Ironically, some pajeetas are fuckerble while all pajeets are disgustingly ugly, stinky and goofy

Ironically, some pajeetas are fuckerble while all pajeets are disgustingly ugly, stinky and goofy.

Attached: DYjdmKhWsAAI6xy.jpg (1200x675, 175.22K)

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>Imagine the smell

congratulations on discovering your heterosexuality i guess


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Why is their skin color like shit ?
Like all kinds of shades of shit lol

All the lower class ones look like shit but the higher caste ones are sometimes passable.

Female poos are well-known for being slutty, shallow and material. They are unaware of their poo skin and shit smell and have a strong tendency to act like white roasties. and most of them are sjw feminazis.

>imagine wanting to fuck a poo
Better get some wet wipes so you can wipe away the crusted on shit from her pussy and asshole before going in.

This, this, a hundred times THIS. Many of them are super leftist and have that pseudointellectual tone to them, and the real kicker is 99% of them will talk shit on white people then praise white cock. In highschool all my advanced classes were filled with poojeetas talking about how their goal was to marry a tall, rich white dude. It's much like east Asians really, the women are extrneley shallow race traitors and the sad thing is white men fall for it. If poos and bugmen would grow a pair and gain some nationalism the world would be a better place.

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ive heard that indian girls are much more demanding than people think i was told theyre copying white girls so you must be good looking, affluent, highly educated, or otherwise a white man from america or west europe lol

Sorry Patel, no one wants to fuck those PooGolems you call pajeetas

>some pajeetas are fuckerble while all pajeets are disgustingly ugly, stinky and goofy.

That’s true for every race, if you’re a straight man. All races of women are hot to me while the guys are ugly

All of Asia is like this. Only the UK, USA, Canada have better looking men than women.

But how do you know they’re really women?

Alpha Male Punjabi Here,

These are all lower caste south indians. The northern indians of punjab pretty much mog most white people or any other race. I've mogged tons of white guys.

Imagine the smell

i love feet, marry me

>It's much like east Asians

Except they don't lust for whites half as hard, and they're at least somewhat aryan. At least the northern Indians.

There's been alot of racial propaganda about Africans. Truth is Asian women represent a much bigger threat to the fidelity of the race. Their lust for white men is UNPRECEDENTED, pic related.

And think, this is with ZERO generations of racial marxism propaganda. Z E R O

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they handwipe back to front

Pateejism will rule the world

It's funny you say that but the wealthier chadpreets I've met in America have usually been Southern. The northern ones obviously tend to have lighter skin but are fatter and shorter (or wear one of those weird turban things).

I was fapping to poo women earlier

ruminate on their redolence

Attached: sniff.webm (854x480, 1.63M)

same with asian males (sorry)

imagine if each white man bleached dozens of Indian women and their offspring for 3 generations. just found us another 100 million huwhites

Yeah very similar but not to the same extent. However, east Asian immigrants have been in society much longer than Indians, so give it a generation or two and the line will be blurred. Also LOL the whole northern aryan thing is hilarious, the north has had so much racemixing from empire shifts over time that they're more mutts that Americans. You may not like the darker southerners but at least they tend to be racially pure.

>Why is their skin color like shit ?
Like all kinds of shades of shit lol
Indians love to eat shit, love to be in the shit pool.

Attached: cowshit.gif (1600x1066, 945.32K)

Central European men look pretty good to
And Congo men look bad but their women look worse

I unstantly smelled masalla

I wish these Pajeet posters who live outside india would fuck off back to where they came from and take their second generation modi fandom with them

Indians want to fuck some hot successful white doctor or lawyer. Basically who there parents want them to date except white.

East Asians on the other hand will fuck any basedboy or “starving artist” just cause his skin is white

Pajeets are some of the best posters here.