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Other urls found in this thread:


>guy has Covid-19.
>Sneezes on cat. Cat test postive cuz virus.
>sneezes on Op. Thus test postive cuz virus
Hey, be reasonable here!

i live in downstate ny, and my family has a cat and feeds the neighborhood feral colony.
when my sister told us about these two cats, i said
"Doesn't it say a lot about the state of affairs in this country that we would care a million times more if a cat died of covid as opposed to some hick in the middle of the country?"
My mom was just like
"Well, yea, I mean that cat didn't do anything wrong. He doesn't know"
My dad yelled from his at-home work station
"Well not even the cats were stupid enough to go out blocking healthcare workers, so"
and my sister said
"Yea those idiots deserve to die."

Oh user, don't encourage the schizo's round here.

I remember the webm of dead pets on the ground as owners threw them out of their apartments

>cats test positive

Because rodents are spreading it you fucking simp

A Covid-19 infected cat just flew over my house and called me gay.

I wonder how many people are fucking their pets

>3 cases
>0 dead
Stop spamming this shit, this faggot little virus isn't going to cause a pandemic

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I don't want to scare anyone but this could be really fucking bad

Or you could try NOT eating them, chink.

Sounds like your family is composed of fucking faggots, if I where you I would climb to the building's roof and toss myself down to the curb like a sack of shit.

I wonder (((who))) could be behind this post?

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No poor babies don't do it

West Chester should be nuked from orbit.

You don’t realize /pol loves cats, do you newfag

Cat got your lung?

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try long island you bowl-cut havin, buy-meat-at-the-same-place-you-buy-your-office-supplies fuck

Nice try, you Jersey Shore extra ginzo gold chain wearing sack of nigger grease.

Killing cats is how you catch the black plague, don't be stupid.

Two more whiskers


if you kill my cat i will hunt down you, all of your family members and all of your friends and hang them from trees after i cut off all of their limbs and burn down your house and your entire neighborhood

humans can't even get the tests still yet they are testing cats?

under what fucking circumstances did these felines get selected for a COVID19 test?

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Leave cats alone nigger

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Your family sounds based and cat-pilled.

Kill all the dogs and cats, then we gotta have apes for pets, you know how that turned out.

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They belong to some lab roastie.

Circumstances to create more fear and paranoia.

Look at mah butt, look at it! -every damn cat I've every owned.

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Can't wait for this shit to destroy Florida
They literally have more cats than people there, even if you count the niggers

"Gold chain wearing sack of Nigger Grease "!....Made me choke on my joint. Funny stuff Yas Forums

fuck toxoplasmosis faggots

didn't some chinese city kill all their pets a while back?
>inb4 it was for dinner

Where's my man Gary at?

Sounds good burn the vermin

I don't think thats physically possible m8


Cats get it from happily torturing innocent, native songbirds. Fuck cats.

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Meanwhile all cats are infected by toxo yet nobody talks about it.

No evidence of feline-to-human transmission, only human-to-feline

>fear and paranoia


Why is that cat wearing a Hawaiian shirt?

It's cold, duh. Do you not see the lack of fur?

There was 1 case around a week ago and these 2 cats today that I know of, a total of 3 cases

Stay away from my catto

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>kill all cats
>a new strain of the black death appears
>oh fuck
This is what i'm expecting to happen desu

that's a jew
>came from egypt
>attempts to rape blonde cat
>acts innocent when found out

If they say something, it must be true. They wouldn't lie to cause further fear and panic... right?

cats have been passing t. gondii (a literal brain parasite) to people for centuries, you don't give a fuck about that
stop being a faggot

threadly reminder: over 2 billion people are infected by toxoplasma gondii

>jersey shore
fun place
>gold chain
wrong stereotype
>sack of nigger grease
just lazy

I give you a D, Cleetus. Which, when factoring geographic-based affirmative action for college applications, turns into a B on your transcript.
Ya know, that thing you'll need to present if you ever find a job opening to apply to in your village?

t.gondii is more commonly passed from rare/medium rare beef and i doubt you're a vegan, that's why so many people have it in france

novel coronavirus

unlike influenza viruses it can't be passed to pigs/ducks which is pretty fascinating.

Imagine being this immunodeficient

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>My fellow felines, let's let in the dogs, are we truly bigots?

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>Boomer tourist with a Tai ladyboy