This lockdown needs to end, Mr. President!

This lockdown needs to end, Mr. President!
No more American lives lost!

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Honestly I can’t even blame her. This lockdown is worse than hell on earth. I decided to give up juuling and drinking during the lockdown because it was a good time but I can’t fucking stand it. I literally want to fucking kill myself

My grandfather died and I've been too busy handling his affairs to even observe the quarantine.

You're pathetic and a disgrace to humankind.

do it, you sound like the most insufferable faggot

Isn't that the same chick that gets posted here making jokes about her looking like nick cage?


>Uuuuurgh must consume mind cleanser

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My life has never been better. Quarantine is amazing, best thing that's ever happened to me. I hope it is prolonged.

Shut the fuck up weirdo. Juuling and drinking are both fun. All you do is sit around on your computer being stinky and eating hot pockets loser

>This lockdown is worse than hell on earth.
I think it's bad for causing 22 million likely permanent layoffs and kicking off the new Great Depression, but how is staying inside "worse than hell on earth?" This was already how I spent all my free time, only now I VPN to work every weekday instead of just some of the time like we did before the virus.

For the love of god do us all a favor and let us accelerate, peace out faggot

How horribly pathetic does your life have to be that you can't occupy yourself without a job or school
Literal born slaves

There’s literally nothing to do right now. Nothing new is happening. No one can go out or do anything. I can’t occupy myself with anything anymore it’s been an entire month of this shit

they lack the drive and intellect to inspire pursuit of knowledge. people have to be entertained.

eugenic as fuck

You have the entirety of the internet at your disposal and you can't find anything to do? How?

this desu, what is the point of living if you can't do anything?

You can only beat your dick so many times user


Jesus fucking Christ have you never heard of video games

good riddance desu

Read a book.

make sure to do a flip

stfu nerd

What the motherfuck is stopping you, sodomite? Go on and slit your throat like the limp wrist little sissy boy you are. You were never meant to survive in hard times.

Women really are losing their shit over not getting constant attention for three months, it's hilarious.

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Sorry about your grandpa

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GOREPOSTING is the cure to the shill disease. For years they post and spam, slide and shill only being opposed by those who care. This will never change, the interest in this board goes beyond just one group or government so lets not make it easy on them. I ask all of us that cared about the board to start GOREPOSTING. GOREPOSTING will redeem this board, its a FACT that CIANIGGERS AND SHILLS are normalfaggots that get easily disturbed by gore and violence. With GOREPOSTING we can fight back against these "people".

Simply add gore to your normal posts! GOREPOST TODAY!

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>can still go on walks
>have the entire internet
>can video chat friends and family
>can still exercise
>can learn to cook
>can learn a language
What a fucking loser.

Everyime one of these stories comes up, there is ALWAYS underlying issues. People don't just kill themselves because of a bad group an MMO, not being able to access Snapchat, their boyfriend dumping them, or not being able to leave the front porch. It doesn't happen. It's a compilation of issues and if you can find them if you dig deep enough.

Of course, no one does, because no one REALLY cares. They just want the clickbait headlines.


Do a flip faggot.

You’re retarded. Do something productive.

He was ninety three years old. That's a pretty good run. And he hated Trump, so at least he won't have to see what's going to happen in November.

Checked and comfy

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Bruh fuck you fucking normies. I like this fucking quarantine cause i can play my2k all fucking day. Fuck you again.

Wew quads of truth