Sweden is based

how is it the most cucked state avoided the draconian lock downs and panic?

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A blind squirrel finds a nut occasionally

The answer is in the question.

this is all a show. retard Amerifats. their economy is suffering like everyone else, but cuck social democrat government has an obsession with having a liberal facade. and you idiots fell for the bait

why are burgers so stupid? USA is not Sweden

Attached: liberal Sweden vs conservative Austria.png (659x774, 84.11K)

>keep working swedes, you've got migrants to feed
Much based.

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pick one.

Is that the spic drug dealer from breaking bad?

Imagine falling for the herd immunity meme, Sweden is beyond fucked compared to their superior Scandinavian neighbors

yea this. considering all Nordic countries good overbearing allmother governments, I don't understand a single fuck of why faggot Sweden puts up this show. they have the massive welfare state to fall back on if SHTF, despite prentending to be some libertarian paradise

Nordic countries got*

Idk why everyone says sweden is KEKED i went to fucking stockholm and everyone told me it was going to be a shithole but it turned out to be fine. majority of the places i went were white people with like the typical city amount of minorities. i would almost compare it to nyc

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i don't know much about the country but on Yas Forums swedes are probably the worst posters. really passive-aggressive and cuntish.

comparing Stockholm to NYC is an insult. Stockholm is majority Swedish and white by far, shitskins are concentrated in select ghettos. doesn't change the fact that Swedes are turbofaggots

1. They couldnt quarantine the millions of subhumans we have in Sweden and Sweden is much less segregated than other countries like france, england etc. So a quarantine just wouldnt work since the filth will not abide by any rules the swedish govt puts forth.
2. The corona virus is a kike virus that is mainly a psyop used to control people. Sweden getting a pass on the rules is jewish gaslighting "we want it to be more like sweden" is not something you wouldve heard a few months ago.
3. The swedish economy is fundamentally extremely shitty due to the invasion, we would be in a major recession if the economy was ahut down
4. The treacherous kiked social democrats are now gaining in the polls at the expense of the zio controlled opposition nationalist party

>ID: ikea
Yeah I’m thinking this user would know what’s up with sweden

Wrong, you cant go anywhere in sweden without seeing the filth, the swedish govt gives them houses. We are much less segregated than the US which is a BAD thing

What is your opinion on the Nordic Resistance Movement?

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Is something rotten in the state Denmark?

What is it gonna take for you guys to wake up and uncuck yourselves?


femanon here. i think it's because they know that if a lockdown was ordered, only the whites would obey.

They don't care if a bunch of old Swedes die. There is no threat for the young immigrants so there are no shutdowns.

If the disease was affecting Somalis and Afganis the most the country would shut down fast

since trying to limit their freedom would be intolerant towards the shitskins living there

Sweden is sneed

yea it's a bizarre thing to do and the only reason your government puts up this show is to scream 'LIKE ME' to foreigners to fix your countrys image that has been stained by Muslim immigration
your government behaves like some dumb insta thot. Sweden is not a country, it's a tumblr account

Controlled opposition, their podcasts consists of shaming people into going to retarded demonstrations so they end up on watch lists. The police can confiscate guns etc with impunity and they have done so with people who joined nrm. They also promote obvious kikes like strike & mike, along with nazbol russian bullshit

>they know that if a lockdown was ordered, only the whites would obey
Its like that everywhere. France is having aloha snackbar riots now.

Tits or GTF-
How Old are You?

>you cant go anywhere in sweden without seeing the filth
X to doubt, have been to Göteborg and Stockholm which has large white areas. some of your smaller towns are also reasonably clean
it's more segregated than you think and IMO most shitskins live in those miljonprogrammet commieblock areas. Only city that's totally fucked is Malmö, shitskins are literally fucking everywhere

So fucking high right now

This is going to have to be a worldwide effort, this is an attempt by jews to exterminate white people. We're in this together burgerbro (if you're white)

>something happening or not happening in sweden


Was it good weed?

Yes, due to kikes. Now stop with the petty insults if you don't want to be outed as a kike

if only your government didn't have this obsession with Sverigebilden, you're the Jews of Scandinavia. one should always be suspicious of whatever your government does, usually its to deceive foreigners and its largely damaging to Swedish people

Your benchmark for whats acceptable must be pretty fucked up. Shitskins are everywhere, especially gothenburg if you went there recently. Its not just about wether they "own" the areas, its about seeing them on every single fucking street walking by

You fags keep making this huge mistake believing that the Swedish government has or has ever had some kind of big plan for anything. That's completly wrong. Everything just happens by chance and the government then reacts to it or does nothing.

show us your tits

Gtfo kike

>seeing them on every single fucking street walking by
welp you can't avoid that in Danish cities as well, that ship sailed long ago. I'm used to see at least some hijabs when going to town, now all that matters is damage control by avoiding shitskins spilling outside their blocks

I got it form the niggeryist nigger to ever nig

Well, more than half of those that has died in Sweden are niggers and the sandniggers, Apperently, Allah doesn't protect the belivers...

>has or has ever had some kind of big plan for anything
your government are a bunch of incompetent idiots. but they're yet obsessed with presenting some liberal image to foreigners, it's disgusting

The danish countryside should be good though? Here we see the filth in any little town in Sweden

Your argument makes no sense.

It's legal to visit a restuarant in Sweden and you want me to feel bad about this? Because of immigrants? What?

LOL seriously, half of the members are retards, the rest are SÄPO (security police) informants...