Could anyone explain this to me? Why are they like this?

Could anyone explain this to me? Why are they like this?

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Because Jews are inbred whores. Their an ill made cancerous tumor that formed out of mankind

Why would you consider yourself a follower of a religion if you didn’t take it literally? What’s even the point then?

That's what I'm saying, the logic or lack thereof in this hurts my brain.

Oy vey

how exactly could that shit be interpreted metaphorically?

Here's the original picture if it's of use to anyone. The kikel blocked me just for posting verses from the torah kek.

Attached: EWP_8urX0AASNQY.jpg (590x346, 88.66K)

They could be positions of individual people within a narrative or posited hypotheticals. You can isolate any number of positions that Aristotle did not hold from his texts because of the way he describes the views of his opposites without always making it clear.

10/10 mental contortions

Lol this isn’t even the Torah it’s the Talmud lmfao salty ass kike

It's allegory just like most philosophy. Non Jews are not literally cattle but they should be milked and slaughtered the same. Taking it as allegory doesn't make it any better for you, goy.

>They could be positions of individual people within a narrative or posited hypotheticals.

oh, story time, cool... what hypotheticals are you talking about?

there's also a part in the talmud that says it's ok to lie to non-believers
eventually you stop wondering "why" and just work to redpill others so they can be expelled quicker

Ever wonder why literally no one knows anything about Jews other than “Muh Wishin Wall”

No one keeps a secret that well unless there is something to hide.

Ok nice you buy the audience 2-3 seconds of doubt.. except every single one of those is in the Talmud as a rule, and not in any other context.

Information on us is readily available. There's no conspiracy. We are simply smarter than you. We also have a high trust community that offers interest free loans and networking between Jewish owned businesses. It's what "national socialists" want but are too incompetent to achieve.

Ok goy, go back to work.

>can't join our religion unless you're born into it
>can't learn our secrets
>can't criticize us
>or we'll destroy your life
if they weren't so incredibly skilled at lying and gaining power they would have been wiped out centuries ago

You can convert if you like and join the fun.

Why did you take a picture of you computer screen with your phone?

I have not read the texts. You asked how they could possibly be non-literal. Given that they are isolated statements without context this is not hard to imagine. There are a number of scenarios in which such statements could be set to mean something other than what they say in isolation.

>There are a number of scenarios in which such statements could be set to mean something other than what they say in isolation.

give one example.

It's not a computer screen. I used someone's phone to take a picture of my phone screen because twitter doesn't let you screencap

Many parts of the Talmud are meant to contradict because of the nature of the document

Interesting how they don’t deny what it says, just kvetch about how you know this and say ‘we don’t follow it literally’

I don't care what the 'audience' thinks. I have not personally studied the Talmud and I doubt you have.

>larping as a jew
I know you don't have anything to feel proud for chang, but seriously consider a bullet before your incel tendencies drive you to yet another hapa mass shooting

I don't know how non jews are cattle etc. could be taken out of context

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Anyome have that webm of this guy putting on a jew costume and dancing? I swear I thought I saved it but cant find it..

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Sephardi shitskin.

A dispute over interpretation. The account of what another sage has said. One sage speaking to another sage. Two people disagreeing in a text. They could be describing a position without holding it themselves. It could be used as part of an example. They are using an idea to explicate another idea. I could see this happening easily with a discussion on humanity, reason, the nature of man and God and etc.

Ouch, i knew i struck a nerve
there there, i know someday you'll find a balance between your dad's american and your mom's asian heritages
and you'll find it balancing in a rope, dumb baiting chink

Cattle in what respect? That is the simplest way of taking it out of context and changes its meaning drastically.

I think it's funny how that person conflates the Torah and the Talmud. Like she probably belongs to one of the ultra-retard brands of Judaism and barely knows anything about her own background other than going to temple every now and then.

The Torah is the 5 books of Moses, and the whole Hebrew bible is called the Tanahk. The Talmud is a collection of rabbinic rulings and thoughts that is actually one of the things mainly studied. A lot of Jews don't read the Hebrew Bible much, and I think because if they did they'd see that God sees them as pretty much the same as Ethiopians and Philistines. That while they were His "chosen people" it didn't mean God would let them get away with being assholes. The Israelits are regularly scoled and punished by God for being bad to non-Jews and the poor and orphaned.

And the Zohar is pseudo-mystical garbarge that has been debunked as a 16th century forgery, but soooooooo many Jews and non-Jews are obsessed with it. Because it's demonic.

>The account of what another sage has said.

You think he was being metaphorical when he said "Kill all goyim, they are slaves" etc, etc, etc...?


A person insisting that the torah isn't intended to be taken literally will also argue that the New Testament IS intended to be taken literally and that's why Christianity is bad.

What's the nicest possible context?