Are demons and angels real?

I used to be an atheist, but as i get older and i see what the Jews have been doing to the Western world it’s become more obvious that evil truly exists.

What pols thoughts on spirituality, afterlife, entities etc. any red pills

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Other urls found in this thread:!aLoTXKZb!qcbXCCVzHRX6ifbTWUCujA

Why aren't you making a corona thread, faggot? Nobody wants to be religious in 2020

i am what's called an angelic deva from Vega star system currently incarnating as human


Quit larping christfag

does it matter?

if they are real, they are beyond our comprehension.

if they arent real, then it is a waste of thought.

>I used to be an atheist, but as i get older and i see what the Jews have been doing to the Western world it’s become more obvious that evil truly exists.
So now you believe there is a god because Jews are evil?
Do not see how evil Jews would convince you there is a god. Is it: Jews believe in god, and are evil, therefor there is a god?


>Don't consider it goy

Thanks leaf .

All phenomenon start in mind. That is the boot and the key to comprehending it. Your experience and knowledge depends on how you receive reality. After you learn this it's up to you what you discover about the other side.


/x/ is over there user.

Hmmm wow now that reeks of fear

If the bugmen bots disdain anything, it's the winged ones

Egregores, thoughtforms, LARPs, ...
Most times made by jews or similar scum.

You dumb sorry counts are so boring god damn. Op has a valid point and I as well have been going through the same thing.
If this shit wasn't real, then why are they so hellbent and stubborn with constantly doing outrageous and evil acts. They show no slowing down with it either.
The constant pedophilia, child sacrifice, constant blood sacrifices with circumcision, pushing satanism and transgender, the pushing for white genocide and the eradication of our culture. The list goes on and on. Need I continue?
You're on Yas Forums so I'm going to guess you already know some if not all. So why argue? Pull your head out of your ass, shit is pretty easy to out together.
They wouldn't be constantly doing this is there wasn't an outcome to benefit them. This shit is obviously real. Is it exactly how they say it is? Obviously I have no clue. But I do know for a fact there are "demons" Out there, and they are furthering their plans extremely successfully with each passing day.
I'm sure there are angels out there too. But unfortunately I haven't really seen much good out there looking out for us. It seems to be nothing but disgusting rats

They're all based on extraterrestrials and cryptoterrestrials.

Our ancestors created those concepts to explain interactions (and capabilities) that would be unexplainable until science caught up 1000s of years later.

Don't worry, it will be explainable very soon. To give you a small piece of the true cosmicpill, the key is in the observer effect of quantum mechanics.


They're eldritch-level. They're not meant to be known, and gazing upon them (angel AND demon) will drive you insane.

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Actually a good demon in your pic user. He brought storms and famine but was the sole rival and protector of humanity from Lamasthu, who was obsessed with causing harm to mothers in labor and newborns. Carry on

OP you should really read the Bible. You don't have to take it all literally but it's the foundational text of western civilization AND most mysticism. Start with the gospel of John

storms and drought*

Repent and accept Christ faggot

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Pray the Corona away.

Op is not a fuck.
You are a fuck.

Do you think the elite pedo luciferians rape and sacrifice children for teh lulz? You think it's a larp? You think they gain literally nothing from their blood libel, yet continue to practice it for millennia, and coincidentally hold untold amounts of wealth, power and influence?
You think they're not in cahoots with Satan? You think Tony's collection of Piccinini art is just random bits of art? You think powerful (((men))) gather in Bohemian Grove wearing robes and and perform the Cremation of Care, just for no real reason?

You think patent WO2020060606 is pure coincidence?

You best start believing in biblical prophecies, user. You're in one.

God bless

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Ayyys both

Everything you need is here:!aLoTXKZb!qcbXCCVzHRX6ifbTWUCujA

Here’s a good one.

Attached: 9B02232F-1BB7-485B-8B03-BF37741EBCF8.jpg (802x1024, 146.08K)

Nephilim and Demons. The Nephilim, The sons, and daughters of fallen angels and humans.


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As an aside, good shit is happening all the time, it’s just that nothing like that will ever get reported. The media is there to make you scared and keep you that way.

go clink some spoons and worship your faggy owl demon to help your shitty vermont garden

peace out

Brah, you got better resolution than this