► Man hours wasted: 5,040,000,000,000 ► Boomerinos saved: gorillions
>SCIENTIST-APPROVED HOBBIES - Stay home and do these to preserve your health — PornHub — — Netflix — — Binge eating (PROCESSED / FROZEN FOOD ONLY) —
>Stay at home
>EAT ONLY FROZEN / CANNED FOOD, buying fresh food requires going to the grocery shop more frequently
>Postpone the financial wellbeing of your family; There is no reason people should need to continuously gather resources to survive, capitalist scum
>Postpone the education of your children; Your childrens' development is not nearly as important as the lives of our elderly
>Wear a face mask - Pic related is me, your faithful OP, repping one of my favorite brands while I'm at it
All of the above will immensely benefit the health of humankind. If all 7,000,000,000 of us sacrifice just a couple years of normal life, we can prevent up to 1,000,000 people from dying 5 years early.
LIST OF SYMPTOMS IN HEALTHY YOUNG PEOPLE: - pneumonia - stroke - seizure - taste buds stop working - destroys testicles - turns asian people into african - broken hip - puts a spider in your cocoa puffs
>Swiss Research Indicates That SARS-CoV-2 Coronavirus Attacks The Lining Of Blood Vessels Across The Body In Severe COVID-19 Stages
>Already studies have shown that it attacks the ACE2 receptors in the lungs, kidneys, male gonads, the nervous system, the immunity system by targeting T-Cells and now this.
The tactics being used to fake Coronavirus are the same tactics that were used to fake the Holocaust:
>Cherry pick a few really sick people in hospitals all over the country and videotape it. Say that they have coronavirus when it's just one of several illnesses people die from everyday. >Stupid people watch CNN and freak out. "Oh my god that person is sick and in bed, they must have coronavirus". >Hospitals all over the world falsify almost 200k death certificates. Basically are given the green light to commit fraud. The WHO scratches their back by giving failing hospitals billions of dollars in free money while the hospitals scratch their backs by perpetrating the hoax for the banks and Wall St to distract the peasants. >b-but what about all the dead people in China? >On average, 7 million people die a year in China. Would have been even easier to commit the death certificate fraud there. >For all we know, they just took stock photos of a coronavirus from the past in some lab someplace, and released them to scare the shit out of people. >Try to post facts on Yas Forums. Get attacked by a bunch of ((bots)) saying "take your meds schizo". Amazing how it's 2020 and billions of people are still able to be fooled by shit that worked in the 1940's before computers were even invented. Smh.
>GUYS HERE IS THE NOTHINGBURGER GENERAL /nbg/ >GUYS HERE IS THE NOTHINGBURGER GENERAL /nbg/ >GUYS HERE IS THE NOTHINGBURGER GENERAL /nbg/ Stay informed and don't let the state rape you harder than this virus ever could!!!
Julian Peterson
Been saying that for a month now Its not pneumonia, its a blood disease in which pneumonia like syntoms are a cause. Which is why ventilators don't work. How is it that it takes the lancet and high level science has taken months to figure out /cvg/ knew in January
My dad passed away at 11pm last night because of corona
I'm not even sad, I am just numb. I am still in shock even after a full almost 24 hours. It happened so fast, he knew he was infected a week ago and then passed away at 51 years old.
Who am I supposed to blame for this? What do I do? Why did this even have to happen? It is so random and avoidable...