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What a coincidence.

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He died a free man. He’s the real hero

Seriously, stay the fuck inside, wear a mask and trust science.

Shut up bootlicker

Let them die. Spread the info about the hoax.

Okay retard

He'll only be remembered as a statistic and forever as a meme of the stupidity of libertarians. We'll piss on his grave every day with this meme.

>the government told me to stay inside! i will obey

This is why conservatives lose. The greatest boon to nationalism in a century is a "hoax".

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Really activates those almonds

Yes, Canadians aren't retarded and we'll happily stay home and follow the guidelines of the Government.

>At least my newborn daughter still had her "rights"
>At least my son still had his "rights"
>At least my wife still had her "rights"
>At least I still had my "rights"

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Now don't be critical or we dox you and will plaster your face all over the news when you die and shame all your relatives.

I envy your country.

Reminder Trump warned Israel two months before he told the American people

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>lock down didn’t work

So he was right

Children aren't dying from this cold

This is no different than dying of the flu. We still dont stop our country just bc of a disease.
Even if tomorrow I die from the flu or Covid, the point still stands.
Live free or die.
All that die make the human race stronger and free up resources.

Did Mr Trump make Izrael great again? I heard he likes watching the rabbis suck baby dicks. What a loon.

Zion Don!! That's my president!!! MAGA AND MIGA! Nvm no MAGA!!!!


It’s a WEAPON. Understand, sphincter brain? If you spin around Sound of Music style on Normandy Beach you’re going to take an artillery shell in the ear.

Just fucking dome yourself.

Cringe and bluepilled

The fact that this is being posted so many places just shows how incredibly petty they are.


> Shut up bootlicker
Extroverts are so needy and ungifted. I hope you all die.

No (((you))) and your ilk

If death is the worst thing ever, why do people commit suicide?

If they don't die, they'll live the rest of their lives with their organs so damaged, suicide will be an every day thought as they're restricted from joining the rest of the healthy kids because of the very strong possibility of the virus re emerging in their body again. Take responsibility for your actions and fucking own it because otherwise you're a predator recklessly endangering American lives for you bullshit beliefs.

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Fake operation mockingbird story.

>Virus notorious for incubating for a long time
>For some reason people who hold church services, protest, speak out, all drop dead within days of doing so, going from asymptomatic to in the morgue under a day or two

Something's kinda strange if you ask me.

Being called a jew by your kind is the best feeling in the world. I'm going to mock this motherfucker so hard, he'll be spinning in his grave. IF he's not cremated.

Because they're pussies with their no regards for the pain they inflict on their families

And no one questions murder.

Ho ho ho.

I'd rather die with my freedom than live without it

Its the governor's fault for not acting quickly enough, now a man has died!

Dear coronahoax shills,

Please fuck off


I guess we better just stay in our cuck sheds until our overlords tell us otherwise

How is Trump going to win re-election if all his voters keep dying out from muh economy?

>He thinks every suicide victim has a family that loves them lmao
Come back when 18 kid

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>jew york daily news
yeah. I'm not reading that shit brah

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Did Mr Trump make Izrael great again? I heard he likes watching the rabbis suck baby dicks. What a loon.

Zion Don!! That's my president!!! MAGA AND MIGA! Nvm no MAGA!!!!
Follow along and repeat after me.


t. Government worker still getting full salary

He was targeted and poisoned

> a guy that believed that getting struck by lightning was a rare event, got struck by lightning which proves he was wrong and that it is not a rare event.
> Thomas Smith, A black man in North Carolina, has not been convicted of a violent crime yet, thus disproving the notion that black males commit violent crimes at disproportionate rates.

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Phone companies allow NSA to GPS track. Algorithm searches for social media keywords connecting dissenters to their location. Keep an eye on famous people and those with popular archived memes that are skeptical of virus. Wait for one to die. Luckily, through the centralized and misguided postmortem system of testing you can make anyone a corona death without the actual tester even knowing about their misdiagnosis. Sensationalize death to fit narrative structure and you control the NPC's.

So simple and elegant you almost have to respect it.

show tits please

Negates nothing. Your consequences will follow you beyond the grave.

Why do you care about being remembered at all? Youre not special

>we'll happily stay home and follow the guidelines of the Government.
God I hate this country... Guess you're also a big fan of Trudeau's gun grab?

oh if the guy even exists in the first place

Kek. Great and vivid analogy

well, technically he is working now

Imagine them tasking their "journalists" with a list of everyone who died recently and having them try to find any criticism of the Corona lockdown.
>Blumphkin status = owned
for a week on one guy.

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Let me ask some other questions.
1. Who here has done house arrest(i have btw)?
2. Do people really think John Q and Stacy Public are actually going to tolerate house arrest as summer continues to draw near?

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Because that's what every man worth his ideals should aspire to. But you wouldn't know anything about it, you're an amerimutt with no identity whatsoever.

What happens if he agreed with the lockdown and still died? Does that disprove the lockdown?

good enough for the cunt, hope others like him die painfully

And? You know he would have died of corona eventually, right? The point of lock down is to slow the spread so hospitals don't become overwhelmed, not to prevent deaths from corona. If they relaxed the lock down 5 months from now, he would still get it then and die from it.

you just know this guy was an asshole.
get what you fucking deserve.

You’re going to hear hundreds of thousands of stories like this one over the next year.

>43000 dead, find one that our NPC Karen readers can 2 minutes hate to make less than nonsensical political point
Strangely enough there were no stories about the hundreds of thousands of Americans who voted for Obama and died without health insurance.

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>meanwhile in Poland groups of people talk in the streets
>some wear masks, some not
>you can count dead people in your province on your fingers
>couple 100s officialy sick
>can criticize whatever you want because 5g not operative yet
feels good

All of my life UwU

>You’re going to hear hundreds of thousands of stories like this one over the next year.
So how come we aren't hearing stories of people who agreed with the lockdown and died?

pneumonia can cause permanent lung damage. it's nothing new with this virus that - shock - can cause pneumonia just like the flu.

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He's not wrong to criticize the lock down though, it's fucking tyranny even if the virus is such a huge threat.

It's not like otherwise healthy people don't die of the flu occasionally, but the death rates of this disease for healthy people are incredibly low. You're free to lock yourself in your basement if you want.

I don't knew Corona could spread via a gun

it would be bad for narrative

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