Can you consider yourself cultured if you don’t know your own contemporary artists?
Can you consider yourself cultured if you don’t know your own contemporary artists?
More like make believers. I hate escapism fantasy shit.
The number of books written after World War 2 that are actually worth reading is less than twenty
Bitch who is bitchin' because she can write as well as Tolkien.
No, I only read good books.
>More like make believers. I hate escapism fantasy shit.
>spends all his time on Yas Forums
Fucking queer.
there aren't 20 fictional books worth reading in all of history. get real. Even non fiction is a short list I could drop in one post. I think I will. Next post...
>reading fiction
>reading other peoples imaginary bs
how cucked can you cuck your brain, read non-fiction you faggots
wheel of time was awesome until he started writing full fucking chapters about the white tower, could've finished that series while alive but he milked it too much.
T. 75iq
A Scanner Darkly was a pretty sweet book. But it was mostly true, so I'm not sure if it qualifies as fiction.
Based. I wasted so much of my terms and early twenties on the
are they worth knowing?
based tolkien shitting on gooks from the grave
Git fukin good scrubs
So, last night I was reading about F. Scott Fitzgerald.
No one really appreciated his work until well after he was dead. That happened with a lot of artists and authors. Vincent Van Gogh?
Maybe this bitch should kill herself. Then she'll get recognized.
Did this cunt forget that most people buy books from Amazon?
>Why do book stores (a business that is getting raped by Amazon and has been for over a decade) give most of the shelf space to books that sell really well? Why won't they give more space towards hack "authors" who just copy off of these novels but change names and minor details!?
That's these people. Modern "Authors" in general are the most narcissistic fart sniffers out there and think they're the next Shakespeare because they copied off of an already famous author. Fiction authors are the worst of them.
t. Writer and Author
Have you read Joseph Conrad?
Comfy adventure books about sailing and exploiting africans from the late 1800s
Not many people read fiction anymore. Most fiction now is in the form of gaming or television such as shows or movies. I only appreciate based fiction creators and not the new soi shit. Especially based creations that you can learn from something that is worthwhile and not a brainless mess.
Its called better writing, most people suck at it.
If you want to simplify shit further Edgar Allan Poe determined only 8 types of stories can ever exist.
>dead white men are still BTFOing liberal hacks
And all was right in the world.
>implying some chink roastie could ever write an interesting fantasy book
turns out corona was a godsent
>noooo not the mega popular classic that kickstarted the whole genre I am even writing about and is relevant to this day I want my glorified fanfic reeeeeeeeeeeeee
Some no name complaining that she can't compete with two legends of the craft wheel of Time was my childhood
It's pretty fantastical to think the characters in any chink pulp don't eat dogs.
Does she have 14 novels of one series like Jordan? Do her "novels" have half the pages as Jordans do?
No one wants to read 3rd grade level fantasy BS. Writing is possibly the lowest tier hobby next drawing. You have to be absolutely phenomenal and an authentic person since day 1
Contemporary artists are fucking shit and people will look back on the present as a cultural wasteland and a Dark Age.
Fuck books, just play JRPGs instead
Probably all the best contempary writers are on the internet. one of my favorites is MotherHorseEyes
Well stores like Barnes & Nobles are filled with retard hipsters who think they're cool because they overpay for books they can get half price on Amazon.
But what about my shitty fantasy novel that rips off of LOTR but has a shit load of nigger and faggot characters in it while having the main character being a shitty self-insert mary sue of me!?
Get onto fucking Patreon and post stuff online. Bloody fanfiction writers make a steady stream of money from donations every month.
Still makes me laugh
>writes shitty book full of shitty opinions
>Puts real life politics in there for woke points
>makes white males the evil ones
>woke multigendered multiracial non binary black woman blessed by the literal gods main character
>shitty story telling that would drive anyone to sleep
>Lack of detail in world building
>most of the book is just copy paste of another book with a few things changed
Most modern fantasy writers are shit.
>Lee describes the novel as "The Godfather with magic and kung fu"[3] and cites her love of wuxia and gangster films as inspirations.
That for sure deserves a shelf
But that's the case for all writers.
Didn't Tolkien subscribe to the only National Socalist new letter in Britain at the time if I recall?
He wasn't natsoc but read up on it by the sound of things.
Parts of the LOTR where based on his exspireances in the First World War, like all the dead in the marsh the hobits have to cross. Its what the Somme looked like after the battle.
>Being a grown adult
>Reading any fiction outside the classics and other works in the Western Canon
>Reading any fiction outside Yas Forums
To be fair there are a lot of idiots that push out many many many books in a series even though they are shit writers. Brooks has written over 40 books and he was all over the place in his quality.
I read it when I was a kid. Was it based on actual events?
Fondalee someone's talking about this