Anybody else here a secret conservative?

Anybody else here a secret conservative?
I have very liberal parents, coming out as conservative would literally be more dangerous than telling your evangelical parents that you’re gay.
I’m planning on voting for Trump but I can’t tell my parents that.
Anybody relate?

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My parents are communists LOL.
I mean CCP style, not the Western communist faggots.
Yes I'm shitskin.

No, I had a father who wasn't a faggot. I'm not sure about moms political beliefs, no one ever asked her, but she does still call niggers "coloured folk" to their face.

Mom voted for Hillary tell her how Hildawg eats little girls' faces and Donald Trump is anointed by God. No fucks given.

Tell her Trump doesn't kill children.

fucking sad. show them a bolshevik documentary and make sure its a (((good))) one. one that shows them starving children

If my parents were libcucks I would put myself up for adoption.

My parents are Christian conservatives. Not really the good kind though. They’re not racist, but slightly sexist and homophobic. It’s actually really lame. I don’t like my family

Just say how much you hate corporations, then start dropping red pills about Usury and who owns corporations.

My parents are Turkish Marxists. I am a traditional feudal loyalist. fuck this gay timeline.

I'm in the same situation but I don't hide my political beliefs.

My Father and Step Mom are complete stereotypical lefty boomers (note: they are actually Gen X technically but you get the idea). They practice yoga and meditation, don't see anything wrong with immigration, follow every healthy diet fad, go on "excursions" with other hippie boomers, the works. Obviously they vote Democrat.

The thing is, i'm smarter than them and they know it. Whenever politics comes up, I make sure never to engage first, but if they bring something up I can argue literal circles around either of them. To the point where I can actually get them to admit they are wrong often. My Dad has that typical cuck lefty attitude where he's basically scared of confrontation as well so he just tried to ignore my politics most of the time.

They mostly just except that I am what I am. It helps that both my step brothers are also very conservative, and family gatherings of any kind tend to have more conservative Men than anything else.

I wrote a greentext in another thread about accidentally letting my power level slip, faggot jannies nuked the thread right after I posted it so I’m reposting here because it’s close enough.
>be me
>at friends house for bbq
>black family is in attendance
>they start talking about how Donald Trump is the devil
>ask them why they think that
>give typical orange man bad answers
>he don’t care about poor pepo
>ask them why they think he doesn’t care about poor people
>he don’t give us free healf car
>start talking about global economics
>start with Bretton Woods agreement
>explain how the US started subsidizing global trade an exchange for cooperation against commies
>explain that since we provide protection via NATO other countries don’t need to spend as much on defense and can afford free healthcare and schools
>explain how much more euros are taxed
>explain that France dragged us into Vietnam by threatening to pull out of NATO if we didn’t assist
>explain how after the Soviets collapsed the global trade was basically hijacked by (((globalists))) and (((banks)))
>explain that immigration is supported by corporate interests to devalue labor
>explain the petro dollar and how the US uses it to bully the world
>explain that the Democrats are bought and paid for by (((corporate interests)))
>ask them who they think (((corporate interests))) are
>explain it to them
>they literally cannot grasp anything I said but begin feeding off my energy and become upset at (((them))) too
>get called racist by whites in attendance
>try to shut me down
>blacks jump to my defense
>he rite tho
>am literally untouchable behind my minions
>single handedly destroy the bbq
>friends wife won’t let him hang out with me anymore
Feels bad man


I had the opposite problem, dad was super conservative and I am more left, I eventually ended up taking with my dad about politics and my opinion came out. He thinks im a moron but to each his own.

i keep it on the dl
although my family knows but were pretty split. mom and sister deep blue, dad trad conservative/ cruze missile, brother a genuine mystery but he voted for someone in 2016

I had something of an epiphany and I had to acknowledge that things like abortion, homosexuality, diversity and the care bear state, my belief in the movement and equality were actually nightmares that people like myself had unleashed upon the world. I had a dream that humanity was heading to a better place but actually I was afraid of conflict. I had been suppressing this for years. I told my kids and they were delighted. I don't know your dad. I only know that I was really programmed. My kids had been red pilling me for years and I gave them holy hell to the point I made them cry. There's nothing you can do except keep dropping red pills and live your life. We're clinically insane. I feel so bad for the harm I've caused my people. The hope that I can help make up for it keeps me going.

>everyone clapped


My mom was a Socialist feminist. She disowned me after I converted to Christianity and married a virgin.

If I told my parents I was gonna vote for Trump:
My dad would probably support me.
My mom would support me, but be disappointed.
I just think it's fucked up that I can't wear a MAGA hat without fearing for my life.


Just found out my mom and dad are secret nazis I’m proud

>tfw fell out with evangelical family for calling cousins boyfriend a nigger and not a real Briton
Nope. I have nothing to hide anymore, white and Jewish retardation has no control over me anymore and anyone left of a 1920s German Death squad can go throw themselves off a bridge.

Nope. And i am glad i don’t have to be secretive with my beliefs. Because you know it is always about delivery and the time/place of you talking about your beliefs, just don’t be a sperg. It also helps if you slowly normalize further and further positions. That helped me to the point that i would be able to talk about anything with all of my friends and family as well as using slurs. And at this point my family is completely trusting me regarding information and political analysis which was really helpful when telling them to prep for covid and now they are even more reassured to follow what i say

I like your chronology.

come out as alt-right

Literally everyone around me is a normie liberal


Is it hard being right wing in Germany?


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What are you, 12? Grow up faggot.

My dad is apolitical in that rare almost extinct sense. He did vote for Ross Perot back in ‘92. He knows I like trump but we work together in a business where the majority of people do.
My mom, a nurse, has completely lost her fucking mind and blames any bad thing on trump. We had to have a family sit down to get her to stop talking about politics.

black people are usually conservative, they just don't vote it

Construct a very good argument. Write it down. Memorize it. Recite it to them and don’t get emotional, at all, no matter what.

Film it.

Yes if you openly carry it out in the world and on social media it will probably be hard but if you keep it in direct social interactions and dont fed post then you should be fine however one should be careful what to say at work... however it seems to me that nowadays more and more people are opening up to more right leaning ideas because they feel that something is wrong but with them being afraid to say anything you got to get a feel for such people and if they take the bait you can go off and they will love it

>friends wife won’t let him hang out with me anymore
lmao but too bad bro

This post gives me hope that my neo liberal elitist dad can turn the corner. Even when I bring up the sheer size and power of the security state as well as how information gathering has been weaponized against people, he loses his mind. Mabye one day he'll see the fruits of his labor.

Both parents conservative and most of my immediate family is as well. Couple of leftist uncles and aunts but they get mostly mocked openly by the others especially my dad and his twin brother.

Now come out as being woke to the JQ