Refute this, you can't
Even if you believe the virus to be a hoax, it's far better to assume it's deadly
Refute this, you can't
Even if you believe the virus to be a hoax, it's far better to assume it's deadly
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Who the FUCK says it's a hoax? Commies probably released this shit on purpose, or used the accidental release to push their agenda.
No one thinks it's a hoax, you dumb nigger, and this horseshit is wrong for the exact same reason that Pascal's wager is wrong.
We need to learn more about this virus and see if a vaccine is possible. If "recovered" COVID-19 victims start dying from immunodeficiency, that will tell us that this virus is truly nasty and much like HIV/AIDS but worse because it's airborne and more contagious than the flu. I hope I'm wrong but we're not out of the woods yet.
Hi newfags. People have been posting videos of empty hospitals and retarded nurses tik tok dancing when this pandemic is supposed to be killing tens of thousands of people.
While I don't think it's a hoax, the videos have definitely stirred up a lot of people into believing it is.
This. It's a moderately severe disease that will kill the fat and immunocompromised. Howeve,r the hysteria and paralyzing overreach is clearly manufactured.
You left out the "the economy crashes and we enter a new depression that lasts up to two decades" under both the "quarantine" sections.
Fucking retard.
Not as much a "hoax" as in it's a common flu that is exagerrated as fuck for some political agenda we will most likely live to be a part of soon enough.
>refute this
Sure, let's not take the irreversible damage we've done to the economy for tens of years to come as a factor. Let's just overlook the giant money/powergrab that is happening before our very eyes. If we exclude that (as you have) then you're right - I can't refute it.
>see if a vaccine is possible
There isn't. There's no vaccine for SARS or bird flu for the same reasons. The virus mutates so fast antibodies can't recognize it efficiently.
>pascal's wager
What a brainlet lmao
OP believes his life has value
You're assuming your masters will give you your freedom back. THEY NEVER DO
There are some people who believe that the pandemic is a complete hoax, viruses don't exist, and people are dying because of 5G
A psychiatrist named Andrew Kaufman is one of the main proponents of this theory
The tactics being used to fake Coronavirus are the same tactics that were used to fake the Holocaust:
>Cherry pick a few really sick people in hospitals all over the country and videotape it. Say that they have coronavirus when it's just one of several illnesses people die from everyday.
>Stupid people watch CNN and freak out. "Oh my god that person is sick and in bed, they must have coronavirus".
>Hospitals all over the world falsify almost 200k death certificates. Basically are given the green light to commit fraud. The WHO scratches their back by giving failing hospitals billions of dollars in free money while the hospitals scratch their backs by perpetrating the hoax for the banks and Wall St to distract the peasants.
>b-but what about all the dead people in China?
>On average, 7 million people die a year in China. Would have been even easier to commit the death certificate fraud there.
>For all we know, they just took stock photos of a coronavirus from the past in some lab someplace, and released them to scare the shit out of people.
>Try to post facts on Yas Forums. Get attacked by a bunch of ((bots)) saying "take your meds schizo".
Amazing how it's 2020 and billions of people are still able to be fooled by shit that worked in the 1940's before computers were even invented. Smh.
>still able to be fooled by shit that worked in the 1940's
The technology briefly surpassed their ability to censor. It's catching back up though.
That's bad news. Hopefully we can figure something out because I don't think this virus is just a flu
Chang's Wager
the quarantine is a farce
you can not stay home until it magically goes away
a vaccine, if you are willing to get it, is 6+months away and how will it work on airborne HIV that constantly mutates?
the economy will crash long before, and with it the worlds food supply.
flatten the curve, they said
well, its flattened. waiting much longer does nothing but cripple the economy more
This is what scares me. HIV causes an initial flu like infection that lasts about 2 weeks. Then it goes dormant for awhile. Then comes back and eats away at your immune system as you slowly die
The sad thing is all those spastics were fooled by Jews on social media who want the goyim to think the virus is a hoax. How stupid do you have to be to fall for that? These people are unaware.
Following their own "Pascals Wager for Retards" logic, I propose that OP is cancer w and your very existence will kill millions of people.
If I'm wrong, only one person dies. If I'm right, millions will be saved. So obviously OP should kill himself because one million lives are worth more than one.
1. There are repercussions to quarantine that are far more severe than just missing a haircut. We're talking about millions of people losing jobs, losing businesses, losing homes and eventually, the ovextension of national debt and the collapse of an economy and the ascendency of a totalitarian superpower in its place.
2. Largely, the people dying were already dying. Some in their 70's 80's isn't being murdered by this diseas as much as having their death brought forward a few days, months or years.
3. For the 99%+ of people who will not die, exposing themselves and developing the antibody might be more effective than waiting on a vaccine we do not even know can or will ever exist.
Literally every risk scenario could be broken into these four quadrants, you can't err on the side of caution for its own sake, regardless of the truth of the situation or the outcome.
Hey dumbass. More people die during an economic depression than the .1% virus would ever kill. News is already coming out of how idiots like you who egged on these massive supply chain disruptions have already set into motion what the UN has called famines of "biblical proportions." Fucking cunt idiot. 50 million layoffs projected by end of month, dipshit.
And no, they won't all just get their jobs back after shutdowns are lifted. Businesses won't want to hire hundreds or thousands of non-essential workers back during an economic depression where revenue and sales will be absolutely dead from all the unemployed people no longer serving as paying customers for nice to have things they don't need.
Even with the very temporary government assistance money available the first thing anyone laid off does is cut back on unnecessary expenses.
You forgot the “no one works millions starve of hunger”
OP is an uncooked egg.
So just let the bioweapon spread and kill us all then. It really is either-or. We can’t half-quarantine.
Trying to protect ourselves from this seemingly moderately lethal virus isn't letting it mutate stronger every day? I'm an ignorant sorry
> If "recovered" COVID-19 victims start dying from immunodeficiency, that will tell us that this virus is truly nasty and much like HIV/AIDS
You would need to wait 10 to 15 years before knowing if it did that. That's how long it takes for immune system failure to start becoming noticeable by way of opportunistic infections / cancer / wasting / etc.
I mean, we should let it infect us now rather than letting it becoming more stronger and lethal (and crashing the economy btw)
Lol this is basically pascals wager
over view of tech threat
microsoft patent
billgates vaccine digital traking
ibm nazi connections
bill gates history/mass abortion etc
un adminting they dont know shit about vaccines(there is no broad spectrum analysis)
doucumentary on the chinese communist virus, who and where it was made
AI quantum computers, big tech, 5g satalites etc etc
elons star link satalite network
elons brain chip
>virus is a hoax
The chart does not acknowledge the economic ramifications and the resulting poverty/suicides/homelessness of a recession.
lvl 10 retard logic
>just stay home for two weeks until 2021
fuck off commie shit
I believe it's a hoax. I believe that other deaths are being labeled as covid. I believe that it's pretty much the flu, except you're contagious prior to showing symptoms for a longer period of time. I do not trust the government or the wealthy or other people for that matter. If someone does not go outside, then they're less likely to get sick (that's true for everything). I believe that the people who are scared and staying home are not affected if other choose to go out and live life. We will all die one day.