/cvg/ - Corona Virus General #3394

► Detected: 2,635,085 (+79,325) ► Died: 184,040 (+6,581) ► Day: 104 (-01:46:06)

— 5.1 billion people under lockdown —
— 215 countries and territories infected —
— 10.0x more confirmed deaths than H1N1 flu —
— 70 vaccines and 273 treatments announced —
— 3,170 strains have been sequenced —


Several "mild cases" actually suffered permanent lung damage

Virus stays in air for 12 hours, longer than expected

Coronavirus deaths in the US went unreported for weeks

Virus killed more Americans in 1 month than the flu in 1 year

Virus lingers in eyes even after clearance from nose

Most "asymptomatic" cases actually have glassed lungs

5 year old kid dies in Britain

r0 between 3.8 and 8.9, according to the CDC

12% of deaths in Italy had no previous conditions

US underreports amount of deaths, investigation confirms

$2.4 trillion global recession expected

Spain mortality rate goes up 17% due to coronavirus

▶ 10 new cases in French Guiana
▶ 10 new cases in Venezuela
▶ 24 new cases in Jamaica
▶ 2195 new cases and 229 new deaths in Germany
▶ 29927 new cases and 2340 new deaths in the United States
▶ 97 new cases and 5 new deaths in Norway
▶ 1768 new cases and 140 new deaths in Canada
▶ 99 new cases and 7 new deaths in Czechia
▶ 91 new cases and 3 new deaths in Nigeria


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Other urls found in this thread:


this is 3395 lol

T-the chinks haven’t been making airborne rabies too right?

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You put the wrong thread number in OP. Thanks regardless, fren

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Real thread:

Fuck ups are a thing with generals, just move along

I had one job...

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Good save! I hope you, and all everyone else takes care of themselves! Because you ARE important! Don't take any silly risks, okay??

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Hi. My name is user. I have a problem with fapping.

It's just the flu, bro.


I really hope they didn't, I don't think I have a rabies vaccine

it's just a seasonal flu

Don't be so hard on youself, you're are at least below average on stupidity as baker

Let me guess, you have hairy palms and you're ashamed of it.

Is the chart still being updated? I've missed the past few thousand /cvg/ threads.

Hi user, just punch that faggot

Fuck off your thread sucks

these fucking happooners never fail to amaze me!!!, you guys are so fucking stupid. at least /nbg/ has actual evidence showing this is just a big nothingburger

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balls and gtfo

Correct post number is here:

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Well it was nice knowing everyone


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It's okay! I know you'll get it next time!

-boops your cheek, nose and tummy tum tum-

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Oh no, I take what I said, you're dumb, not even updated the numbers

>your life start to look like a real shit
>feel like the only way out is suicide, think about this 24/7
>suddenly the pandemic appears
>society begins to collapse
my warface right now

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Hey you :3
I have something to say to you x3

What do you guys have to gain from proving to us we're 'wrong? This kind of obsession is either some really pathological shit... or you're shilling.

vegan burger

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>Fuck ups are a thing with generals
Not with /nbg/ :^)

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Less threads than deaths.

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>Jerry the Kang Lawler phd microsbd attorney at rest said its going down guise

We want to resume normal life. That simple. PLEASE explain what, exactly, are we waiting for while we stay inside?

If your answer is "a vaccine" then I posit to you this dilemma: It is entirely possible a vaccine will never come. And even if it does come, it will take 18+ months, and the world will be destroyed if we stay stagnant for that long. Not to mention, the time wasted keeping 7 billion people twiddling their thumbs for 18 months is greater than the time lost by a few million people dying a few years early.

If your answer is "waiting for the virus to die out", this virus is far too contagious; Again, we would have to starve it for years and years for it to go extinct.

So the question is, why the fuck are we quarantining? We are sitting here, gaining zero herd immunity, wasting time for no reason. Fuck the boomerinos, Fuck all the selfish, irrational faggots forcing everyone to waste the entirety of 2020 doing jack shit. Open everything back up. If you're scared of the virus, stay the fuck home.

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This is like the part of the school shooting where the kid walks to the other end of campus so everyone goes back to studying.

I bring you, The Dapper Fapper!


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>what do you guys have to gain from proving this is a giant scam?
Oh boy.

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Less threads than recovered


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Can't be arsed to repost all the pictures in this thread, but someone posted about February and I figured we'd go on a little trip down memory lane.

Where’s your hazmat suit?

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How can you be such an angel boop user

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I loved the red dawn leaks. I really wish I knew what Eva and crew were thinking now

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>be out
>eye itches
>rub it
>realize what I just did

>take off n95 mask
>it flips around
>virus likely flew on to my face

>get home from "essential" job
>get disinfectant wipe to wipe down door handles and switches
>container was left open last night
>all dried out
>only can left
>no store has any forever

I'm too stupid to handle the pandemic, please take me corona-chan.

>you don't have enough reddit gold to post here!

Based bump apreciationposting

Wasn't Eva persecuted and arrested for something?

>knew what Eva and crew were thinking now
unfortunately probably merc'd by ccp as damage control

Same, this is my only hope

There will never be herd immunity. And the thing you have to gain by staying inside is you get to avoid permanent lung damage.


I know you're not sick so it's okay to hug! But here you go since you asked!

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Was there anything of importance in them? I still haven't seen anything

Based Kennedyanon was right

REMEMBER: If all 7,000,000,000 of us sacrifice just a couple years of normal life, we can prevent up to 1,000,000 people from dying 5+ years early.

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And you have my axe.

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herd immunity is a natural function, saying that there will never be herd immunity is like saying there will never be rain

Source: your semen-filled anus

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Hey you x3
Don't ignore me I have something to tell you silly willy :3

I'm not sure if it's a joke or just your average American education.

unrelated financial crimes. It should also be of note that she is from HK while I think it was Ralph the guy who said it was a nothinburger and not a weapon worked with the bat lady in wuhan.
I suspect behind the scenes politics
It was a /cvg/ thread minus smug anime girls and foul language. They discussed everything that was discussed here early days

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The virus is unnatural though

The only thing I can think of is confining almost everyone slows down the spread of the virus* or at least people just don't fucking go to the hospital. States want their ICU beds so they can actually cope with the disease. I'm not for our against this, it's just the strategy they've followed so they can tell this story about flattening the curve and user can go back to work again ASAP.

>*Implying it's not already everywhere

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there was never immunity for any coronavirus, ever.

It's gotten so bad that even we fellow burgers can't tell. Everyday is an unimaginable hell.

Happy bubble

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15% soon.....

There is rolling herd immunity for the common cold. Even temporary immunity is enough to gain a practical level of "herd immunity"

You can't have herd immunity for HIV. You can't have herd immunity for herpes. And you can't have herd immunity for SARS 2.0

/cvg/ has dozens of medical journals proving their theories, and they've been confirmed right every day of the week. You retards have nothing. You're kike finger puppets begging and pleading to go back to earning your master shekels in the midst of a pandemic.

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>didn't spray entire body with bleach to kill contaminants before entry into domicile
>didn't control wind with barriers to prevent reinfection
>didn't strip naked and reclothe
>didn't sterilize all objects and foodstuffs with ammonia before bringing into domicile
>didn't mix bleach and ammonia once inside to disinfect the air entering said domicile through the many leaks
You're gonna get a sore throat, bro.

No, you just want to bully me like usual...

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greetings friends i noticed the last few threads i have sifted through doesnt have enough oc so make some lazy anons what else can you do right now?

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>be /nbg/
>only #10
>no argiebro with script to bake threads like a machine
>no funposting
>no doomers
How can /nbg/ even compete with /cvg/?

No :3
I want you to fart on my face.

Also the nothingburgers were not as rampant as they are now
t. Jan vet

You have made airborne aids?

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just like all the chinese reporters and whistle blowers who "quarantined" only to never be seen again? pure [[[coincidence]]]


>Ohio man dies from COVID-19 after criticizing governor’s coronavirus lockdown as ‘madness’

Many such cases

ask Christ for help
Lord Jesus Christ Son of God have mercy on me a sinner

God I hope youre a twink, listen baby, I'll give you everything you want/need. All I need you ask? Just that pretty pink boii BUCCI is all. God damn I can smell it already all sweaty and stinky and ready for a viscous hot load.. Mmmmmmmm whiteboys

>you just want to serve le joos and le shekels
>there is no reason people should need to continuously gather resources to survive

Socialism, everybody

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It's 4 AM.
I'm going to sleep, have a good night friends, see you tomorrow.

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Anyone else at peace with death in their life and not panicked over this being the end of the world and life as we knew it?

Don't be sad I am sure they only bully out of love. Just tsundere that is all

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>We want to resume normal life. That simple. PLEASE explain what, exactly, are we waiting for while we stay inside?
And what are we going to do about it? It wasn't us who put them up and we don't have the power to do that. I don't really have to prove anything to you tbqh, it's your choice to go out and contract corona.

>If your answer is "a vaccine" then I posit to you this dilemma: It is entirely possible a vaccine will never come...
I agree. I also agree we can't stay quarantined for that long. I don't know the long term effects this will cause but I just know that lifting the quarantines will just make happen what the quarantines prevented, which is even more deaths.

I fear the virus, but I really just don't get what it is you guys are trying to prove. Some of us don't care if you go out and are just watching with a bit of excitement how your politicians are ready to sacrifice you like lambs while they give even more money to companies than what they gave you all as stimulus.

One of the biggest reasons quarantines have been set has also been because it avoids medical systems becoming overwhelmed, which is eventually what happens when people act like nothing is happening. That's also what will occur in a few weeks (inb4 muh 2 weeks meme) in Florida.

And yeah, there's no escape either.

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Nn, hans.

Based virus cancelled my ex gf's wedding in May

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its now confirmed that mild cases cause bloodclots, even in healthy people

everybody who have gotten through it are walking timebombs


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get over her user

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Indeed. Listen carefully.

noooooo not my heckin spicarinos! i sure hope the niggly wigglys in oakland are okay! this has done put me into a shoot!

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Our governor only reports the deaths of Florida residents despite the fact that huge portions of the state are filled with snow birds who live here half the year and technically are residents of other states.
No one knows what the real death total is in Florida right now but I imagine its much higher than 927

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Can confirm. It makes me horny

>have these ready made templates to make sweet oc goys
>are funding to create hysteria is drying up now so we need you to do it for free
>heh how can those neets compete with our international media conglomerates and paid for hysteria
>check our phat scripts using think tank numbers
>hella rad

Good night, sleep tight!!

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Great news.

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Dude wtf

Dude, just take the pinkpill.. I did after my fiancé left me at the altar. I gave them up entirely and have been hooking up with twinks ever since. Its basically the same thing without the bullshit.

>have to make due with good, functioning products instead of shopping for %20 sales on new things every weekend

please dont be sad :c

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I remember when the nothingburgers called us schitzos, but now it is the nothingburgers who are full tilt schitzo.

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the governor of Florida (((Ron desantis))) should be crucified for how terrible he is managing the crisis

Real shit: Cults do this whole "if you don't believe you'll die" all the time. It's their bread and butter. The fact that they feed this shit to you fags shows they have nothing but contempt for your intellect. That feeling is warranted but still.


the same scene of trucks disinfecting the streets I saw on wuhan a few months ago now I seen in my street. feels surreal

We are simply being held hostage by HAPPENOORS, by the MSM hype machine - basically a collective delusion or "Spectacle" that's unfolding. Most governments didn't even want to react like this at first, but hysteria was spreading among the public. Here in Australia people I know IRL were calling for the government to shut the borders (shut down all flights) immediately, back in Feb. There are still HUGE numbers of people who only get their news from mainstream sources and don't analyse it critically - so all those stories about "mass burials" on Hart Island which made the rounds internationally - they may be rubbish to you and I, being able to read the facts for ourselves - but for huge numbers of people, they believe it and won't revise their belief unless the MSM itself makes a huge effort.

We basically just have to ride this out till everyone gets bored enough for the tides to change.

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Are you gay?