. simple as.

it's part of the plan!

I just don't understand why they decided to lockdown. Should've just made mask required to be in public. Economy probably would've took a slight hit but none of this bullshit

Because we want some time off work to relax and get strong for the shitstorm ahead.

I wanna lick his asshole as he farts jewish indoctrination in my mouth.

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IT ISN'T FLYING AT ALL. They're just downplaying all of the protests going on right now. Use a news source other than Television.

because people are stupid, scared, easily led, and ignorant of their rights.

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It's all China's fault goy. Repeat after me: yellow man bad

We are weak

short answer is the perfect storm of a country basically collapsed and it's a major election year

Wear the fag rag and stay inside goyim.

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10 people show up for a shitty CIA gay parade in Iran and the news all at once: "Massive protest movement welling up in the name of freedom"

Then here, they will try to minimize and hide the protests over this

Hot damn! That is a sexy man! Sexiest man alive, if my ovaries do say so.

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Pic related

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This, none of this shit stands for a second in court

I dont know where you are but im in Dallas / Fort Worth and in my neighborhood everyone is out doing their normal shit and the cops arent saying shit to people.

It looks like the media is making this shit up too

Where I am 97% of the public wears a fag rag at the grocery store. I'm embarrassed for these people.

A retard with fear, tool of tyrants.

>why are we allowing this?
not shooting governors in minecraft

As if those do anything to stop transmission

The insistence on everybody wearing a fag rag pisses me off. There are no actual masks to buy anymore so I would be forced to use cloth, which would just keep pollen near my mouth and nose. It's allergy season, I'm already getting fucked up by that.

Cuz you ain't desperate just yet.

how to flouride detox?

You should start saying where you are from when describing what the goypopulation is doing. Fuck bugmen and there will be a revolution against the borg. This is the beginning of a very dark transhumanist agenda.

because if everyone is locked down the virus will die and we can go back to our normal lives. unfortunately trumptards want america to be destroyed.

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>Why are we allowing lockdowns?
There extremely effective when used properly.

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You think a virus that's contributed to the deaths 0.01% of Americans should be met with a complete shutdown of normal life?

Sweden? Middle America?

IT's a lockdown! NO ONE CAN LEAVE THEIR HOMES! Oh, wait, they can...

ALL OF THE BUSINESSES ARE CLOSED.... except all of the ones that aren't, like, basically every place except restaurants and they're still allowed to sell take out....

Hmmm, so what is actually "LOCKED DOWN!"??? Parks? What a joke. No wonder the virus is still spreading.

China welded people into their homes, America shut down some movie theaters and everyone freaked out. The Chinks knew we're too stupid to handle this properly, that's why they allowed the international flights out of China to continue. This is WWIII and China already won. Why have a nuclear war when you can just let the stupid Americans and Europeans tear themselves apart and let their debt based, bubble economy implode in on itself.

its killed 50000 americans. all you had to do was stay in your house for a month, you are selfish animals


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Do you shit yourself every flu season faggot?

>No wonder the virus is still spreading.

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Because I’m really enjoying working from my comfy house instead of my sterile box of an office fake smiling to 50 people a day. Anything to keep this going. Anyone without this situation though, I think they are banking on welfare saving them and are enjoying the time off.

Look up the Spanish Flu. They did do it 100 years ago and forced masks in public as well.

unemployment is paying better than employment. take away the gibs and youll have mass disobedience.

Ok msm shill

Play into that fatalism a little more please

Fuck your Spanish Flu, not even close to comparable

Because there is no cure. The only way to address a virus pandemic is quarantine.
What diseases are subject to Federal isolation and quarantine law?
By Executive Order of the President, federal isolation and quarantine are authorized for these communicable diseases:

Infectious tuberculosis
Yellow fever
Viral hemorrhagic fevers (like Ebola)
Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS, MERS, COVID-19)
Flu that can cause a pandemic

So less than 0.01% point taken.

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Go back to work for shekelstein,everything is OK,they are just sheep.

they don't do much to keep you from getting sick, but they help prevent you from transmitting it to other people which is especially useful if you're asympomatic

2 million dead if trump continued to do nothing.