Never bring a Bat to a Gun fight

Fresh from today ; D

Btw the colored gentleman die.

x x

The afro-american was even less nordic/germanic/celtic than the average padanian/lombard.

anyway,.. the niga die : )

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>gets shot in the arm
>tazed after
I strongly doubt he died


I watch the videos of police bodycams and OIS on some youtube channel, and these people crack me up... also everytime one of them mofos gets dropped, the crowd riots like someone just raped a kitten...truly a classy people...

Looks like suicide by cop.

lemme guess...

he dindu nuffin

Was there really any need to use a gun in this instance? I get that you guys are trigger happy and all but this was excessive. Was he hitting anyone with the bat? I can't help but think this is another case of senseless institutional bigotry where yet again the black man is the victim. I hope this deceased young man's family sues this police force for everything they're worth.

>that obvious hesitation when the dispatcher asks what race he is

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Too bong didn't read.

Moral of the story never go to Walmart unarmed

This is so much better than television!

>a nigger getting shot in a walmart and then tazzed.
could this get any more American?

Um, he died on the scene.

Sorry, user. I know you were close. You sucked him off twice a week for twizzlers.

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i mean are they supposed to wait til he hits them with a baseball bat?


yeah it was probably a bit excessive but there's one less nigger in the world so who cares


Did walmart user clean that up?

Why he gotta be........



What a shit video, when did he even get shot? A saw him get hit with the taxer but not sure where all the blood came from.

twas a lot of blood lost user. Niggers can't live without it.

>Was he hitting anyone with the bat?
He hit the stupid button that kills you whenever you press it.

batman btfo

Disarm domestic law enforcement. I do not care how many cops get beat with a baseball bat

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Holy shit Sneed is real?!!!

You are to invite the black man for tea and crumpets and only when he rejects the advances of your wife or daughter are you allowed to shoot.

He leakin

just another aspiring black youth practicing his swing for when we open up in this week

You, bitch user, are a faggot.

>Cops kill more niggers than COVID-19


source then faggot. the bullet didn't drop him, the tazer did. he's still very much alive and awake when they're cuffing him.

how comes he gotta shoot my mans like that, he was being so peaceful, that was so unnecessary, rip to a real one, you gangsta in heaven now dawg

the cop made 2 mistakes.
one, he came within striking distance of a subject wielding a weapon.
two, when the suspect was noncompliant the officer escalated to the firearm when he should have deployed taser or mace

again though, one less nigger so who cares

haha glock go pop pop

Based Zogbots.

Guns Akimbo!

dude was leakin, prolly got the big artery in his arm

>defending niggers
a white man would have just dropped the fucking bat

>the Alameda County Coroner’s Bureau performed an autopsy on Taylor and the preliminary cause of death was determined to be a single gunshot wound to his chest.

Ugh... Another one? Jesus Christ... The media is gonna be all over us for this.

The state can not be trusted. Disarm domestic law enforcement

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he was literally on his way to church

Another win for the good guys. Whites not cops.

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scorpion king should have deployed his taser sooner...
t.armchair supervisor

looked like an accidental discharge.

It says so in the description of the video.

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I love how a girl in the background casually walks past the negro directly in the line of fire while the cop is pointing the gun

So wait until he harms someone before you shoot?

He had a long period of time to drop the weapon. He didn't have to continue to move forward to the cops.

Vid description says he was shot in the upper chest and died before medics could arrive.


one less nig nigging up the bay. nice.

this is such a tragedy
why didn't he shoot the screaming black woman too? what is the point of all that horrible screeching?

Sure. Why not? Let the pigs and monkeys beat each other senseless.

When he approached the officer with the bat he got shot and then he started to drop his arm and move backward and you can see blood dripping onto the floor after that he was tazed.

not excessive at all. one good blow with that bat could kill someone. i'm actually surprised they didn't shoot him sooner, he could have killed that officer.

many of these bodycam shootings are excessive and some are straight up murder, but this one definitely was not.

“See a nigger pull the trigger”. That’s Day 1 of US police academy, Mohammed.

God, I wish for just one day they would. The nigger anarchy in the US would be apocalyptic lmao

these cops are all fucking pussies. a guy who has just been tased is not using a bat effectively. you charge and tackle him. they are all scared trigger happy faggots, all cops are bastards

Did anyone else catch the lady in the back ground scream "OH MAH GAWD YOU SHOT HIM WHILE HE WAS DOWN" or was that just me?


He was armed and took an aggressive stance. Normally I'd agree shooting was excessive but in this case it was perfectly warranted. You brandish a weapon at a cop and you should expect to get shot. Sucks that the poor fool had to die, but that's how it is.

>they shot my boyfriend *chimp noises*
top kek

>there's no arteries in the arm

Do dispatch always speak like fucking retards?


Fucking hell , he was just trying out some sporting goods.

Is it really that hard to put a bat down after being told so 10 times?

if the cop was competent he would have never put himself in that position.
again though, dead niggers is always a good thing

3/10 bait. Try harder next time Ahmed

Makeup should be outlawed.

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Niggers get shot for doing nigger shit and it becomes a national scandal. But when they rat pack some goofy white boy its a display of black power and black strength. Yet normies or kike media could give a shit. Chimp out niggers get what they deserve.

He did start off with the taser. As usual, those things don't do jack shit.

He wasn't out.

yes, because people are stupid and half of this nation cant even speak fucking english.
so the dispatchers are trained to talk to people like they are toddlers

nigger what? how would you handle it lets hear it how would you get him to drop the weapon and leave or submit to arrest?

Yeah because your faggot ass is gonna do anything to anyone. Go tackle a dick

Come and take them.

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>drop the bat
>or what you'll shoot me? fuck you nigga, bust (?) me, you gonna have to
i mean... what was he expecting?

Is it normal for cops to dual wield

Formerly unreal

Yes. Only Karens work that job, and most are married to LE or Fire, so dumb as rocks.

Did he died

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only when it's a black chick. so yes always.

isn't this the second nigger to get himself killed by cops while wielding an aluminum bat in a walmart in less than a week?
lets see if we can get three going

notusing,, a Wuhan bat,,,dasad.

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I love how blasé these cops were about the whole situation.

>The afro-american was even less nordic/germanic/celtic
I think you're confused, or your English sucks

Hey! Hey guys!!

i just note something awesome.

check in the minute 3:00


Femanon here

I agree with this post. The 5 seconds before the shots went off he was crouching, it appeared he was giving up. I hope both of these officers get arrested and charged with murder.

For all faggots saying porr boi dem bastard cops, please note a taser was deployed and the bastard nigger kept advancing with a FUCKING BAT in his hand...I know you libtards are scared of guns, but a bat to the head can fucking kill you. If the faggot haf dropped the bat or at least not kept advancing towards the cop with the intent of hitting to kill, I'd say excessive this case, fuck that guy, fuck him hard.

Did he died?

Suicide by cop.

And nothing of value was lost

>I do not care how many cops get beat with a baseball bat

I do. Cause there's not enough of them.

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it's not out of the ordinary

You better clean those guns
Honestly as long as you leave us gun owners alone and let us take care of the problem ourselves and stop confiscating shit I would have no issue

No, we are supposed to either have our Taser or Sidearm deployed via policy in most Agencies. However, real life events does not follow Policy.

That cop is fucked. No way that's acceptable protocol. Eh, one less nigger, one less cop is a win-win.

You are free to give your contact information

>femanon here
>rambling rant
no one cares get lost

Why shooting a guy with a fucking bat? What danger was he? Just tased him and then 2 officers hit him with their batons.

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dare i say it...based

be safe and keep us safe by shooting black criminals in the head.

you'd think niggers would learn to stop resisting police but they never do

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The police did use the taser, and the nog was clearly losing control of his body due to being shocked. You can see him start to hunch over and sway from side to side. After that he moves forward, it does look a bit like he is trying to approach the policeman but it could also have been his legs starting to buckle.

As he approaches, or begins to lose his balance and stumble forward; the policeman then shoots him.

Now on the one hand; the idiot was wielding a weapon, the idiot did not drop his weapon after being told to repeatedly and being tased; and the idiot then (purposefully or not) moved towards the policeman whilst still armed. That situation was always going to end badly.

However. It was obvious that he posed very little threat at the point when he was shot. The taser had already crippled him significantly, and even if he was approaching the policeman with malicious intent (although it does rather look like he was just losing his balance); its hard to imagine he would have been able to actually swing it considering he could barely stand.

The world probably isn't going to miss one almost certainly retarded and violent nigger, but the situation looked like it was under control before the shot was fired. Did the violent thieving nigger deserve any mercy? No. Did the police need to shoot him to nullify his threat? No, he was visibly no longer a threat at the time the shot was fired.

>tl;dr: I hate niggers AND cops.

If love some more "accidental discharges" into negro lungs

Beautiful kill all niggers

why didn't he just drop the bat though?

It is excessive and uncalled for, but obviously Yas Forumstards won't agree.

The man is in no position to even make a good hit with his bat, he is crouching and being submissive, the cops could've easily taken him down without a single weapon but they were more interested in killing him, they literally just stand there and wait while having multiple opportunities to subdue him easily just so they can shoot and kill him.

I can see why blacks hate cops so much.

I clean them daily. I hit the range every day for 30 minutes or so.

Executions are not enforcing laws but, I will keep safe.

exactly the: 3:00


niggers always fall to the ground in the more funny way possible.


niggers even sucking in die like normal reasonable people.

my grand father die when sleep at 86yr old
like a gentleman.

but niggers always make us lol.

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this see
these are two separate instances

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this video clearly indicates that we need more funding of social programs for underprivileged youth

And rightly so, you have to stay consistent with logic whether it breaks in your favour or not. You guys fucked up when you didn't call out Zimmerman. The cops told him not to follow Trayvon.

I hope someone shoots you as well.

Bats are considered deadly force in some some states
if I saw a nigger with a bat I'd blast him too

>one, he came within striking distance of a subject wielding a weapon.

Good, and let the nigger swing on cam so he can legally unload

>two, when the suspect was noncompliant the officer escalated to the firearm when he should have deployed taser or mace

No. No tolerance for foreigners behaving like animals.

h-he's a groovy guy...

>could this get any more American?
if one of the bystanders pooped a little and the nigger tipped the officers and then everybody clapped

If there is any major flaw in American police procedure, it is their tendency to get insanely close to people.

>You brandish a weapon at an american and you should expect to get shot.
FTFY, cops aren’t special

take good care of them, I want my LE trade ins to be in good condition

It was just a nigger, he didnt comply he dont know how to.
He couldnt process the thought of complying with the police or getting shot, he thought he was immortal or something.
Stoopid nigger is gone, its good its great.

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A bat can kill, all it takes is a good swing to the head or neck.

If you're going to brandish a weapon be ready to get killed for it if you do it to the wrong person.

Shut up nigger. One more violent nig down is a win for us all.

technically a bat has killed nearly 200,000 people so far.