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I don’t give a fuck about trannies. When someone like you comes along, and starts talking about trannies, I’m forced to say that trans people are just larping as girls and they’re not really girls. I never care any other time

i rebuke you, satan. go away and stay away in the name of jesus christ.

literally all a trans person can talk about is being trans or communism

Trannies are mentally ill.
>hurr durr well acktually we can use brain scans to determ-
Then how come brain scans arent mandatory for taking HRT or surgery? Because the trannies would fail, that's why.


Le 42% suicide rate

I smell a leafy behind this and god this meme, when is it gonna die?

SAGE don't feed the secretleaf

Go Dilate Tranny

Sure, why not

and yet you didn't post this on /lgbt/
commit 41%

tell me what exactly is "trans rights" because seems like they use it when they want to get what they want, that is not a right

I’m so obsessed in fact I pay money to grt my dick chopped off.

bruh i like the gays, my best friend is trans, but you're literally glowing

so facts and anger at stupidity or be a queer simpleton


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No, no. He’s right. Nobody gives a fuck until it’s forced on everyone.

Civil rights, protections from discrimination, as well as access to medical transition.

Your DNA, skeleton and chromosomes will always tell you your true sex, sorry you degenerate fag.

>admitting that you don't actually have an argument and your "activism" is based on nothing except blind emotion

Guess how I know you’re American

I'd personally rather talk about other things, but every time I come to this board there's a half-dozen threads of HURR Y R THERE TRANNIES and KEEL DEM ALL and then it's "man, they never shut up." God's sake.

But it's the same shit as always. Wear dresses/pants: larping. Wear pants/dresses: lying. Etc. Fucks never stop coming up with lose-lose traps.

i am trans and i hate other trannies beyond imagining
if they hang us all from trees i will consider it a victory

Funny how you can't actually tell those without extensive medical tests, almost as if they don't actually matter.

seems like /lgbt/ wants to be raided again

>copy-pasting the same paragraph in smaller font for trivializing effect

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This kills the tranny.

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Funny to trying to look like and thinking like the opposite sex, but you can't, because your vision is based on your fantasy.

1. This image is an example why everyone acknowledges the left can't meme.

2. I'm voting for Trump because I think there is two genders only. That's it. That's the only reason I'm voting for Trump and not the democrats.

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If ur gonna be transphobic at least be funny