/leftypol/ raids

Daily reminder to all you people here that /leftypol/, left-wing subreddits, and other left-wing shills are raiding Yas Forums in an attempt to turn it into a left-wing haven with slide threads to hide actual quality threads and other bullshit. Here’s how to tell if a thread is a slide thread
>promotion of left-wing positions and politicians
>e-celeb Shit
>”why does Yas Forums support (insert position here)” “Yas Forums BTFO” “Explain yourselves Yas Forums“ etc.
>Promotion of Racemixing
>Using Yas Forums-tier JIDF-created memes in order to divide and conquer
>1 post by this ID
>telling you to trust the media
If you see any of these signs then it’s a slide thread and it needs to be ignored. That is all.

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The will of the people triumphs over all else.

I’m not sure what you mean.

daily reminder that this is also happening with /ptg/ boomers and r_t/d refugees qtarding all over the place.

And over here we have a /leftypol/fag trying to hide the fact that /leftypol/ is raiding Yas Forums.

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I was going over the catalog and thinking "what the FUCK is going on, looks like infiltrators at work", then I leaned back and thought "oh shit I'm becoming paranoid". Paranoid I'm NOT. Fucking liberal leftards , they've never been under communist or muslim oppression, and they've never had to fight for freedom.

Reminder that these are the real Reddit tourists and they try to blend in by calling the natives tourists

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No shit, all you're doing is coming off as the newfag here.

used to be a leftist (literally started a socialism club in school) and this shit is sad to me

Most retards here can’t figure that out so they need to be told. Sounds like you’re the newfag

Well here’s a white pill, if they were winning, they wouldn’t need to be here
I’m just letting newfags know what’s going on

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Bumping for other anons to see. I already ignore these retarded posts. However keep in mind that about 30% (my estimate) of these are (usually canadian) shitposters trying to bait you for the LULZ.
Also , dont forget that they will often call someone a jew / cia / shill etc to discredit him. Be very cautious about instantly rejecting information because some user said "glownigger".
God bless you anons , I love you all and fuck jannies they can suck my dick

Holy checked

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Trips of truth
fags mad so they have to cope by blaming it on raids by (((them))) or the deepstate


So is wednesday and tomorrow will be thursday?

Based post
Thanks user

Fpbp trips of truth.

No. Democracy is a cuck ideology.

lol they actually come from B,,,U,,,NK,,,ER,,,CH,,,AN (remove commas)

Hyenas can't work with coyotes, at the end they will eat each another.

Thank you brother for this message of upmost importance, I deem you worth of my scared bump

there are threads there which they have dedicated just to poasting shit that they then use to slide pol here. they also talk about how 4pol thinks that its redditors who raid pol, but its actually B...U....NK...E..R..C....HAN. i suggest checking it out.

Thanks, but I would like to see you’re real flag to prove you aren’t a shill

>pissing into an ocean of piss
Thanks /leftypol/

Wow, these people seem insecure

Only insecure people need to "try" and take slights seriously

They've been trying for years.
I welcome it. Watching Commie threads get BTFO never ceases to be amusing.
Every time these fags show up they get torn to pieces and every time a few more break the conditioning.
Leftist ideas can't stand alone on their merit. Without some sort of authority (mods, Jews, etc) everything they crow about collapses.

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Interesting take on this all user. Still this board has become shit unfortunately.


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bump, giving out free rides in a truck don't mind the smell.

It’s amazing how easy it is to tell you shills, you don’t even try to blend in anymore

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ahh the forever faggot trannies pic related is you.

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"Yes, there is a conspiracy, in fact there are a great number of conspiracies that are all tripping each other up. And all of those conspiracies are run by paranoid fantasists and ham-fisted clowns. The main thing that I learned about conspiracy theory, is that conspiracy theorists believe in a conspiracy because that is more comforting. The truth of the world is that it is actually chaotic. The truth is that it is not The Iluminati, or The Jewish Banking Conspiracy, or the Gray Alien Theory. The truth is far more frightening - Nobody is in control. The world is rudderless." - Alan Moore

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the faggots don't try to hide it anymore if anything this gonna make the 2020 meme war when it commences even harder to derail. I feel bad for the retarded anons who buy the (((shit))) they are peddling hook line and sinker

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Why are you afraid of free speech, user?

pic related is you

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imagine not wanting to swim with the sharks in this ocean of piss
come on in boys, the water's fine

Yeah it’s sad, but it’s a price worth taking

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> we have the best trannies folks
Get fucked shabbos goym

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